Commanders | B. Lloyd lands contract extension

ArmchairRedskin said:
Leave it up to an illiterate Cowboys fan to not be able to tell a joke from something literal. The smiley wasn't enough of a clue I guess.

The guy who's fanbase made famous the drag look is calling us illiterate

Brilliant :rolleyes:
HeavyHitta31 said:
Before we continue this, let us remind ourselves that the non obsessed, completely confident Skins known as Armchair_Redskin has made 11 posts in the last hour on a Cowboys message board :laugh2:

Carry on

I've made more posts today arguing with this idiot than I've had in a long time.

I just find it highly amusing how they cling to these two measely wins and act like they won the superbowl.

Isn't it amazing how much it is like the superbowl to them when they do finally beat us. Although the losses were disheartening to me - it was just a couple out of the many we won against them.

I've watched a lot of these cowboys/foreskins games in some pretty hostile environments - and you have no idea how personally pleasing it has been laughing at all the poor foreskins fans when they have lost i.e. Crayton catching the bomb to pull out a victory...

AND when they do win it's like they won a superbowl. They shower Gibbs with gatorade etc and actually have tears in their eyes.... TEARS...

kapolani said:
You do know that you have contradicted yourself too many times for me to point out, right?

Whether it's ancient past or yesterday. The past is the past. How is your two wins out of a billion that OCCURED in the past - any different from the 17 or so that we've had against you?

It's still in the past, right Einstein?

You seriously think superbowl wins or all times wins aren't that relevant?

What would you rather have - A couple of wins over the last serveral years OR a multitude of wins over the last serveral years?

Last time I checked we were America's team...

ps - and sure you beat us twice last year, but it doesn't alter the fact that we've beat you 17 out of the last 20... But, if you want to cling to that because it makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside... Go ahead...


It makes a lot more sense to bring up the last season in which we played 2 times and we happened to beat you two times than it does All time records and SB trophys.

Let me explain it to you in simple terms. Your team is essentially the same except for a few players as it was last year. My team? Essentially the same except for a few players. That is why last year is more relevant than anything from the past.

How many people from 2003 or earlier are still starting on your team? Who was the Commanders Coach in 2003? You see what I'm getting at?

Compare this to an Ali - Foreman fight. Let's say they boxed ten times and Ali won 6 of those times. Now if Foreman wins the last bout they boxed, then Foreman gets bragging rights regardless if Ali is ahead in the series or not. You get the distinction?

Americas team....haha....only Cowboys fans call them that.
No doubt, we are their Superbowl

That's the difference between our fanbases, we expect to beat them, they act like they just conquered the world on the rare occasion that they win.

That, and the fact that we are not crossdressing trannies
ArmchairRedskin said:
Wow that stalker thing really hurts. Stop before I cry.

I bet it didn't hurt nearly as badly as the "illiterate" comment did... because, well, I don't like to admit it, but... I can't read or write. And now that you mention it, I bet it is because I'm a Cowboy fan!
ArmchairRedskin said:
It makes a lot more sense to bring up the last season in which we played 2 times and we happened to beat you two times than it does All time records and SB trophys.

Let me explain it to you in simple terms. Your team is essentially the same except for a few players as it was last year. My team? Essentially the same except for a few players. That is why last year is more relevant than anything from the past.

How many people from 2003 or earlier are still starting on your team? Who was the Commanders Coach in 2003? You see what I'm getting at?

Compare this to an Ali - Foreman fight. Let's say they boxed ten times and Ali won 6 of those times. Now if Foreman wins the last bout they boxed, then Foreman gets bragging rights regardless if Ali is ahead in the series or not. You get the distinction?

Americas team....haha....only Cowboys fans call them that.

America's Team was not the Cowboys doing, the national media gave them that name in the 1970s. Not that I would expect you to know that, though.

And Dallas acquired by far the best new player between the two teams in TO, we have a first round draft pick, you dont, and our star safety will not be in prison on opening day
kapolani said:
I've made more posts today arguing with this idiot than I've had in a long time.

I just find it highly amusing how they cling to these two measely wins and act like they won the superbowl.

Isn't it amazing how much it is like the superbowl to them when they do finally beat us. Although the losses were disheartening to me - it was just a couple out of the many we won against them.

I've watched a lot of these cowboys/foreskins games in some pretty hostile environments - and you have no idea how personally pleasing it has been laughing at all the poor foreskins fans when they have lost i.e. Crayton catching the bomb to pull out a victory...

AND when they do win it's like they won a superbowl. They shower Gibbs with gatorade etc and actually have tears in their eyes.... TEARS...


Gibbs was away from the game for 12 years. He is a coach that is loyal to his team. Parcells is not such a coach. Gibbs knows that the Cowboys - Commanders rivalry means something. You can pretend it doesn't, but the truth is your team is the yin to our yang. Or simpler, the Indian to your Cowboys.

Crayton catching that last minute TD was rectified by ST himself when he seperated the ball from Crayton by at least a zip code to cinch the win. I'm not sure why you even bring that up.

Your post shows you have no sense of history besides the stats and it also shows you stooping to name calling. Name calling is the tactic most used by those with no discernable language skills. If it makes you feel like you have actually brought something to the table go ahead and keep on though. I'll pat you on the head and tell you good job.
HeavyHitta31 said:
America's Team was not the Cowboys doing, the national media gave them that name in the 1970s. Not that I would expect you to know that, though.

And Dallas acquired by far the best new player between the two teams in TO, we have a first round draft pick, you dont, and our star safety will not be in prison on opening day

I read the analogy of Snakes on the Plane to TO in the Dallas lockerroom. That's pretty funny stuff.

Our first round pick is on our Roster. We had two firsts last year, remember?

I don't know who's star safety your talking about, because ours surely won't be anywhere but on the field come week 1.
AsthmaField said:
I bet it didn't hurt nearly as badly as the "illiterate" comment did... because, well, I don't like to admit it, but... I can't read or write. And now that you mention it, I bet it is because I'm a Cowboy fan!

You surely lack comprehension. And yeah, I'm pretty sure it's a side effect of cheering on the Cowboys. If you google it, I think there might be a study or two which would support that assertion.
AsthmaField said:
I find this more than a little ironic.

Right, because calling somebody illiterate after they can't tell a joke from something literal even with a smiley to make it clear is exactly the same as calling somebody an idiot.
AsthmaField said:
I bet it didn't hurt nearly as badly as the "illiterate" comment did... because, well, I don't like to admit it, but... I can't read or write. And now that you mention it, I bet it is because I'm a Cowboy fan!

See another case of bad comprehension.

ArmchairRedskin said:
Right, because calling somebody illiterate after they can't tell a joke from something literal even with a smiley to make it clear is exactly the same as calling somebody an idiot.

Very good. I see you don't have a comprehension problem.
AsthmaField said:
And what do you expect me to do with a dictionary? I'm illiterate, remember?

An internet stalker with amnesia?

Wow, do you really wanna waste time going back and forth with this drivel? Honestly. The patronizing tone of your posts isn't lost on me, however, it's really boring.

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