Comics and Movies

Up until today, everything I knew about the Silver Surfer came from Jessica Alba's Fantastic 4 movie. The animated series is now on Disney+, and while the writing is really bad, the story is awesome and so original. Is the series true to the comics?
Important note: The Falcon is retired. Sam Wilson is now Captain America as seen in last year's The Falcon and the Winter Soldier.

I hope by now that is not a spoiler. If it helps, think Cap but with wings. :muttley:

For non-geeks reading the thread, Wilson becoming Captain America is comics book canon and not something newly conceived solely for the MCU. The event occurred in the Captain America title issue #25 back in 2014.

Comic books are one thing, But I don’t think that’s going to work for the movies, starting with Black Panther 2. Sorry, to me there is no black panther without Chadwick Boseman. Might as well just reboot. And yes, Chris Evans has claimed the Capt America role, Just like no one will fill Robert Downey’s shoes as Iron Man. And just like Warner Bros. had to wait over 30 years before even coming close to a Superman replacement for Christopher Reeve that worked. Some guys and gals just claim the role and better make sure there is a heck of a new talent in the part.
That's something I've never been fond of, Captain America is too much of an icon. Steve Rogers is Captain America, Sam Wilson is just The Falcon with a different costume. I think you can substitute heroes with other people if the identity is meant to be secret, for the most part.

The Dallas Cowboys are America's Team and it's fine to give the "88" jersey to the next up and coming WR, but I never called Aikman "Captain America". And it doesn't matter what Washington changes it's name to, they'll always be the "name that may not be mentioned" :p
Superhero names have been kicked around fairly often in DC and Marvel for a long time. Both Captain and Ms. Marvel are two examples. How do you feel about Kal-El's son Jonathan being Superman in the far future? :p
Up until today, everything I knew about the Silver Surfer came from Jessica Alba's Fantastic 4 movie. The animated series is now on Disney+, and while the writing is really bad, the story is awesome and so original. Is the series true to the comics?
Pretty much.
Comic books are one thing, But I don’t think that’s going to work for the movies, starting with Black Panther 2. Sorry, to me there is no black panther without Chadwick Boseman. Might as well just reboot. And yes, Chris Evans has claimed the Capt America role, Just like no one will fill Robert Downey’s shoes as Iron Man. And just like Warner Bros. had to wait over 30 years before even coming close to a Superman replacement for Christopher Reeve that worked. Some guys and gals just claim the role and better make sure there is a heck of a new talent in the part.
Have this distinct feeling these next MCU phases will be disappointing the crap out of some folks. :p

Christopher Reeve was perfect for his era. The character evolved from his time though, just as it had evolved from George Reeves' era before him.

Some will always compare Henry Cavill to Reeve but it is both unnecessary and irrelevant. Cavill was real good casting for the more modern version of the character. He was certainly exponentially better than Brandon Routh ever was.
Have this distinct feeling these next MCU phases will be disappointing the crap out of some folks. :p

Christopher Reeve was perfect for his era. The character evolved from his time though, just as it had evolved from George Reeves' era before him.

Some will always compare Henry Cavill to Reeve but it is both unnecessary and irrelevant. Cavill was real good casting for the more modern version of the character. He was certainly exponentially better than Brandon Routh ever was.
I never cared for Christopher Reeve, myself. He always seemed like a nerd, even as Superman. To me, his portrayal of Supes was akin to Pierce Brosnan playing 007.
I never cared for Christopher Reeve, myself. He always seemed like a nerd, even as Superman. To me, his portrayal of Supes was akin to Pierce Brosnan playing 007.
In his and his peers' defense, actors' portrayals are often framed and limited by the type of movie or show they are playing in. And everyone should remember Reeve's movies were patterned closely to the character's comic book titles of the late 1960's and early 1970's, when the character was a kinder, gentler, stiffer than a board Last Son of Krypton.
Christopher Reeve was the reason I started loving movies as a child. All of my friends wanted to be Superman.

He was perfect. His look, his size, his stature, how he played Clark, how he looked into everyone's eyes and made them feel suddenly calm and hopeful, etc.

I could go on and on, but I feel his casting is on par with Harrison Ford as Indiana Jones (they almost whiffed with Tom Selleck) or Stallone as Rocky (I know Stallone insisted, but I doubt anyone else would've made those movies what they are.)

