Congestive heart failure...**Update Post #164**

silverbear;4617427 said:
I have a level of fatigue, so I've made a note to ask my doctor about taking D-ribose... it sounds like something that would help me...

Great to hear, silverbear! I would go with the powdered form over the capsules, if you decide to start D-ribose. Stacking D-ribose with coQ10 and L-carnitine would be awesome, but one step at a time.
TheSport78;4617147 said:
In the early 1990s, it was estimated that in the United States, approximately 4.6 million individuals were afflicted with CHF, approximately 400,000 new cases were diagnosed each year and approximately 260,000 deaths from CHF occurred each year, with an estimated five-year mortality rate of approximately 50% (10).

I could have done without reading that...

I guess it's good to know the statistical facts, though... maybe this will make me even more determined to make the needed changes...
my man keep your head up. we are all praying for brother. stay strong willed, get your rest, and think positive thoughts. you will get thru this.
Zordon;4617538 said:
my man keep your head up. we are all praying for brother. stay strong willed, get your rest, and think positive thoughts. you will get thru this.

Thanks a lot, Zordon, I'll take your advice...
silverbear;4617433 said:
All the doctors agree that I have congestive heart failure, jobber... my pulse oxygen was 92-93 when I went into the hospital, and I was having a problem breathing if I tried to lay down... a normal pulse oxygen level is 99-100 (which is what my were consistently during the angioplasty)...

As my doctor put it in the ER, 92-93 isn't bad for somebody with CHF, but it's not good for a healthy individual...

Not doubting the diagnosis, just wondering what the cause is. Generally there is some pump failure and/or some valvular heart disease.
jobberone;4617596 said:
Not doubting the diagnosis, just wondering what the cause is. Generally there is some pump failure and/or some valvular heart disease.

That, they haven't told me... I can only guess that going off my diuretic caused me to retain fluid, and overtaxed my heart...

If that's the case, I'm optimistic that just making sure I don't make that mistake again will minimize the chances of a recurrence (and my doctor has reworked my meds so that I'll be better able to afford them)... I have another doctor's appointment this evening, and will discuss dietary changes, and once I'm sure that I won't pop that vein open by exercising, I plan on getting back on the Health Rider for 20 minutes a morning (though with the fatigue I'm feeling these days, I may have to start at 10 minutes and work my way up to what I used to do)...

This is especially true after reading that bit about a 50 per cent mortality rate within the first five years for folks with my condition... gotta be honest, that scared the crap out of me...
silverbear;4617532 said:
I could have done without reading that...

I guess it's good to know the statistical facts, though... maybe this will make me even more determined to make the needed changes...
I've been reading a bit about CHF, and that stat is outdated. From what I understand, the current mortality rate is quite a bit lower than that.
I'm starting to feel attention whorish keeping this thread alive, but I've taken you on this trip with me, I figure I should keep you posted what I've found out...

Bottom line, I have no coronary blockages, but I do have cardiomyopathy... basically, my left ventricle squeezes a fraction of a second after my right ventricle, when both are supposed to beat at the same time... the measurement of that is called the ejection fraction, and mine is 35 per cent right now... normal is 50 to 60 per cent...

This was apparently caused by a viral infection I acquired somewhere... now, the good news is the doctor told that the survival stats we talked about are much better nowadays... he said if my ejection fraction was about 15 per cent, then those numbers might apply, but at 35 per cent my chances are significantly better...

It may be that in a few weeks, my new meds will get my ejection fraction up where it should be, but worst case scenario, I may need a pacemaker... I think I can deal with that...

So I see my cardiologist back up in Winchester in a month, and go back to the clinic in 6 weeks for followup blood work...

I feel relieved...
silverbear;4618414 said:
I'm starting to feel attention whorish keeping this thread alive, but I've taken you on this trip with me, I figure I should keep you posted what I've found out...

Bottom line, I have no coronary blockages, but I do have cardiomyopathy... basically, my left ventricle squeezes a fraction of a second after my right ventricle, when both are supposed to beat at the same time... the measurement of that is called the ejection fraction, and mine is 35 per cent right now... normal is 50 to 60 per cent...

This was apparently caused by a viral infection I acquired somewhere... now, the good news is the doctor told that the survival stats we talked about are much better nowadays... he said if my ejection fraction was about 15 per cent, then those numbers might apply, but at 35 per cent my chances are significantly better...

It may be that in a few weeks, my new meds will get my ejection fraction up where it should be, but worst case scenario, I may need a pacemaker... I think I can deal with that...

So I see my cardiologist back up in Winchester in a month, and go back to the clinic in 6 weeks for followup blood work...

I feel relieved...
Thanks for the info. And you're right, SB... you've taken all of us on a willing trip with you. Glad to have been included, as I feel I got to know you better as a result. Like when we first had differences of opinion on the boards: slightly rough beginning that turned out for the best.

Glad to have continued reading how you've been feeling better physically, mentally and emotionally.

Continued improvement, followed by more good news to come. That's my hope for you.
Sorry to hear about the cardiomyopathy SB. If you're not better in a few weeks then you might want to consider that pacemaker if your doc thinks he can get your EF up significantly. Hope things go well for you.
wittenacious;4618571 said:
Thanks for the info. And you're right, SB... you've taken all of us on a willing trip with you. Glad to have been included, as I feel I got to know you better as a result. Like when we first had differences of opinion on the boards: slightly rough beginning that turned out for the best.

Chuckle... I like the way you put that...

Glad to have continued reading how you've been feeling better physically, mentally and emotionally.

That appointment this evening really did raise my morale... Dr. Byrd is a nice man, and took the time to explain everything so that I could grasp it...

Continued improvement, followed by more good news to come. That's my hope for you.

I figure I have a few more years of being a cosmic PITA in here... :D
jobberone;4618615 said:
Sorry to hear about the cardiomyopathy SB. If you're not better in a few weeks then you might want to consider that pacemaker if your doc thinks he can get your EF up significantly. Hope things go well for you.

If Dr. Mattson says I need a pacemaker, then I'll get the pacemaker, no doubt about it...

And thanks for talking with me via PMs, it helped more than you could know...
I did get a nice compliment from the nurse who took my vitals, she said I was in "pretty good shape"...

I assume that what was unsaid was "for a man your age", but I'll take it... at 5-9 and 190 pounds, I do have a bit of a paunch, but not much of one, really...

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