Commanders apologize for Portis' remarks on dog fighting; Samuels says he was wrong

Vintage;1507148 said:
Oh, you have no idea. The squirrel was talking mad jack. And was wearing a Mark Brunell jersey.

No wonder you were able to run over him, you picked on a geriatric squirrel...

Natasha wants to know if you saw a moose in the vicinity at the time...
cant disagree with anything said. portis' cavalier, 'dont bother the man' attitude makes me want to vomit. i've grown to like the guy over the past couple of years, but, at the moment, he looks like a stooge.

i see someone found some comments at ES on the matter. i'm shocked there hasnt been more said about that. i've always said i call it like i see it, whether its the skins or their fans doing dumb things, or the boys. nothing bugs me more than a blind homer sticking up for imbeciles just cuz he wears your teams colors. i'm absolutely embarrassed by some of the things that have been said in defense of portis and about dog fighting in general. (i should add that its a very small minority doing the defending, thankfully)

hopefully i'll look back on this in a few weeks and not feel that way. but i doubt it.
riggo;1507228 said:
cant disagree with anything said. portis cavalier, 'dont bother the man' attitude makes me want to vomit. i've grown to like the guy over the past couple of years, but, at the moment, he looks like a stooge.

i see someone found some comments at ES on the matter. i'm shocked there hasnt been more said about that. i've always said i call it like i see it, whether its the skins or their fans doing dumb things, or the boys. nothing bugs me more than a blind homer sticking up for imbeciles just cuz he wears your teams colors. i'm absolutely embarrassed by some of the things that have been said in defense of portis and about dog fighting in general. (i should at that its a very small minority doing the defending, thankfully)

hopefully i'll look back on this in a few weeks and not feel that way. but i doubt it.
Good post. :)
Originally Posted by Art

Many breeds are BREED [sic] for fighting. It's what they are. It's what they do. As humans we have tried to refine the breeds, domesticating them in many ways, forcing animals to go against their very nature for our pleasure and it makes us and the dogs feel good when we do this.

If ignorance were a GPA, this guy would be holding down a 4.0 .

Some dogs have been bred to fight, but they do not always fight involuntarily. However, if you bred one to fight and placed one in a ring with another dog bred to do the exact same thing, well, what the hell do you expect will happen???

" makes us and the dogs feel good when we do this." - Art

Obviously, there are a lot of brothers and sisters in Art's family who have been very intimate with each other for a very long time. Oy.
riggo;1507228 said:
cant disagree with anything said. portis' cavalier, 'dont bother the man' attitude makes me want to vomit. i've grown to like the guy over the past couple of years, but, at the moment, he looks like a stooge.

i see someone found some comments at ES on the matter. i'm shocked there hasnt been more said about that. i've always said i call it like i see it, whether its the skins or their fans doing dumb things, or the boys. nothing bugs me more than a blind homer sticking up for imbeciles just cuz he wears your teams colors. i'm absolutely embarrassed by some of the things that have been said in defense of portis and about dog fighting in general. (i should add that its a very small minority doing the defending, thankfully)

hopefully i'll look back on this in a few weeks and not feel that way. but i doubt it.

I agree with you, I'm trying to look at this as a person and not a Commanders fan.

It was embarrassing for the Commanders, whether you agree with dog fighting or not (that's a different issue - that I don't want to get into), it's just stupid for Portis to act like such a complete moron for no apparent reason.

He's supposed to be a leader on the team, and he's supposed to set a good example for his teammates to follow. If you are joking, come out and say you were and apologize - however, It seemed to me more like he was still defending Vick.

I like how Samuels came out and said they were joking and apologized - to be honest, if I were there, I would have assumed he was joking; I might have laughed too, who knows - I wouldn't throw my teammate and friend under the bus in front of the world.
FuzzyLumpkins;1506834 said:
I wonder how many that are up in arms about this dogfighting thing hunt, fish, eat veal or any other of a myriad of human activities that are unnecessarily cruel to animals.

Anything less than a perfect shot or a baby cow in a box until it dies is no less cruel than to coerce dogs into fighting.

Personally i make it easy and just say animals < man in every way shape and form but thats just me.

FuzzyLumpkins, champion of the wrong
FuzzyLumpkins;1506856 said:
I could just as easily say that training a dog to be aggresive can be a form of self defense.

and you easily look foolish for saying so
riggo;1507228 said:
cant disagree with anything said. portis' cavalier, 'dont bother the man' attitude makes me want to vomit. i've grown to like the guy over the past couple of years, but, at the moment, he looks like a stooge.

i see someone found some comments at ES on the matter. i'm shocked there hasnt been more said about that. i've always said i call it like i see it, whether its the skins or their fans doing dumb things, or the boys. nothing bugs me more than a blind homer sticking up for imbeciles just cuz he wears your teams colors. i'm absolutely embarrassed by some of the things that have been said in defense of portis and about dog fighting in general. (i should add that its a very small minority doing the defending, thankfully)

hopefully i'll look back on this in a few weeks and not feel that way. but i doubt it.

Good post Riggo...... I feel the same way when a Cowboys player does or says something stupid.... Call a spade a spade and don't defend him just because he happens to play for my favorite team! That's how NOT to be a homer!:cool:
1fisher;1507306 said:
Good post Riggo...... I feel the same way when a Cowboys player does or says something stupid.... Call a spade a spade and don't defend him just because he happens to play for my favorite team! That's how NOT to be a homer!:cool:
Bob Sacamano;1507299 said:
FuzzyLumpkins, champion of the wrong

How am i wrong Summer? How is abusing an animinal in one way for nothing more than self gratification any better than doing it another?

or are you saying its alright to abuse a baby cow but its not alright to abuse a dog?
Hostile;1506970 said:
You gotta love how moral outrage has to be all encompassing or it is hypocritical. How about we all have the exact same signature line and it simply says...

