cant disagree with anything said. portis' cavalier, 'dont bother the man' attitude makes me want to vomit. i've grown to like the guy over the past couple of years, but, at the moment, he looks like a stooge.
i see someone found some comments at ES on the matter. i'm shocked there hasnt been more said about that. i've always said i call it like i see it, whether its the skins or their fans doing dumb things, or the boys. nothing bugs me more than a blind homer sticking up for imbeciles just cuz he wears your teams colors. i'm absolutely embarrassed by some of the things that have been said in defense of portis and about dog fighting in general. (i should add that its a very small minority doing the defending, thankfully)
hopefully i'll look back on this in a few weeks and not feel that way. but i doubt it.