Congestive heart failure...**Update Post #164**

silverbear;4613234 said:
Yeah, I've just been handed a big ol' crap sandwich... good thing I like bread...

Honestly, I think this is something I'll be able to get past, or perhaps live with would be a better way of putting it... they've already changed a bunch of my meds (saving me a fair amount of money in the process), so I'll be keeping my fingers crossed... and if it turns out I do need bypass surgery, I'm told that's a procedure that they have a lot of success with, especially if the blockage is caught as early as mine seemed to be...

I hadn't been breathing quite right for about 2 weeks, nothing major, just easily winded... I could still walk my 3.5 miles in 65 minutes or less, so I figured nothing was too seriously wrong... then I got to a point where breathing was labored when I laid down, which meant I got zero sleep for about 3 days... it was actually the sleep issues that got me to the emergency room, I felt like I was on the edge of a nervous breakdown...

I've done a lot of sleeping the last 24-30 hours, so I'm feeling a lot better on that score...

I wanna tell you something though, Lasix will make you piss and piss and piss... they gave me some in an IV at the emergency room, and in the two hours it took to get me into a room, I'd "eliminated" 4 liters... that's how much fluid buildup I had... it seemed like I had to pee every 10-15 minutes...

That will be my new diuretic, apparently HCTZ isn't cutting it any more... I plan on being fully aware of where the nearest bathroom is at all times... :D

Man, bro. I hope you get through it. If you want to fight it, the best think you can do is lose weight. This runs some in my family too. Have you ever thought about juice dieting? I know it sounds funny and lame. But I want to see you get better. And I think a diet with vegetable and a lot of fresh juice would help.

And it's good you went to the emergency room. In any case, I think it's time for you to start fighting by changes in your diet. You're an asset here. We'd hate to lose you. And it's not a death sentence all the time. You can maintain this if you want to. I'm not a doctor, but people in my family have had it.The ones who kept doing what they were doing are no longer here. On the flip side, the ones who changed their diets and started exercising are....

My thoughts are with you. Seriously, it seems like the worst things happen to the best people. I never can figure that one out.
Hostile;4613545 said:
Good. I meant ursine instead of orsine. I am sure you knew that.

Yeah, I did... but for good friends like you are, I grade on a curve... :D
Dash28;4613552 said:
Sorry to hear this news SB.

Good luck and hope it all goes well.

As I get a little time to absorb all of this, I'm doing better mentally... the biggest reason has been this thread... I have gotten a huge infusion of confidence from you folks, and will be forever thankful...
CowboyStar88;4613593 said:
Bear my man I am so sorry to hear about this. I've known you for a long time now and you are a fighter and a good man. My prayers will be with you and I look forward to our continued conversations as the season comes up on us. I have no doubt that you will get thru this. Much lover brother bear

With my ever-abrasive, caustically sarcastic nature, I'm astonished at how many people have said they thought I was a good man... I'd like to think it's true, mind you, but I don't even think I come off that way in here...

I guess the moral to that story is that you can be sarcastic and cutting if you're doing it in a good cause... :D

Anyway, thanks for the love, and the kind words... I can use both right now... I will strive to do as you say, and get through this...
TheCount;4613597 said:
God speed, Silver. Wishing you the best! Hope to see you back to your 13 simultaneous thread responses in no time.

Oh, I can and have done a lot better than just 13 consecutive responses in a thread... LOL...

Thanks, Count...
justbob;4613695 said:
Well get it taken care of --kick in the butt and get back in here.:)

Be in our prayers

I hear, and I obey...
stasheroo;4613316 said:
Please know that you have an obligation to this forum and must continue to provide the plethora of information that folks like me are too lazy to gather ourselves.


But in all seriousness, I'll be praying for you.

'Another friend I've never met'.


Funny, same here. But it feels like I have met SilverBear.
5Stars;4613718 said:
If you leave us, I want your gall bladder. I can sell that on the black market.

Bear gall bladders can make me some good money!

Well, not from a SilverBear...those are just nasty! So, stay alive, fool!


Now I'm gonna leave it to you in my will... that was seriously funny...
ConcordCowboy;4613723 said:
Sorry to hear the news...Good Luck.

Hope it wasn't the Old Political Forum that gave it to you.


Let's just say it's a good thing it's not still in here... LOL...

Man, do I feel better now that I've gotten a few hours sleep... I could sleep some more, but I've gotta work tonight... not to worry, friends, my job is quite easy, and the boss has already told me I should stretch out on the sofa in the lobby if I get to feeling the need...

My boss is a good man, I was only in the hospital for about 24 hours and he still stopped down to see me... he's as much a friend as a boss... he's also a cardiac patient himself (Mike's an elderly Indian man), so he's more concerned than he might otherwise be...
dougonthebench;4613755 said:
I wish nothing but the best for you Bear. I'll include you in my talk with God tonight.

Thank you, doug... I've been talking with him some myself the last 24 hours...
1fisher;4613769 said:
Get well soon, SB!!!

Praying for you, brotha.


Thanks for the prayers, and the friendship... Lawd, this is a great bunch of people...
DFWJC;4613824 said:
So very sorry to hear about your health SB.

Hope you don't mind if I keep you in mind in a prayer or two.

All prayers are gratefully accepted... I'm blown away by how many people are praying for me, and quite sure I don't deserve it...
notherbob;4613415 said:
That's exactly what happened to me 14 years ago, I had a 98% blockage of the coronary artery and a balloon angioplasty and a stent later and I am fine but I did have to change my lifestyle.