Having said all of that, Cavill has done well with what he's been given.
Superhero names have been kicked around fairly often in DC and Marvel for a long time. Both Captain and Ms. Marvel are two examples. How do you feel about Kal-El's son Jonathan being Superman in the far future? :p
It depends on a hero by hero basis. The whole Captain Marvel thing.....meh. The character was never very popular, but they really wanted to keep the name, so kept retconning until something :p

Superman's son, I'd be cool with that, Green Lantern too, since it's not the person, it's the wielder of the ring. Captain America is an iconic character, but would have been an iconic person in that world. Falcon was an established hero and would have been an iconic person in his own right, so why assume someone else's name? I get he admired and respected Cap, but there was no need to assume the name to carry on the spirit and responsibilities of Cap. The shield didn't give Cap his powers, Falcon has his own set of skills, he could always carry the shield in a way to honor him, but shouldn't need to give up his identity to do it.

Kinda like my Washington Football Team analogy, it won't matter what they change the name to, Sam will always be the Falcon and news reporters would slip up and still call him Falcon, guys in bars arguing he'll always be Falcon. Is he going to change Redwing's name to "Commander" now too? :p

Honestly, there was no need to age Steve Rogers out to begin with, it's comics, otherwise most long time characters should have been aged out.
Heavy Metal Announces 'Metalverse' with Action-Packed Teaser


Heavy Metal
wants a piece of that universe pie! The iconic, long-running sci-fi, fantasy and horror publisher has announced something big. The Metalverse, the project will be a slate of both live-action and animated shows and films!

The trailer starts off with clips of various interviews from notable directors of all kinds, ranging from Ridley Scott, Guillermo Del Toro and Jon Favreau, and zooming out until we see the Heavy Metal logo before flickering to black. Then, we are introduced to Taarna, the star of Heavy Metal’s first movie and symbol of all things Heavy Metal. Taarna dons her famous outfit, her sword, and heads off to battle! :omg:

Tommy Coriale, president and head of studio at Heavy metal, presented the preview with much excitement at San Diego Comic-Com. Coriale promises just as much fun and excitement as always with the new project.

"Just as Heavy Metal Magazine changed the way the world looked at comic books, and how the '81 animated film Heavy Metal changed animation forever, Heavy Metal Studios is about to take the reins on live-action content and push it far past its current stagnation and into new heights. Things will never be the same again, again."


I can't post the clip of the Teaser Trailer, due to the live action Taarna scene (yes live action Taarna!), but there's several other properties shown and mentioned also. For me this is probably the biggest news I've heard from SDCC. I almost pulled a "Paul Revere" and started shouting "Taarna is Coming!" throughout the neighborhood, but realized I don't have a horse or one of those chicken/pterodactyl things. :p
Christopher Reeve was the reason I started loving movies as a child. All of my friends wanted to be Superman.

He was perfect. His look, his size, his stature, how he played Clark, how he looked into everyone's eyes and made them feel suddenly calm and hopeful, etc.

I could go on and on, but I feel his casting is on par with Harrison Ford as Indiana Jones (they almost whiffed with Tom Selleck) or Stallone as Rocky (I know Stallone insisted, but I doubt anyone else would've made those movies what they are.)

Having said all of that, Cavill has done well with what he's been given.


So well said. I completely agree.

And it’s a shame about Henry Cavill. I think they have a great modern day Superman in him, but poor decisions continue to squander that.
Comic books are one thing, But I don’t think that’s going to work for the movies, starting with Black Panther 2. Sorry, to me there is no black panther without Chadwick Boseman. Might as well just reboot. And yes, Chris Evans has claimed the Capt America role, Just like no one will fill Robert Downey’s shoes as Iron Man. And just like Warner Bros. had to wait over 30 years before even coming close to a Superman replacement for Christopher Reeve that worked. Some guys and gals just claim the role and better make sure there is a heck of a new talent in the part.

We enjoyed these particular actors who successfully portray their character roles so well, that we get set in our ways and denial that we may not want to accept any
other portraying acting performers, imo.

i get it too, .. i also don't want it to end with the Boswick, Downey, and Evans, because it feels like there's so much more that was left to be done, and we've been enjoying
them so much. Boswick was such an astounding pure actor as from his days of.. " 42 " movie.

When they re-cast Wolverine, it's gonna be very awkward with a new Logan outside Hugh Jackman- because he's been so overdone by Fox Studios.

But as the saying goes, " the show must go on " ... how many Superman's and Batman's..and Spiderman's have we seen and will keep seeing over time ?
It depends on a hero by hero basis. The whole Captain Marvel thing.....meh. The character was never very popular, but they really wanted to keep the name, so kept retconning until something :p

Superman's son, I'd be cool with that, Green Lantern too, since it's not the person, it's the wielder of the ring. Captain America is an iconic character, but would have been an iconic person in that world. Falcon was an established hero and would have been an iconic person in his own right, so why assume someone else's name? I get he admired and respected Cap, but there was no need to assume the name to carry on the spirit and responsibilities of Cap. The shield didn't give Cap his powers, Falcon has his own set of skills, he could always carry the shield in a way to honor him, but shouldn't need to give up his identity to do it.

