Commanders Fan on the T.O Signing.


Commanders Fan
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Well it's official, a done deal. Terrell Owens is a Dallas Cowboy. Who would have thought after his antics on the Star? Obviously, as with any team, there were anti-TO folk, and pro-TO folk. Whichever you are, his talent is undeniable.

After the delay I was beginning to think (and hope) that the deal was going to fall through. I thought for awhile there that you guys had cut Keyshawn for nothing. In essence, your WR situation was going to be screwed. Well, the news of signing T.O came to my ears, and those hopes were dashed.

As much as I truly dislike the Dallas Cowboys, and as much as I truly hate Terrell Owens, I can't deny that he is going to be a force to be reckoned with. I watched him tear apart the Philadelphia Eagles though, and I can honestly say I hope that does not happen to the Cowboys. In a way I view it as unfair, to have one individual kill the team. We can't deny that the Eagles are a very talented team, and though it was nice taking the victories over them, I think I would have rather defeated them without all the detrimental activity.

Anyways, before I start ranting, I just want to say that I hope the T.O signing doesn't destroy your team. Hes undoubtedly one of the best recievers in football (though I think Chad Johnson is the best), and I'm pretty freaking scared. Not too scared, though. :)

Here's to the rest of the off-season!
Very nice and classy skin fan. Nice post. Got my respect............until season starts.
well, i'll be the first to disagree. i hope those sellouts that welcome TO with open arms a few short years after he desecrated your star get exactly what you deserve. props to the boys fans that stuck by their guns and hate this move.

espn reiterated what was already posted here- TOs worst games have come against the skins.

he couldnt get along with mcanabb....and you think he'll be fine with bledsoe? right. its not like dallas can say they didnt see this coming- he only played for the freaking eagles the past 2 years.

bring him on. and watch your franchise collapse. freaking hypocrite sellouts. i will be watching and enjoying every last minute of it.

congrats! :D
Antics on the Star? He's the best WR in the league, we'll see what antics he has planned for you.

That is All!
riggo said:
well, i'll be the first to disagree. i hope those sellouts that welcome TO with open arms a few short years after he desecrated your star get exactly what you deserve. props to the boys fans that stuck by their guns and hate this move.

espn reiterated what was already posted here- TOs worst games have come against the skins.

he couldnt get along with mcanabb....and you think he'll be fine with bledsoe? right. its not like dallas can say they didnt see this coming- he only played for the freaking eagles the past 2 years.

bring him on. and watch your franchise collapse. freaking hypocrite sellouts. i will be watching and enjoying every last minute of it.

congrats! :D

OHHH PLUUULEZZZE. First off,,just because some of our going to go out and hate our team because of one player,, doesn't make us sell outs. You can check that at the door. Some people think that his ON field talents out weigh the OFF fields problems and some think just the opposite. NO ONE IS A SELL OUT. Second, TO needs leadership, something that wasn't present in either SF after rice and young left and siefert or whatever his name was left,,and there is no leadership in philly,, andy ried can't control his eatting habit let alone anything else.. We have a HOF Coach with 2 SB wins and an owner that has 3 rings and is totally dedicated to winning more, that is what TO needs to TO the player and Not TO the child. Third,, you guys over at ES or whereever the skins fans go to do a circle jerk over Danni boi and Libbs, know that with TO, and the improved Line we have now,, that buying all those FA WR aren't going to help ya any. and forth,, **** and go away.
Letemburn said:
Very nice and classy skin fan. Nice post. Got my respect............until season starts.

Another Skins fan, here.

I agree with the original post. Say what you want about Philly, but that was a damn good football team. Strictly from a football standpoint, you had to tip your hats to them...they were good.

TO...where to start...well, he's definitely going to make things interesting for everyone involved. As far as I can tell, he's a ticking time bomb waiting to go off. To me, the question isn't if he'll destroy your team, it'll be when.

And it shouldn't be that, way, it really shouldn't. This guy shouldn't have as much influence and say so as he does. And yet he does because he's a phenomenal talent.

I just hate seeing him having so much influence. He's ruined two perfectly good franchises. I don't care for the 49ers, I hate the Eagles and I certainly don't like the Cowboys, but's a shame he's pretty much screwed both of the teams he's played for. One player shouldn't wield this influence.

For Cowboys fans sake, I hope the first years a good one cause no one knows what the rest will hold...
Way 'nuff said:
He's ruined two perfectly good franchises. I don't care for the 49ers, I hate the Eagles and I certainly don't like the Cowboys, but's a shame he's pretty much screwed both of the teams he's played for.

He didn't screw those teams up, you listen to to many mediots. 49ers were a team on the defined decline, they sit him on 3rd downs and key situations then locked him in on the resign date to cause even more problems, two things Jerry wouldn't do to anybody.

Ofcorse TO is the reason the Eagles lost 4 Championship games in a row too....wait he wasn't on the team.

Way'nuff said:
One player shouldn't wield this influence.

One player doesn't yeild that much influence.
riggo said:
well, i'll be the first to disagree. i hope those sellouts that welcome TO with open arms a few short years after he desecrated your star get exactly what you deserve. props to the boys fans that stuck by their guns and hate this move.

espn reiterated what was already posted here- TOs worst games have come against the skins.

he couldnt get along with mcanabb....and you think he'll be fine with bledsoe? right. its not like dallas can say they didnt see this coming- he only played for the freaking eagles the past 2 years.

bring him on. and watch your franchise collapse. freaking hypocrite sellouts. i will be watching and enjoying every last minute of it.

congrats! :D

Sellout huh? What would you do if it were the Skins signing him?? You know you'd love to have his talent... Better yet, what did you do when you signed Deion after he left us?? Did you sellout by welcoming him??
i am truly touched that so many skins fans care so much about our star and how its treated.

