Twitter: Competition Committee says Dez caught it **merged**

Take my word for it incidental contact wasn’t around for that SB. The NFL admitted no foul should have been called and the following season the incidental contact rule came into affect. The NFL confirmed the Dez overturn was correct under contract the rule.

The NFL was desperate after that to clean up their mess after the tsunami of outrage blew the lid off any shreds of credibility they had. At least after the Barnes play, the leadership in the NFL tried to made things right.

Its taken 3 years for the Competition Committee to admit Dez caught the ball, and the rules need to eliminate any appearance that he didn't. These three years have been a clownshow of errors and uneven application of what a catch is.

You have to know that the Dez catch will be just like the Benny Barnes non-pass interference play, they both will live on forever as moments when the Cowboys were famously robbed.
Sheilds foot came up at the very end after Dez caught the ball and both players were falling. There was no intentional trip by Sheilds or this would have come up in all the analysis of the play. It’s never been brought up here until now because some are looking for something new to argue about. lol

I never said the Shields trip was intentional. But you see the tripping on Dez's right leg, right? And it's not as though it has never been brought up, it's just the first time YOU'VE noticed it.
I never said the Shields trip was intentional. But you see the tripping on Dez's right leg, right? And it's not as though it has never been brought up, it's just the first time YOU'VE noticed it.
You can clearly see the affect of the trip from the rear, it is 100% what sent Dez to the ground. It happened after two feet and control, which completely blows the momentum to the ground BS.
You can clearly see the affect of the trip from the rear, it is 100% what sent Dez to the ground. It happened after two feet and control, which completely blows the momentum to the ground BS.
I can clearly see the left foot touching down the 2nd time was never going to be firmly planted in the ground to regain balance regardless of Dez’s right leg being contacted after his right foot hit the ground.
I never said the Shields trip was intentional. But you see the tripping on Dez's right leg, right? And it's not as though it has never been brought up, it's just the first time YOU'VE noticed it.
You can trip a guy after he catches the ball.
I can clearly see the left foot touching down the 2nd time was never going to be firmly planted in the ground to regain balance regardless of Dez’s right leg being contacted after his right foot hit the ground.

Check Dez's skillset at 2:00 and 2:45. He definitely can regain his balance.

You can trip a guy after he catches the ball.

Yes, you CAN incidentally or purposely trip a guy after he catches the ball.

However, Shields tripping Dez after two feet down NEGATES any argument that Dez was falling and would have never recovered.

Periera now admits it should have been a catch.
Blandino tweets #Dezcaughtit every couple months
The NFL Competition Committee is removing vague and weak language regarding the rules, rules which never remotely nullifed Dez's CATCH.
The written words in the2014 rulebook only require time to make a football move, Dez made 7 football moves, CATCH.
Going to the ground concepts were never written clearly enough to take a catch away. Shields tripping was what caused Dez to fall.
Dez CAUGHT the ball, down at the 1/2 yard line.

It took the NFL 3 years to realize that.
I can clearly see the left foot touching down the 2nd time was never going to be firmly planted in the ground to regain balance regardless of Dez’s right leg being contacted after his right foot hit the ground.
When his right leg gets kicked out he has an immediate body lean that pushes his center of gravity over his left foot, without that trip, he doesn't have that severe lean. He was not going down on momentum.
When his right leg gets kicked out he has an immediate body lean that pushes his center of gravity over his left foot, without that trip, he doesn't have that severe lean. He was not going down on momentum.

He was going down one way or another. His left foot was never going to be planted squarely enough to prevent him from going to the ground.
He was going down one way or another. His left foot was never going to be planted squarely enough to prevent him from going to the ground.
LOL, whatever. Yeah it is easy to take a normal step after your other leg gets kicked up to waist level. So you are saying he was not mostly upright as his right foot came down? So you are saying having his right leg kicked out had no affect on the rest of the play?
LOL, whatever. Yeah it is easy to take a normal step after your other leg gets kicked up to waist level. So you are saying he was not mostly upright as his right foot came down? So you are saying having his right leg kicked out had no affect on the rest of the play?

I know. Whatever, right? How dare someone disagree with you. I thought I was pretty clear but will repeat and you can ask all your rhetoical questions again...Dez was going to the ground one way or another on that play, with or without the “trip”.

