iRoot4Losers;2608280 said:
don't worry, they'll tire themselves out
they're techies for a reason
well it's good to know the things you say still hold less value than the things i flush.
in all fairness, kyl had a point. but his points were more, it seemed, to out-tech me. fine. take it. but in the glib "poke poke" that was going on he was breaking some rules of the techie - don't assume, ask.
i know video cards overheating won't reboot a machine (i've never seen one anyway) and yes, an overheating processor can and will make a machine reboot and be very unstable once it heats up. turn it off, let it chill down and it will be fine. till it heats up again.
sure you can throttle it down, but you'll lose performance. how much? would depend really. but the problem is still the same and throttling it down usually only puts off the problem. esp if a fan issue.
kyl does know his stuff it seems. my main point is find one "techie" and stick with them. jumping around keeps the situation confusing and frustrating for all involved. in the end he made assumptions about what i said, it would seem, for the sole purpose of ragging on my suggestions.
i do understand "techies" have a sense of pride in their knowledge and these things do spin off into a whizzing contest more often than not. my bad for my part in that yesterday. just have a lot of time in PMs with bb and was close to hopefully a resolution for him and it seemed we were starting all over again.
bb - in the end we both said the same thing - just get a new video card and be done w/it. how we got there is kinda a techie path of confusion, but we do both agree that's your simplest path to resolution.
i think either of us would be glad to help you still - but for me, PM me if i can help otherwise i'll bow out and let you keep on your search to end infinite loops. : )