Kinda like my Washington Football Team analogy, it won't matter what they change the name to, Sam will always be the Falcon and news reporters would slip up and still call him Falcon, guys in bars arguing he'll always be Falcon. Is he going to change Redwing's name to "Commander" now too? :p

Honestly, there was no need to age Steve Rogers out to begin with, it's comics, otherwise most long time characters should have been aged out.
WHOA! WHOA! WHOA! Mentioning WASHINGTON??? C'mon! We're having a civil discussion here! :muttley:

The reasoning for the passing of Cap's mantle was explained well in the comics and in both Avengers: Endgame and The Falcon and the Winter Soldier also. The causes leading up to the transition were different between the two mediums but neither were universally accepted.

I have read and heard reactions to the change from both comic book and movie fans alike. Humans and change do not always mesh well but the Steve Rogers/Sam Wilson change is one I never delve deeply into.

Of course, I am not an exception to change either. And I have a bone to pick with any justification or rational about a character's popularity leading to change. It has been argued the original Captain Marvel's popularity was directly impacted by Marvel's lack of solid commitment to telling his story.

Regardless, Mar-Vell (the original superhero, not Annette Benning :D ) did have a fanbase for his 15 years of fictional life and I was definitely one of them. His origin as a minority in Kree society struck a chord within me from the moment I first starting reading his title. His abilities and Nega-bands were extraordinary, which makes it even more strange why Marvel was not more committed in his storytelling. And his costume uniform remains one of the best designs I have ever see drawn in any comics line--Marvel, DC, whatever. It was certainly far superior to his first short-lived uniform, THAT'S for sure. :laugh:

The publisher was modest about his life on paper but did have him go out in grand style, which is still a strange contradiction. Maybe they felt bad for his fans, lol? Marvel took full advantage of killing him off with the launch of its graphic novel line:


Not nearly as impressive as The Death of Superman (issue #75 of the Superman title) but still comes in second for me. Heck. Even Thanos was momentarily humbled by Mar-Vell's passing. Now THAT's respect. :p
But as the saying goes, " the show must go on " ... how many Superman's and Batman's..and Spiderman's have we seen and will keep seeing over time ?
Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster created an American mythology that began with Action Comics #1 in 1938. It does not matter how anyone, living or dead, has judged comics book superheroes. It is a fact they have interwoven into practically every culture on Earth.

Someone can venture to any part of the globe and ask someone else, "Who is Superman? Who is Batman? Who is Spider-Man?" You may not necessarily get the same answer but you will almost always get an answer.

Other types of mythologies, like Greek and Roman, have survived for millennia. So you ask how many Supermans, Batmans and Spider-Mans will been seen over time?

Short answer? A freakishly large number of them for a long time. :D

I can't post the clip of the Teaser Trailer, due to the live action Taarna scene (yes live action Taarna!), but there's several other properties shown and mentioned also. For me this is probably the biggest news I've heard from SDCC. I almost pulled a "Paul Revere" and started shouting "Taarna is Coming!" throughout the neighborhood, but realized I don't have a horse or one of those chicken/pterodactyl things. :p
Thanks for posting (and thanks for not posting the trailer :thumbup: ) but I am kinda confused. The Taarna scene is definitely original (very excited to see that) and something I have not seen as live action. However, the rest of the trailer includes some mashups of previous material. Even at first glance, I recognized cuts from Jumanji and the last Tomb Raider. Why would an official trailer for an upcoming movie contain stuff from unrelated previously made movies? :huh:
'Black Panther: Wakanda Forever' trailer nabs 172 million views in 24 hours, one of Marvel's biggest
By Variety/NBC News/
July 26, 2022


The “Black Panther: Wakanda Forever” teaser trailer nabbed 172 million views in its first 24 hours, becoming one of the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s top trailer debuts for a superhero movie, a source close to Marvel confirmed the viewership number to Variety. The “Wakanda Forever” teaser’s viewership nearly doubled the 88 million views the original “Black Panther” teaser garnered in 2017.

The teaser also set social media ablaze, with topics relating to “Black Panther” garnering over 893,000 mentions. Chadwick Boseman, Namor, Shuri, T’Challa, Ryan Coogler and Angela Bassett all became national trending topics after the teaser’s debut, and the hashtag #WakandaForever held the No. 1 trending spot for over five consecutive hours.

By pulling in 172 million views in its first 24 hours, “Black Panther: Wakanda Forever” becomes one of the top trailer launches for a standalone Marvel movie following titles like the “Spider-Man: No Way Home” teaser (the biggest ever with 355.5 million views) and the “Thor: Love and Thunder” teaser (209 million views). Four “Avengers” trailers also pulled in bigger numbers: “Avengers: Endgame” teaser (289 million), “Avengers: Endgame” final trailer (268 million), “Avengers: Infinity War” teaser (230 million) and “Avengers: Infinity War” final trailer (179 million).

