Congestive heart failure...**Update Post #164**

CowboyMcCoy;4613895 said:
I wasn't preaching or assuming. It's just that's what they told my uncle to do. He never did it. He had a pacemaker and all...but he did have it changed out like thrice.

I didn't take it as "preaching", I understood it be well-meaning concern... as such, appreciate it... it was a friend reaching out to a friend, offering some good advice...

He may be right. And definitely don't take my advice. But I will almost guarantee you that going raw wouldn't hurt you. I had to do it with just juice because I have Chron's disease. It worked wonders and I look a lot better and feel great.

I promise, I will bring it up with my cardiologist...

I have a 5 inch 2nd degree burn on my calf from a motorcycle muffler. I haven't been to the Dr. either. I understand. I don't have insurance at the moment, either.

Yeowtch... just make sure you don't let it get infected...

Well, it goes to show you're not as hard-headed as some of us may think (not me, of course). Anyway, with heart disease diet, exercise and avoiding many things is the way to go--no drinking, smoking, etc. I have no doubt you can do whatever they need you to do.

Oh, I'm plenty hardheaded... LOL...

At the same time, I'd kind of like to live a while longer, so I'll do what it takes... I gave up drinking altogether when I was diagnosed with diabetes, so I'm familiar with lifestyle changes... doesn't mean I'm looking forward to them...

I'll never forget the kind words you shared with me.

If I helped, I'm glad... know that you're returning the favor right now, and I truly appreciate it...

I bite my nails any time my mother goes under anesthesia, because her blood sugar and pulse both went down to about 30....

Yeah, to tell the truth I'm more worried about how I'll tolerate the anesthesia than the actual procedure...

Discuss these concerns with you dr. You can have an anesthesiologist in the room during surgery, if you end up having any.

More good advice that I'll heed... you're being a big help here...

Nah, you don't deserve it. I think that's crap.

What I meant by that is I've been playing fast and loose with my meds, on account of my finances... if I had to skip buying one or two, the first ones that went were my cholesterol meds and my diuretic...

Both of those would have helped me avoid the situation I find myself in today...

I'm a big believer in accepting the responsibility for my own actions...

But you have it. Now you have to deal with it the best you can. I'll share some info here most wouldn't. When my daughter died I went to a shrink who lost his mother in a plane accident. I called in for an appointment and he had 95% blockage. He had the bypass and when I see him he looks as good as ever. He swims a lot and is now a vegetarian (who grew up on a cattle farm).

First, it hurts my heart, knowing you lost your daughter... I'm glad you got help to get past that... I appreciate all the stories about people who have dealt with my condition, and are doing well... it gives me hope that I can do it, too...

You don't deserve it. Bad things happen to good people. I see it all the time. Just keep your head up and know you have friends who would take time out to chat with you about it. If you ever need anything, a friend, an ear--someone to cuss out because you're mad that day, PM me, I tend to be a good listener.

Don't be surprised if I take you up on that, when I need a morale boost... you're good at that...

Above all, listen to your doctor and keep us posted. But don't spend too much time posting us; that could take away from your exercise time.

Hitting my Health Rider only takes about 20 minutes a day... :D
CowboyMcCoy;4613898 said:
I share my story every chance I get. To hell with those who may judge me over it.

I judge you to be a hell of a guy...
SDogo;4613912 said:
I got nothing I can add to this thread. I love you like a brother Silver. You don't get a Bear down with one shot. You know I'm by your side in this.

Oh, I know that... and I love you too...

Never thought I'd be saying stuff like that on a message board... :D
silverbear;4614031 said:
Oh, I know that... and I love you too...

Never thought I'd be saying stuff like that on a message board... :D

Neither would I until recent life changing events that you are aware of. I realized not too long ago that saying what you feel and letting people you care about it know it is never wrong. It's a much simpler life when you just open up.
Take care of yourself buddy. I'm wishing and praying for a recovery.
I know you're worried about the genetics but hang in there. They're getting better and better with this stuff including artificial hearts in a few years and transplant meds aren't nearly the problem they were. Just take care of yourself.
SDogo;4614087 said:
Neither would I until recent life changing events that you are aware of. I realized not too long ago that saying what you feel and letting people you care about it know it is never wrong. It's a much simpler life when you just open up.