:skins: :iggles: :jints:

1st let me say this Philly torn apart thing is really overblown.
The Eagles did have TO driven major league dissension but the wins and losses were largely a result of McNabb being hurt, not having a RB who could run up the middle and the wear and tear of playing in all those consecutive championship games. See the Pats this year. Were they torn apart or did they simply wear down?

2nd the Commanders sign any and everyone they can. They have guys going to trial for goodness sakes and a portion of the team is barely in DC long enough to make games because they are so busy catching flights to Miami. Sell outs? Please. Maybe a Steeler fan could argue something like that but a Commander fan? Thats rich. You are the guys who signed Deion to a major deal after he limped outta Dallas.
Should be interesting.

Besides the obvious problems that some Cowboys fans have with this signing ( the star incident, the implosion of former franchises with him on the roster),

I cant help but wonder how this will effect the efficiency of Bledsoe. Is he going to revert to keying in on one player ? Is he going to worry about being the next QB to have to deal with TO calling him gay, or heartless (in so many words, IMO) ?

I cant help but wonder if players like Dawkins, Trotter, Sheppard, and such, will be headhunting for TO.

I cant help but wonder if TO is going to...

I read this board pretty much daily. I have seen the divided responses about TO, the argumentative (and sometimes bashing) posts made to try to get their respective points across. I know this is but a cross-sample of all Cowboys fans, but I have to believe that many feel the same as some of you whether good, bad or indifferent. One of my best friends is a Cowboys fan (Only because he thought I was just a blind homer and we really got into some great football discussions), he tells me that his father has been a Cowboys fan from day one and is quite upset about the possibility of TO (he doesnt know yet).

I thought when TO ripped down the fans sign at whichever game that was it was disrespectful (although the sign was as well), I know for certain that the star incident was disrespectful and many of you obviously didnt notice that he has done it again since he was with the Niners (only in the endzone, on the helmet that time), it was deliberate and obvious.

No one can argue that the man is one of the best at his position in the game.


Good luck Cowboys fans.
riggo said:
well, i'll be the first to disagree. i hope those sellouts that welcome TO with open arms a few short years after he desecrated your star get exactly what you deserve. props to the boys fans that stuck by their guns and hate this move.

espn reiterated what was already posted here- TOs worst games have come against the skins.

he couldnt get along with mcanabb....and you think he'll be fine with bledsoe? right. its not like dallas can say they didnt see this coming- he only played for the freaking eagles the past 2 years.

bring him on. and watch your franchise collapse. freaking hypocrite sellouts. i will be watching and enjoying every last minute of it.

congrats! :D

We will enjoy TO shredding your secondary to be sure...Enjoy :laugh2::laugh1::lmao::lmao2:
SilverStarCowboy said:
Antics on the Star? He's the best WR in the league, we'll see what antics he has planned for you.

That is All!

Did he change his name to Steve Smith or Chad Johnson?
jterrell said:

1st let me say this Philly torn apart thing is really overblown.
The Eagles did have TO driven major league dissension but the wins and losses were largely a result of McNabb being hurt, not having a RB who could run up the middle and the wear and tear of playing in all those consecutive championship games. See the Pats this year. Were they torn apart or did they simply wear down?

2nd the Commanders sign any and everyone they can. They have guys going to trial for goodness sakes and a portion of the team is barely in DC long enough to make games because they are so busy catching flights to Miami. Sell outs? Please. Maybe a Steeler fan could argue something like that but a Commander fan? Thats rich. You are the guys who signed Deion to a major deal after he limped outta Dallas.

Another great post...:bow::bow::)
SilverStarCowboy said:
He didn't screw those teams up, you listen to to many mediots. 49ers were a team on the defined decline, they sit him on 3rd downs and key situations then locked him in on the resign date to cause even more problems, two things Jerry wouldn't do to anybody.

Ofcorse TO is the reason the Eagles lost 4 Championship games in a row too....wait he wasn't on the team.

Are you suggesting that TO has never been a problem to his team??

If that's your argument, don't bother responding, because I won't be paying any attention to any of your other opinions...
SkinsandTerps said:
Should be interesting.

Besides the obvious problems that some Cowboys fans have with this signing ( the star incident, the implosion of former franchises with him on the roster),

I cant help but wonder how this will effect the efficiency of Bledsoe. Is he going to revert to keying in on one player ? Is he going to worry about being the next QB to have to deal with TO calling him gay, or heartless (in so many words, IMO) ?

I cant help but wonder if players like Dawkins, Trotter, Sheppard, and such, will be headhunting for TO.

I cant help but wonder if TO is going to...

I read this board pretty much daily. I have seen the divided responses about TO, the argumentative (and sometimes bashing) posts made to try to get their respective points across. I know this is but a cross-sample of all Cowboys fans, but I have to believe that many feel the same as some of you whether good, bad or indifferent. One of my best friends is a Cowboys fan (Only because he thought I was just a blind homer and we really got into some great football discussions), he tells me that his father has been a Cowboys fan from day one and is quite upset about the possibility of TO (he doesnt know yet).

I thought when TO ripped down the fans sign at whichever game that was it was disrespectful (although the sign was as well), I know for certain that the star incident was disrespectful and many of you obviously didnt notice that he has done it again since he was with the Niners (only in the endzone, on the helmet that time), it was deliberate and obvious.

No one can argue that the man is one of the best at his position in the game.


Good luck Cowboys fans.
