Commanders apologize for Portis' remarks on dog fighting; Samuels says he was wrong

Hoov;1506873 said:
Forced apologies. Id have rather he just said nothing else about the incident. The comments he made show his stance on the subject. Its so obvious the organization is making him apologize.

what good is a forced apology :shoot4:
Yeah, I saw Portis talking on the NFL Total Access show last night.

It was sort of like watching Paris Hilton talk about nuclear proliferation.

Portis is out of his depth when talking about the morality of dog fighting. He'd be better off sticking to playing football, wearing the occasional costume, and helping kids in his NFL celebrity role.
FuzzyLumpkins;1506834 said:
I wonder how many that are up in arms about this dogfighting thing hunt, fish, eat veal or any other of a myriad of human activities that are unnecessarily cruel to animals.

Anything less than a perfect shot or a baby cow in a box until it dies is no less cruel than to coerce dogs into fighting.

Personally i make it easy and just say animals < man in every way shape and form but thats just me.

Agreed, there is quite a double standard.

With the way recent events have played out, I better qualify this by saying that I DO NOT condone dog fighting or hunting.
FuzzyLumpkins;1506834 said:
I wonder how many that are up in arms about this dogfighting thing hunt, fish, eat veal or any other of a myriad of human activities that are unnecessarily cruel to animals.

I don't hunt, I don't fish, veal has never passed my lips, I don't wear fur and I don't wear leather unless it's shoes and I couldn't find a non-leather pair I liked.
FuzzyLumpkins;1506844 said:
Im just saying that there is nothing more wrong with dogfighting than there is with the veal and fur trade for example.

Its wrong to cheat on your significant other and its wrong to get too drunk. i put it into the bad but not criminal category.

Anything that's against the law falls into the criminal category...
random Cs;1506645 said:

Guilty by association. They should suspend the entire Commander team for 2 years and ban all Commanders fans from visiting NFL games for an extra two years because you rolled your eyes! :yousuck:
Rockytop6;1506670 said:
In Portis' interview he stated that if Vick wanted to fight dogs then he should do it. In his apology he said that he did not condone dog fighting. How many really believe his apology was sincere since it contradicted everything he said in the interview?
That wasn't even apology, more of clarification of his previous comments that got him in the hot water.

Ashburn, VA – The following is a statement from Commanders running back Clinton Portis regarding recent comments he made to a Norfolk, VA television station: "In the recent interview I gave concerning dog fighting, I want to make it clear I do not take part in dog fighting or condone dog fighting in any manner."

Nowhere in that statement said he was "sorry" about anything.

These apologies mean nothing. The team should give him a stern reprimand and let it go. If Portis were to be involved then action should be taken. It is really difficult to discipline anyone for being stupid.
FuzzyLumpkins;1506834 said:
I wonder how many that are up in arms about this dogfighting thing hunt, fish, eat veal or any other of a myriad of human activities that are unnecessarily cruel to animals.

Anything less than a perfect shot or a baby cow in a box until it dies is no less cruel than to coerce dogs into fighting.

Personally i make it easy and just say animals < man in every way shape and form but thats just me.
When I was a small child, I used to hunt and fish with my father, brother and uncle. At eight years old, I made a conscious decision to stop doing both.

For me, there wasn't any pleasure in taking the life of something which I might not consume. IMO, if people hunt or fish, they should do so because there is no other alternative than to feed themselves.

I must admit to eating veal on occasion, so I am guilty of that. I have also kicked a dog or two after they have gotten on my last nerve (some canines do not understand the words 'LEAVE!', 'GIT!' or 'LEAVE THAT CAT ALONE!!!' :eek:: ). As far as doing real or permanent physical harm to animals, no.
Art, the man, from ES' stance on this issue.

Originally Posted by Art

I have, blissfully, not followed this story much.

Let me start by saying I'm a huge animal lover. ...

I'm not so sure, despite my love, that I understand the "fundamental immorality" of dog fighting. Many breeds are BREED [sic] for fighting. It's what they are. It's what they do. As humans we have tried to refine the breeds, domesticating them in many ways, forcing animals to go against their very nature for our pleasure and it makes us and the dogs feel good when we do this.

But, what Portis said appears to be a reasonably reasonable statement.

Hey, if Vick wants to fight his dogs, so what. There are worse things out there happening, no matter how bad you think this is. Just relax. It isn't any of anyone else's business.

In the end, it's hard to disagree with MOST of that message.
DallasEast;1506955 said:
When I was a small child, I used to hunt and fish with my father, brother and uncle. At eight years old, I made a conscious decision to stop doing both.

For me, there wasn't any pleasure in taking the life of something which I might not consume. IMO, if people hunt or fish, they should do so because there is no other alternative than to feed themselves.

I must admit to eating veal on occasion, so I am guilty of that. I have also kicked a dog or two after they have gotten on my last nerve (some canines do not understand the words 'LEAVE!', 'GIT!' or 'LEAVE THAT CAT ALONE!!!' :eek:: ). As far as doing real or permanent physical harm to animals, no.

I still enjoy going out fishing and hunting and was raised to eat what I kill, I have never killed a thing for just the sport of it. When Deer hunting the meat I don't keep goes to a program that helps feed the homeless. I know many people don't believe it but things like Deer hunting are important to the health and well being of the overall Deer population.
You gotta love how moral outrage has to be all encompassing or it is hypocritical. How about we all have the exact same signature line and it simply says...

