Commanders... a mammoth disaster in the making

SkinsHokieFan;2120559 said:
Thats the only way to answer a question.

But if you want a response, sig bet of the winner's choosing, and the loser has to sport it on for one year

And to make it a bit more clear, if the following scenario occurs

Romo wins wildcard game, but Campbell has a first round bye and doesn't play till the following week, but wins that game, it is a tie, and vice versa if the situation occurs

Another situation. Romo injured in the first quarter with the Cowboys down 3-0, whoever your backup is leads you to win. That won't cut it

So therefore, the QB MUST start, and must play into the 3rd quarter and if he goes down his team MUST have the lead. No backup coming in and winning the game will count

:lmao2: :laugh1: :lmao2:

Sure, why not?

I'll rely on a ProBowl QB while you rely on a can of Soup! And the bold part actually works against you! Why? Because your backup QB is BETTER than your starting QB...but then again, why am I not surprised you don't know that, being an Edumacated man.
5Stars;2120578 said:
:lmao2: :laugh1: :lmao2:

Sure, why not?

I'll rely on a ProBowl QB while you rely on a can of Soup! And the bold part actually works against you! Why? Because your backup QB is BETTER than your starting QB...but then again, why am I not surprised you don't know that, being an Edumacated man.

Beautiful. And seeing how your posts probably won't get deleted (mine tend to on this site) we have it on record
SkinsHokieFan;2120588 said:
Beautiful. And seeing how your posts probably won't get deleted (mine tend to on this site) we have it on record

Yeah, it's on record. Don't hurt me too bad, OK? (with the sig thing). :laugh1:

Your team is going to be lucky to make .500 this season!
5Stars;2120592 said:
Yeah, it's on record. Don't hurt me too bad, OK? (with the sig thing). :laugh1:

Your team is going to be lucky to make .500 this season!

Probably. Clearly that has nothing to do with if your team wins a playoff game, as we have seen in recent history (2003, 2006 seasons)
SkinsHokieFan;2120588 said:
Beautiful. And seeing how your posts probably won't get deleted (mine tend to on this site) we have it on record
I was curious.

2 years and 9 months on this site, 394 posts, 5 have been deleted. Each time for Guidelines violations here.

Maybe you should read them (the Guidelines). Just saying.

It certainly isn't a case of you being censored and can't say anything here as you made this sound.
SkinsHokieFan;2120601 said:
Probably. Clearly that has nothing to do with if your team wins a playoff game, as we have seen in recent history (2003, 2006 seasons)

You're cool, SkinsHokieFan!

Let's just make this simple without all the "rules" and stuff, OK? Remember, that KISS? (keep it simple, stupid).

Let's just go with which ever team, regardless of QB, who wins a playoff game, wildcard or what ever round, that you or I donate $20.00 to CowboyZone?

In other words, if both teams make it to the playoffs :)laugh1: ) the first team eliminated donates the coin. We don't need all the stinking "well if this or well if that, or well this has to happen or that has to happen" crap.

If the Commanders win a playoff game and the Boyz don't...I donate 20 bones to CowboyZone. The same goes to you, OK?

To be fair, I made the same bet with a Pat's fan...and lost! I donated, end of story!

What you say?

Hostile;2120626 said:
I was curious.

2 years and 9 months on this site, 394 posts, 5 have been deleted. Each time for Guidelines violations here.

Maybe you should read them (the Guidelines). Just saying.

It certainly isn't a case of you being censored and can't say anything here as you made this sound.

He's just making noise without saying anything, let him have his fun.
TOOMBS;2120504 said:
Oh I get it. You are either intimidated or just trolling.

You have come to a Cowboys website and object to my excellent post detailing how ***'d up you franchise is and yet will not offer your own thoughts on the matter. I am leaning toward troll.

he's the Obsession Police, he monitors team obsession on Internet message boards, Officer Dumbly Do-right

he's just doing his job

I mean, as a member of another team's forum, he wouldn't call us obsessed, that's just crazy
SkinsHokieFan;2120559 said:
Thats the only way to answer a question.