How many questions you need to ask yourself to understand that comment, have at it. It is in English and pretty straight forward, easy to understand. I don’t care if you agree with it. I can repeat it a million times and you won’t agree. I won’t change my mind either.
You have to know that the Dez catch will be just like the Benny Barnes non-pass interference play, they both will live on forever as moments when the Cowboys were famously robbed.

The Dez catch will only be like the Benny Barnes non PI in your eyes but there’s no comparison. You don’t even remember the Barnes play you were only six years old. The play isn’t going to have any affect on you. Lol For a play to pain a fan they have to live through it. The Dez play happened in the divisional round of the playoffs while the Barnes play happened in the 4th quarter of a tight Super Bowl.

The Cowboys clearly got robbed on the Barnes play so much so the NFL admitted it and it led to the incidental contact rule the following year. On the Dez play he clearly didn’t complete the process of making a catch under the rule and the NFL confirmed it. Even had the play stood the Cowboys were going to end up losing that game anyway because they couldn’t stop Aaron Rodgers.
I never said the Shields trip was intentional. But you see the tripping on Dez's right leg, right? And it's not as though it has never been brought up, it's just the first time YOU'VE noticed it.

A defender trying to trip up a receiver after they’ve made a catch isn’t a foul. The people who talk football for a living have never brought this up. It’s only being brought up here because you guys are searching for something new to argue and complain about. It’s just another angle to try and keep this argument going. As for the Barnes play Swann ran into him and he tripped over Barnes.Night and day difference between that play and the Dez play.
I know. Whatever, right? How dare someone disagree with you. I thought I was pretty clear but will repeat and you can ask all your rhetoical questions again...Dez was going to the ground one way or another on that play, with or without the “trip”.

How many questions you need to ask yourself to understand that comment, have at it. It is in English and pretty straight forward, easy to understand. I don’t care if you agree with it. I can repeat it a million times and you won’t agree. I won’t change my mind either.
sure he was going to go to the ground because he was setting up a lunge. Something he did against NY earlier in the year, but he sure as hell was not going to the ground because of the catch.
A defender trying to trip up a receiver after they’ve made a catch isn’t a foul. The people who talk football for a living have never brought this up. It’s only being brought up here because you guys are searching for something new to argue and complain about. It’s just another angle to try and keep this argument going.
Actually tripping is a foul.

Tripping is the use of the leg or foot to obstruct any opponent (including a runner) (12-1-4-c and 12-1-8).

Article 8: Tripping by Defensive Player. A defensive player is prohibited from tripping an opponent, including the runner.
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The outcome of the game is not relevant to the discussion, it is the misapplication of the rule that is what matters.

I'm just saying Rogers was playing on one leg all game and we couldn't stop him, so why would we have stopped him with 4 min left?

Also, did Rogers just drive the field this season and score a TD with like a min left on the clock?

All I'm saying is that folks should not get so worked up and emotion over this, we were going to lose regardless. And when did the NFL announce that it was a misapplication of the rule? They are going to change the rule so those type of plays will be ruled complete going forward, but I have heard nobody from the NFL admit the play was called wrong.
sure he was going to go to the ground because he was setting up a lunge. Something he did against NY earlier in the year, but he sure as hell was not going to the ground because of the catch.

Well we can agree to disagree. Or at least I can. I know it is a waste of time to bang my head up agianst a wall. I know I am not changing my mind and I don’t really care to change your mind.
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I'm just saying Rogers was playing on one leg all game and we couldn't stop him, so why would we have stopped him with 4 min left?

Also, did Rogers just drive the field this season and score a TD with like a min left on the clock?

All I'm saying is that folks should not get so worked up and emotion over this, we were going to lose regardless. And when did the NFL announce that it was a misapplication of the rule? They are going to change the rule so those type of plays will be ruled complete going forward, but I have heard nobody from the NFL admit the play was called wrong.

Let’s be honest here, Rodgers playing on one leg is sensationalism. It didn’t affect his passing nor his ability to move from the pocket. It impacted his abitly to take off running when he escaped the pocket. The Lions couldn’t contain him with one of the best pass rushes in the league when his leg was worse.

Our QB was playing with a broken back.
Actually tripping is a foul.

In certain situations tripping is a foul but not if it occurs trying to make a tackle. If a receiver catches the ball and the defender is falling down and happens to trip up the receiver that’s not a foul.

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