Not to be too mean or inflammatory here, but there's a reason why nobody can take this rant seriously...
CowboyWay;2119052 said:
I have to agree with the OP. That team is headed for a downward spiral big time.
1. You go as your qb goes. Campbell stinks and has shown very little. Quincy 2.0 with the only difference being that Q-Car Spoke better English.
Except there are extremely clear differences between the two. Take a look at their statistics if you don't believe me. Regardless, I can post the plethora of differences between the two and you would respond with a half coherent rant like, but they both throw inaccurately, if you don't believe me, look at the games (as if you have all of the old QC games saved on your DVR and regularly review them). Either way, nobody can definitively evaluate a QB at JC's stage and anyone who pretends to is either delusional or a lying fool.
CowboyWay;2119052 said:
2. Offensive line is really getting up there in age. They have talent there sure, but can they stay healthy is the big question. I don't believe they can.
Based on what? Jansen had the first season ending injury that wasn't a complete accident this year. You believe he can't come back from one injury? Same goes with Thomas. His early exit in 05 was a freak accident that could have happened to anyone.
CowboyWay;2119052 said:
3. The recievers are painfully average. Santana was their best, but he's only a #2. ARE would be a decent #3. As far as the two rookie WR's they drafted, they certainly won't help them this year, and I believe both are busts. There is a reason they both dropped out of the 2nd round.
You believe they are both busts, before they ever strap on the cleats??? They didn't slip out of the 2nd round, they were taken in the second round. Either way, TO and Chad Johnson were both slipped out of the second round, I guess they are hopeless as well.
CowboyWay;2119052 said:
4. Portis is a little injury prone, but you have to like the kids heart. I can't say anything bad about him. Same goes for Cooley. Hard not to like that kid.
Portis had one career ending injury in his career and is two years removed from that. It's like calling Colombo injury prone, it's grasping at straws. Sure, he had an injury, but I think having gone two seasons relatively injury free, we can assume he's past that.
CowboyWay;2119052 said:
Smoot. Awful
Carlos rodgers God Awful
Shawn Springs. Can still play if he's healthy. But getting up there in age.
Linebackers. Serviceable
Dline. Decrepid. Poor, poor, poor. Some are also collecting Social Security
How can I argue with that scintilating analysis? Yet, somehow with that horrible defense, we managed to post a defense ranked 8th in the league (the Cowboys were ranked 9th BTW). Throw in another year of progression for Montgomery, Wilson and Rocky McIntosh, we should be a bit better...
CowboyWay;2119052 said:
Coaching. They have more turnover than the 3rd shift at Waffle House. Zorn is way over his head. He doesn't even know the colors of own team. How do you go from QB coach to Head Coach? Nobody in the league wanted that job, and lil Danny knew it. Gibbs left that team in shambles. Traded away draft picks like they were baseball cards and never infused any young talent on an aging and expensive roster. If a coach had done what he Gibbs did in Dallas, I'd be pissed. He will destroy that team for the next 5 years until they rebuild through the draft.
The last QB coach to head coach convert I can remember is Andy Reid. I'm pretty sure he's done okay with his team... The Eagles or something... Nobody wanted the job? Are you kidding me? The Cards didn't have a problem finding a coach that "wanted the job" nor did the Raiders. Snyder is an awesome owner compared to those two franchises.
Either way, if you avoided the absurd hyperbole and actually came close to acknowledging reality, everyone could take you more seriously. If you would have said, I don't think JC is the answer, he just doesn't seem to have it and I don't like their receivers, they just don't project well to the NFL because of X, Y and Z and Moss is inconsistent, I think you'd have some points and credibility.
Instead, it came across like a bizarro ES post.