"If it is morally wrong then I am against it."

Not me. When someone takes a stand for something that is right I have no desire to find out where they might fall short. Maybe that's just my moral compass being out of whack. If so, then sue me.

For those who take a stand for what is right...


For those who still aren't satisified when people do take a stand for what is right...


It is one thing to take a stand against one thing and let another go. We all have to pick our fights. it is quite another to condemn a man for doing something that you do.

This is not me looking at others as much as it is me looking at myself. i like veal for example so i in good consciousness cannot say Vick is bad for dogfighting if he indeed actually actively participated.

its something i demand of myself not just others.
FuzzyLumpkins;1507434 said:
How am i wrong Summer? How is abusing an animinal in one way for nothing more than self gratification any better than doing it another?

or are you saying its alright to abuse a baby cow but its not alright to abuse a dog?

except we have industries that are set for processing animals for our own consumption. they follow humane standards and yes, mankind eats meat. we wear fur coats (sometimes yellow ones to court!) and yes, this does end the life of the anlmals bred for such a purpose.

are you telling me you're not able to seperate that from people having dogs attack each other while bets are places?

you would have a point IF:

1. we trained the cows to stand up and fight each other to the death
2. we tortured chickens by say cooking them like a lobster cause someone thought it was funny
3. we trained fur covered animals to be violent to each other and came behind with a shop vac that spit out a coat when full

you attempt to tie the two together - no one is buying. if i were you i'd just stop the sell job and hope you get a better product to sell next time around.

like fur coats with teeth holes in them and blood stains that wouldn't come out.
FuzzyLumpkins;1507453 said:
It is one thing to take a stand against one thing and let another go. We all have to pick our fights. it is quite another to condemn a man for doing something that you do.

This is not me looking at others as much as it is me looking at myself. i like veal for example so i in good consciousness cannot say Vick is bad for dogfighting if he indeed actually actively participated.

its something i demand of myself not just others.

again - the baby cows don't go to war with each other do they? i've not seen a calf running around with face paint on going FREEDOM!!!!!!!!!!!! with people in the background going "$20 on blueface" and they fight each other to the death.

seems like you're trying to put a link there that just does't exist.
iceberg;1507460 said:
again - the baby cows don't go to war with each other do they? i've not seen a calf running around with face paint on going FREEDOM!!!!!!!!!!!! with people in the background going "$20 on blueface" and they fight each other to the death.

seems like you're trying to put a link there that just does't exist.

Been a long time since I went to a good old fashion cow fight. :lmao2:
iceberg;1507057 said:
but do we make the potentail fur coats duke it out for our pleasure and maybe lob it on pay per view?

do we have cows get into some gladiator gear screaming THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE and allow the lone survivor to not be hamburger for awhile?

this is so strange. up until today i held your opinion in pretty high regard due to how you carried yourself. but if you can't see the differences here and if you can't understand what a "reach" you're going for - then there isn't much use talking to you about it.

ya gotta hate it when a nice respect meter takes such a hit.

They dont put the minks into fight they put them into a box for their entire lives until they are killed by electrocution to the butt.

To put it into context ask yourself this: would you rather be trained and forced to fight to the death over and over again gladiator style to satisfy the wrrath of others or would you rahter be put into a cage for your entire formative years until you are full grown and then killed by electroshock to the butt for the vanity of others?

I personally would take the fighting chance.
FuzzyLumpkins;1507463 said:
They dont put the minks into fight they put them into a box for their entire lives until they are killed by electrocution to the butt.

To put it into context ask yourself this: would you rather be trained and forced to fight to the death over and over again gladiator style to satisfy the wrrath of others or would you rahter be put into a cage for your entire formative years until you are full grown and then killed by electroshock to the butt for the vanity of others?

I personally would take the fighting chance.

except there's nothing to fight about.

one is an industry that's regulated with standards and animals are bred for a purpose of being consumed in some fashion. period.

having 2 dogs fight cause you're bored is NOT the same thing.

man - nothing falls harder than respect for someone but SLAM - it's down and almost out.
iceberg;1507460 said:
again - the baby cows don't go to war with each other do they? i've not seen a calf running around with face paint on going FREEDOM!!!!!!!!!!!! with people in the background going "$20 on blueface" and they fight each other to the death.

seems like you're trying to put a link there that just does't exist.

Your right baby cows are absolutley helpless. They are put into cages where they cannot move at all so that there meat is tender all up until the day they use the electroprobe.

Those calves are tortured so they taste good.
FuzzyLumpkins;1507463 said:
They dont put the minks into fight they put them into a box for their entire lives until they are killed by electrocution to the butt.

To put it into context ask yourself this: would you rather be trained and forced to fight to the death over and over again gladiator style to satisfy the wrrath of others or would you rahter be put into a cage for your entire formative years until you are full grown and then killed by electroshock to the butt for the vanity of others?

I personally would take the fighting chance.

I will say I oppose the fur industry for the very reason you state. I'm no PETA activist but I do find it cruel how these animals are caged and killed for their pelts
iceberg;1507465 said:
except there's nothing to fight about.

one is an industry that's regulated with standards and animals are bred for a purpose of being consumed in some fashion. period.

having 2 dogs fight cause you're bored is NOT the same thing.

man - nothing falls harder than respect for someone but SLAM - it's down and almost out.

So if we make laws to regulate it then itll be fine just like the fur industry? The dogs have been bred for this purpose for centuries.

Torturing an animal because your self conscious is just as bad.

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