"If it is morally wrong then I am against it."

Not me. When someone takes a stand for something that is right I have no desire to find out where they might fall short. Maybe that's just my moral compass being out of whack. If so, then sue me.

For those who take a stand for what is right...


For those who still aren't satisified when people do take a stand for what is right...

DallasEast;1506955 said:
When I was a small child, I used to hunt and fish with my father, brother and uncle. At eight years old, I made a conscious decision to stop doing both.

For me, there wasn't any pleasure in taking the life of something which I might not consume. IMO, if people hunt or fish, they should do so because there is no other alternative than to feed themselves.

I must admit to eating veal on occasion, so I am guilty of that. I have also kicked a dog or two after they have gotten on my last nerve (some canines do not understand the words 'LEAVE!', 'GIT!' or 'LEAVE THAT CAT ALONE!!!' :eek:: ). As far as doing real or permanent physical harm to animals, no.

I have definetly killed a couple of animals on purpose. I was driving my mom's Jeep and ran over a squirrel....intentionally. I didn't actually think I would hit it but I wanted to try. I just got my license and thought "what the hell?"

I was crossing a bridge that was shut down to one lane on each side with cement barricades on each side. A raccoon was on the bridge connecting WI to IA across the Mississippi River... The raccoon got on its hind legs and tried to "attack" my oncoming Jeep. There really wasn't a ton of room to manuever, so I hit it. I didn't think risking scraping some paint was worth trying to dodge it.

I've hit a rabbit before. I have no clue as to how it happened, actually. I was attempting to swerve to miss it and the stupid thing jumped into my swerve on a country backroad near my house.
THUMPER;1506859 said:
The team should have come out with the truth: "Clinton Portis is an idiot and his remarks should in no way be connected with the Washington Commanders organization. We deplore dog fighting and do not support it in any way. We also deplore Mr. Portis' remarks and attitude towards it and will deal with him internally."
Good idea.

Can Cowboyszone say that about Fuzzy's comments?
Vintage;1506973 said:
I have definetly killed a couple of animals on purpose. I was driving my mom's Jeep and ran over a squirrel....intentionally. I didn't actually think I would hit it but I wanted to try. I just got my license and thought "what the hell?"

I was crossing a bridge that was shut down to one lane on each side with cement barricades on each side. A raccoon was on the bridge connecting WI to IA across the Mississippi River... The raccoon got on its hind legs and tried to "attack" my oncoming Jeep. There really wasn't a ton of room to manuever, so I hit it. I didn't think risking scraping some paint was worth trying to dodge it.

I've hit a rabbit before. I have no clue as to how it happened, actually. I was attempting to swerve to miss it and the stupid thing jumped into my swerve on a country backroad near my house.

Obviously you suffer from small twig and berry syndrome.
Vintage;1506973 said:
I have definetly killed a couple of animals on purpose. I was driving my mom's Jeep and ran over a squirrel....intentionally. I didn't actually think I would hit it but I wanted to try. I just got my license and thought "what the hell?"

I was crossing a bridge that was shut down to one lane on each side with cement barricades on each side. A raccoon was on the bridge connecting WI to IA across the Mississippi River... The raccoon got on its hind legs and tried to "attack" my oncoming Jeep. There really wasn't a ton of room to manuever, so I hit it. I didn't think risking scraping some paint was worth trying to dodge it.

I've hit a rabbit before. I have no clue as to how it happened, actually. I was attempting to swerve to miss it and the stupid thing jumped into my swerve on a country backroad near my house.

I'm not a religious man and am not superstitious, but you had better pray that karma isn't real. :laugh2:

My personal opinion is that to kill for fun is a sign of mental sickness...
FuzzyLumpkins;1506844 said:
Im just saying that there is nothing more wrong with dogfighting than there is with the veal and fur trade for example.

Its wrong to cheat on your significant other and its wrong to get too drunk. i put it into the bad but not criminal category.

but do we make the potentail fur coats duke it out for our pleasure and maybe lob it on pay per view?

do we have cows get into some gladiator gear screaming THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE and allow the lone survivor to not be hamburger for awhile?

this is so strange. up until today i held your opinion in pretty high regard due to how you carried yourself. but if you can't see the differences here and if you can't understand what a "reach" you're going for - then there isn't much use talking to you about it.

ya gotta hate it when a nice respect meter takes such a hit.
nyc;1507048 said:
I'm not a religious man and am not superstitious, but you had better pray that karma isn't real. :laugh2:

My personal opinion is that to kill for fun is a sign of mental sickness...

That squirrel was asking for it.
nyc;1507048 said:
I'm not a religious man and am not superstitious, but you had better pray that karma isn't real. :laugh2:

My personal opinion is that to kill for fun is a sign of mental sickness...

Karma isn't real. We are in control over our own lives. No worries on my part.

As for killing animals for fun.......people hunt for fun. I was hunting them in my parent's jeep. Pretty sure God will forgive me for taking out a couple of animals...

superpunk;1507064 said:
That squirrel was asking for it.

Oh, you have no idea. The squirrel was talking mad jack. And was wearing a Mark Brunell jersey.

I did what was best.

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