These days, I can really relate to that...

I'm also starting to realize that I'm a lot more loved than I realized, both by friends and family... this is extremely gratifying...
Duane;4614109 said:
Take care of yourself buddy. I'm wishing and praying for a recovery.

I'm grateful to have you on my side, Duane...
jobberone;4614111 said:
I know you're worried about the genetics but hang in there. They're getting better and better with this stuff including artificial hearts in a few years and transplant meds aren't nearly the problem they were. Just take care of yourself.

You know me, jobber, I don't quit... I just keep coming...

I'm stupid that way... :D
Mash;4614136 said:
My prayers are with you SilverBear.....

Thanks, mash... I appreciate it more than I can say...

I've got a whole host of good people who've got my back in this... then again, they didn't see me in that hospital gown... not a pretty sight...
silverbear;4614138 said:
Thanks, mash... I appreciate it more than I can say...

I've got a whole host of good people who've got my back in this... then again, they didn't see me in that hospital gown... not a pretty sight...

Too funny brother.....Cant never get those things tied up properly :)
Hey, Just thought i'd check and say get well soon. Hope everything goes well for ya. :)
Really you pull this crap on me now ???

You might be a Cowboys fan and you might be a pain to deal with at times...but you seem to be a pretty damn good person (Most of the time).

Man up.

Seriously...We recently lost a Cowboys fan that was appreciated on many levels (young kid 27, died in his sleep).

The last thing I need is to lose another so quickly that I love to debate with and challenge back and forth and still end up laughing or at least smiling at the end of the day.

So you need to do what you need to so we can bicker back and forth for many years to come.

Get well buddy. I have crazy high blood pressure. Freaked me and the Mrs. out at first. I go every month now to make sure I will be around to continue to be there for my friends and family.
SDogo;4614170 said:
That's why they call it the ICU...............

Suddenly, that makes sense... I shoulda worn my black silk boxers with the hearts on 'em... LOL...
rodd94;4614176 said:
Hey, Just thought i'd check and say get well soon. Hope everything goes well for ya. :)

Thanks for caring, rodd... I'm getting more optimistic with each passing day, though that may just be the result of sleeping reaaaalllly well the last coupla days...
SkinsandTerps;4614223 said:
Really you pull this crap on me now ???

You know me, anything to get a little attention...

You might be a Cowboys fan and you might be a pain to deal with at times...but you seem to be a pretty damn good person (Most of the time).

Moi??? A pain???

Pas possible...

And may I say, other than your one, obvious character defect, I'm pleased to have your friendship...

Man up.

Seriously...We recently lost a Cowboys fan that was appreciated on many levels (young kid 27, died in his sleep).

The last thing I need is to lose another so quickly that I love to debate with and challenge back and forth and still end up laughing or at least smiling at the end of the day.

Are you saying I'm funny?? I AMUSE you?? Like some kind of clown??

Sorry, had a Joe Pesci moment there... but I caught myself before I asked if you modelled gloves... :D

So you need to do what you need to so we can bicker back and forth for many years to come.

I look forward to it, though it'll be a little harder to abuse you now that you've been so damned nice to me...

I'll work on that... LOL...

I have crazy high blood pressure. Freaked me and the Mrs. out at first. I go every month now to make sure I will be around to continue to be there for my friends and family.

I've been on blood pressure meds for over 30 years now... you want to be real sure to keep with the regimen, you hear?? Also, one little piece of advice-- if the doctors can't get your blood pressure down with meds, ask them about getting a renal doppler... it's a kind of ultrasound of your kidneys, and might tell them if you have a narrowing of the renal artery... if you do, that's an easy fix... if those arteries are narrowed, it will keep your blood pressure higher than you want it...

I had the doppler, but there was no narrowing of the arteries...

And quite seriously, I'm touched by your expression of concern... truth is, I've always thought you were a pretty good guy too... this just confirms Dr. Bear's diagnosis...

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