Commanders... a mammoth disaster in the making

Vintage;2121330 said:
Hell, 500 is nothing either, if you think the Cowboys are going to win.

Why not make it real interesting? A couple of grand?

I mean, since you have the "nuzzacks" why not make it really interesting...? If you are so confident the Cowboys will win, you can clear a couple of grand easily. And if they don't, it should hurt you some....

If I did over a thousand it would be to some charity - not to a message board.

I actually think this is a good idea.

I'm sure both forums - extremeskins & cowboyszone could raise a nice amount of money for some worthwhile cause.

If someone can get this going I pledge $1000.
Vintage;2121330 said:
Hell, 500 is nothing either, if you think the Cowboys are going to win.

Why not make it real interesting? A couple of grand?

I mean, since you have the "nuzzacks" why not make it really interesting...? If you are so confident the Cowboys will win, you can clear a couple of grand easily. And if they don't, it should hurt you some....
It ain't nothing if you don't bet your soul.

*that was sarcasm for this is getting ridiculous*
firehawk350;2121395 said:
It ain't nothing if you don't bet your soul.

*that was sarcasm for this is getting ridiculous*


If the money would go to a worthwhile cause it's a win/win situation.

Something along the lines of underprivileged youth football leagues etc.

I'm not saying that I throw money away, but the wife and I do donate to charities around our community...

The winners get to talk trash to the losers and a worthwhile cause benefits as well.

Nothing wrong with that...
There was a funny exchange between James Washington and Deuce Staley this morning on Shemon and J-Dub's show. They were talking to Deuce about the Celtics, and J-Dub said something like this;

"Deuce, what are your thoughtson a team buying a championship? Kind of like the 49ers in 1994, bought a team to compete with the Dallas Cowboys, kind of strikes home with me?"

and Deuce said

"Kind of like Dan Snyder tried to do, only it never worked."

kapolani;2121347 said:
If I did over a thousand it would be to some charity - not to a message board.

I actually think this is a good idea.

I'm sure both forums - extremeskins & cowboyszone could raise a nice amount of money for some worthwhile cause.

If someone can get this going I pledge $1000.

Not a bad idea. Something the mods on both sites could try for

I think a worthwhile cause would be great
TOOMBS;2119771 said:
LOL, I love it. A giants reject is now the new saviour of the Skins offense. The sentence after that is pure comedy........... typical Skins fan crud.


2nd skins fan post, "I LOVE THAT THEY ALL IGNORE US...... THAT WAY WE SNEAK UNDER THE RADAR!" *lol that is Rucking Fidiculous*

I just wish I could put into words the amount of lame eminating from our nation's capitol.

Saviour of the offense? Never say he will be next Randy Moss or Chad Johnson but I did say he can help in the redzone. What I seen from him last season, he got good speed for his size and dont know if he can jump but maybe we see in preseason. I do feel he will be a match up problem in red zone for defense. I do like Mix chance in redzone with Mix vs Pacman. Football is all about match up. kelly, thomas and Davis will be hard to match up with talent we already had. If you fooling yourself Commanders dont got talents on offense.
Redskins2008;2121860 said:
Saviour of the offense? Never say he will be next Randy Moss or Chad Johnson but I did say he can help in the redzone. What I seen from him last season, he got good speed for his size and dont know if he can jump but maybe we see in preseason. I do feel he will be a match up problem in red zone for defense. I do like Mix chance in redzone with Mix vs Pacman. Football is all about match up. kelly, thomas and Davis will be hard to match up with talent we already had. If you fooling yourself Commanders dont got talents on offense.

Holy crap...

Don't they teach diction and grammar in our school systems anymore?
kapolani;2121868 said:
Holy crap...

Don't they teach diction and grammar in our school systems anymore?
Diction: Degree of clarity and distinctness of pronunciation in speech or singing; enunciation

How in the world do you know if he has good diction by his writing???
firehawk350;2122836 said:
Diction: Degree of clarity and distinctness of pronunciation in speech or singing; enunciation

How in the world do you know if he has good diction by his writing???

Diction: choice of words especially with regard to correctness, clearness, or effectiveness

You really should make sure you're absolutely correct when you're going to try and correct someone, mkay?

L2checkyoursources noob...
sonnyboy;2118646 said:
I hear you. That franchise is a train wreck. I started an interesting thread on what its like to be a redsucks fan. But it was a little too close to the Rogers tragedy and some of our more sensitive members got their panties in a bunch and had it removed.
They are a wreck.:lmao2:
SkinsHokieFan;2120873 said:
Fair enough for me. Deal

Sorry for the late reply, had stuff to do :)

Edit: Don't know why I was being a cheapass. Lets make it 50.00

Ok, SkinsHokieFan...$50.00 it is, Reality can use the coin to help run this website, either from you or's all good.

Now, you are on your own with all those other bets!! :eek:


P.S. - Don't make Art pay your tab, sucker!!!
SkinsHokieFan;2120459 said:
The obsession of a Cowboys fan never lacks any bounds


Have you been on the ExtremeSkins site in the last I don't know, 15 mins? Just about every other post is a Cowboys related thread. Talk about obsession much
firehawk350;2124620 said:
Says the pot to the kettle.

Main Entry: dic·tion
Pronunciation: \ˈdik-shən\
Function: noun
Etymology: Latin diction-, dictio speaking, style, from dicere to say; akin to Old English tēon to accuse, Latin dicare to proclaim, dedicate, Greek deiknynai to show, dikē judgment, right
Date: 1581

1 obsolete : verbal description
2: choice of words especially with regard to correctness, clearness, or effectiveness
3 a: vocal expression : enunciation b: pronunciation and enunciation of words in singing

thewireman;2124059 said:

Have you been on the ExtremeSkins site in the last I don't know, 15 mins? Just about every other post is a Cowboys related thread. Talk about obsession much

And how many of those threads mention how much CZ sucks, or someone was banned from CZ for "nothing"?
Sonny#9;2125783 said:
And how many of those threads mention how much CZ sucks, or someone was banned from CZ for "nothing"?
We don't ban for nothing and have never had that reputation.

If anything we've been castigated for allowing too much before we do ban.
SkinsHokieFan;2120459 said:
The obsession of a Cowboys fan never lacks any bounds

Yet here you are ..... on our board for 3 years.

Who is obsessed with who?
zrinkill;2125905 said:
Yet here you are ..... on our board for 3 years.

Who is obsessed with who?

Psst, its whom

And yea, I am a nerd. I just corrected your grammar
SkinsHokieFan;2129173 said:
Psst, its whom

And yea, I am a nerd. I just corrected your grammar

Psst. It's 'it's.'

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