It should be noted that unlike many of these aforementioned Marvel movies, the “Black Panther: Wakanda Forever” teaser launched on a Saturday night at around 9:20 p.m. ET. That’s not exactly the most desired time slot for a trailer debut, as most trailers release weekday mornings and take advantage of the workday re-watch factor.
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MCU Rumor Reveals When the X-Men Reboot Will Release
By Savannah Sanders | The Direct
July 26, 2022


According to journalist and former Birth. Movies. Death. editor-in-chief Devin Faraci, via Cinema Sangha, the reason why mutants weren't announced at Marvel's Hall H panel is that Marvel Studios can't make their X-Men movie until at least 2025 due to "the contractual situation with the original Fox stuff:"

Despite the introduction of mutants at the end of Ms. Marvel, there's no mutants in Phase 5. I know why. I know why there's no mutants. I know why this is going to take a while. There might be individual mutants, there might be other characters that show a certain interest. The reason why is the contractual situation with the original Fox stuff is going to be in effect until 2025. So, if they don't want to use those actors, then they have to wait until that contract all expires.

Whether this information is true remains to be seen. However, if this is the case, it's worth noting that Marvel Studios has seemingly stuck to the parameters of the contract thus far.


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@Roadtrip635 , it is ONLY a rumor. So far. :p

Heavy Metal Announces 'Metalverse' with Action-Packed Teaser


Heavy Metal
wants a piece of that universe pie! The iconic, long-running sci-fi, fantasy and horror publisher has announced something big. The Metalverse, the project will be a slate of both live-action and animated shows and films!

The trailer starts off with clips of various interviews from notable directors of all kinds, ranging from Ridley Scott, Guillermo Del Toro and Jon Favreau, and zooming out until we see the Heavy Metal logo before flickering to black. Then, we are introduced to Taarna, the star of Heavy Metal’s first movie and symbol of all things Heavy Metal. Taarna dons her famous outfit, her sword, and heads off to battle! :omg:

Tommy Coriale, president and head of studio at Heavy metal, presented the preview with much excitement at San Diego Comic-Com. Coriale promises just as much fun and excitement as always with the new project.

"Just as Heavy Metal Magazine changed the way the world looked at comic books, and how the '81 animated film Heavy Metal changed animation forever, Heavy Metal Studios is about to take the reins on live-action content and push it far past its current stagnation and into new heights. Things will never be the same again, again."


I can't post the clip of the Teaser Trailer, due to the live action Taarna scene (yes live action Taarna!), but there's several other properties shown and mentioned also. For me this is probably the biggest news I've heard from SDCC. I almost pulled a "Paul Revere" and started shouting "Taarna is Coming!" throughout the neighborhood, but realized I don't have a horse or one of those chicken/pterodactyl things. :p
Without saying a word, this woman shows that she's a terrible actor. Surely there are other strippers who look more like Taarna.
After watching 9 episodes of Silver Surfer, I've come to the conclusion that he gets his shiny butt kicked...a lot.
MCU Rumor Reveals When the X-Men Reboot Will Release
By Savannah Sanders | The Direct
July 26, 2022


According to journalist and former Birth. Movies. Death. editor-in-chief Devin Faraci, via Cinema Sangha, the reason why mutants weren't announced at Marvel's Hall H panel is that Marvel Studios can't make their X-Men movie until at least 2025 due to "the contractual situation with the original Fox stuff:"

Whether this information is true remains to be seen. However, if this is the case, it's worth noting that Marvel Studios has seemingly stuck to the parameters of the contract thus far.


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@Roadtrip635 , it is ONLY a rumor. So far. :p
If true, that would make sense, but right now I don't care, I've been thoroughly distracted by a Heavy Metal Universe and an upcoming Taarna live action movie! :yourock:

As far as the clip goes, it certainly looked like a fan made type clip and that kinda quality concerns me when used for an announcement, but as Mulder might say "I want to believe"! :D
I don't think the Taarna scene is from an actual movie, think it was made just for the trailer. I haven't seen any dates for anything not really much other info either. Taarna is supposed to be the first movie, but have no idea of where they are in the process. The first project is an animated series called "Moon Lake" which will be a horror anthology, kinda like an animated "Twilight Zone", it's under production but don't know how far they are or where/when it will be available.

Heavy Metal seems to have been fairly irrelevant for awhile, but really hope they can find some success, there is such an untapped wealth of characters and stories across several genres. All we can do now is sit and wait. :popcorn:

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