But if you want a response, sig bet of the winner's choosing, and the loser has to sport it on for one year

And to make it a bit more clear, if the following scenario occurs

Romo wins wildcard game, but Campbell has a first round bye and doesn't play till the following week, but wins that game, it is a tie, and vice versa if the situation occurs

Another situation. Romo injured in the first quarter with the Cowboys down 3-0, whoever your backup is leads you to win. That won't cut it

So therefore, the QB MUST start, and must play into the 3rd quarter and if he goes down his team MUST have the lead. No backup coming in and winning the game will count

can we have a serious bet here, please?
SkinsHokieFan;2120601 said:
Probably. Clearly that has nothing to do with if your team wins a playoff game, as we have seen in recent history (2003, 2006 seasons)

Bob Sacamano;2120739 said:
can we have a serious bet here, please?

I tried to make a simple bet, but...he ran away! I think his Masters Degree is starting to work!


Ya know, Bob...if the Commanders win a playoff game before the Boyz do...I pay!

If the Cowboys win first...the Commander runs away!!!!

That Masters Degree made him a pretty fart smeller, I tell ya...!!


HELLO!!! SkinsHokieFan....are you out there?

5Stars;2120755 said:
I tried to make a simple bet, but...he ran away! I think his Masters Degree is starting to work!


Ya know, Bob...if the Commanders win a playoff game before the Boyz do...I pay!

If the Cowboys win first...the Commander runs away!!!!

That Masters Degree made him a pretty fart smeller, I tell ya...!!


HELLO!!! SkinsHokieFan....are you our there?


I'm just wondering what possessed him to try to include anything about the Skins being one of the top 2 NFL teams

guess he really did a get a Masters in BS
5Stars;2120630 said:
You're cool, SkinsHokieFan!

Let's just make this simple without all the "rules" and stuff, OK? Remember, that KISS? (keep it simple, stupid).

Let's just go with which ever team, regardless of QB, who wins a playoff game, wildcard or what ever round, that you or I donate $20.00 to CowboyZone?

In other words, if both teams make it to the playoffs :)laugh1: ) the first team eliminated donates the coin. We don't need all the stinking "well if this or well if that, or well this has to happen or that has to happen" crap.

If the Commanders win a playoff game and the Boyz don't...I donate 20 bones to CowboyZone. The same goes to you, OK?

To be fair, I made the same bet with a Pat's fan...and lost! I donated, end of story!

What you say?


Fair enough for me. Deal

Sorry for the late reply, had stuff to do :)

Edit: Don't know why I was being a cheapass. Lets make it 50.00
SkinsHokieFan;2120873 said:
Fair enough for me. Deal

Sorry for the late reply, had stuff to do :)

Edit: Don't know why I was being a cheapass. Lets make it 50.00

I'll take that bet for $50 if he decides not to, babe.
SkinsHokieFan;2120873 said:
Fair enough for me. Deal

Sorry for the late reply, had stuff to do :)

Edit: Don't know why I was being a cheapass. Lets make it 50.00

With a master's degree you should be able to afford more than a measly 50 dollars.

500 bones makes it worth something.

I'm down with that if you have the nuzzack...

5 > 3
kapolani;2121256 said:
With a master's degree you should be able to afford more than a measly 50 dollars.

500 bones makes it worth something.

I'm down with that if you have the nuzzack...

5 > 3

I don't want you to miss your mortgage payment my friend

Lets keep it reasonable for everyone, 50.00. Prevents people from going back on it, etc.
SkinsHokieFan;2121261 said:
I don't want you to miss your mortgage payment my friend

Lets keep it reasonable for everyone, 50.00. Prevents people from going back on it, etc.

Mortgage payment!?!

That's barely dinner out for my wife and I...

You have to make bets worth something - to make them exciting...

50 dollars barely fills the tank up in my commuter car.
kapolani;2121262 said:
Mortgage payment!?!

That's barely dinner out for my wife and I...

You have to make bets worth something - to make them exciting...

50 dollars barely fills the tank up in my commuter car.

Hell, 500 is nothing either, if you think the Cowboys are going to win.

Why not make it real interesting? A couple of grand?

I mean, since you have the "nuzzacks" why not make it really interesting...? If you are so confident the Cowboys will win, you can clear a couple of grand easily. And if they don't, it should hurt you some....

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