What did you do?
silverbear;4613865 said:
Let's just say it's a good thing it's not still in here... LOL...

Man, do I feel better now that I've gotten a few hours sleep... I could sleep some more, but I've gotta work tonight... not to worry, friends, my job is quite easy, and the boss has already told me I should stretch out on the sofa in the lobby if I get to feeling the need...

My boss is a good man, I was only in the hospital for about 24 hours and he still stopped down to see me... he's as much a friend as a boss... he's also a cardiac patient himself (Mike's an elderly Indian man), so he's more concerned than he might otherwise be...

You've spoken about him in the past. He sounds like a good dude to work for.
CowboyMcCoy;4613847 said:
Man, bro. I hope you get through it. If you want to fight it, the best think you can do is lose weight. This runs some in my family too.

Well, I'm only about 10-15 pounds overweight... but if the doctor orders me to get that off too, I'll have to ramp up the program...

I'm thinking the new dietary restrictions headed my way will deal with that, there probably won't be much left on diet that I like the taste of... :D

Have you ever thought about juice dieting? I know it sounds funny and lame. But I want to see you get better. And I think a diet with vegetable and a lot of fresh juice would help.

Thanks for the advice, I'll take it up with my doctor... but from what I've read, my dietary restrictions will include limited fluid intake (as well as limited sodium intake)...

Trust me when I say I understand, and appreciate, your motives for offering that advice... I will not ignore it...

And it's good you went to the emergency room.

Financial concerns kept me from going earlier (no health insurance)... but you're right, finally getting to the hospital might have saved my life...

In any case, I think it's time for you to start fighting by changes in your diet.

Hey, I did that a few years back when I was diagnosed with diabetes... they took away my sugar, and severely limited my intake of potatos, pastas and breads (which were the main components of my diet at the time)... and now, it looks like I'm going on a restricted sodium regimen...

Pretty soon, I won't be allowed to eat ANYTHING...

You're an asset here. We'd hate to lose you.

Thanks for the kind words, bud...

And it's not a death sentence all the time. You can maintain this if you want to. I'm not a doctor, but people in my family have had it.The ones who kept doing what they were doing are no longer here. On the flip side, the ones who changed their diets and started exercising are....

Oh, I definitely don't see this condition as a death sentence... what I'm worried about at this time, you might say paranoid about, is the cardiac cath, and any possible bypass surgery... I know more than most that complications can crop up during any procedure; I had a friend, not a close friend but rather more of an acquaintance, who went in for a dental procedure and died on the table shortly after being administered anesthesia... he was only 45... and my late Mom had a series of surgeries in her later years, in the last one she suddenly went into cardiac arrest as a reaction to the anesthesia (they were able to bring her back)... this was the same anesthesia she'd weathered well in previous operations...

So yeah, not having been put under anesthesia since I was 5 years old (tonsillectomy), I'm a wee touch scared about stuff most people wouldn't be worried about ordinarily...

My thoughts are with you. Seriously, it seems like the worst things happen to the best people. I never can figure that one out.

Everything that's happening to me, I deserve... that doesn't mean I don't want to whip this...
CowboyMcCoy;4613861 said:
Funny, same here. But it feels like I have met SilverBear.

Chuckle... I guess that's what happens when you're not too bashful about putting your life on these pages... there are aspects of my life I haven't talked about in here, but not many of 'em...
silverbear;4613882 said:
Well, I'm only about 10-15 pounds overweight... but if the doctor orders me to get that off too, I'll have to ramp up the program...

I'm thinking the new dietary restrictions headed my way will deal with that, there probably won't be much left on diet that I like the taste of... :D

I wasn't preaching or assuming. It's just that's what they told my uncle to do. He never did it. He had a pacemaker and all...but he did have it changed out like thrice.

Thanks for the advice, I'll take it up with my doctor... but from what I've read, my dietary restrictions will include limited fluid intake (as well as limited sodium intake)...

Trust me when I say I understand, and appreciate, your motives for offering that advice... I will not ignore it...

He may be right. And definitely don't take my advice. But I will almost guarantee you that going raw wouldn't hurt you. I had to do it with just juice because I have Chron's disease. It worked wonders and I look a lot better and feel great.

Financial concerns kept me from going earlier (no health insurance)... but you're right, finally getting to the hospital might have saved my life...

I have a 5 inch 2nd degree burn on my calf from a motorcycle muffler. I haven't been to the Dr. either. I understand. I don't have insurance at the moment, either.

Hey, I did that a few years back when I was diagnosed with diabetes... they took away my sugar, and severely limited my intake of potatos, pastas and breads (which were the main components of my diet at the time)... and now, it looks like I'm going on a restricted sodium regimen...

Pretty soon, I won't be allowed to eat ANYTHING...

Well, it goes to show you're not as hard-headed as some of us may think (not me, of course). Anyway, with heart disease diet, exercise and avoiding many things is the way to go--no drinking, smoking, etc. I have no doubt you can do whatever they need you to do.

Thanks for the kind words, bud...

I'll never forget the kind words you shared with me.

Oh, I definitely don't see this condition as a death sentence... what I'm worried about at this time, you might say paranoid about, is the cardiac cath, and any possible bypass surgery... I know more than most that complications can crop up during any procedure; I had a friend, not a close friend but rather more of an acquaintance, who went in for a dental procedure and died on the table shortly after being administered anesthesia... he was only 45... and my late Mom had a series of surgeries in her later years, in the last one she suddenly went into cardiac arrest as a reaction to the anesthesia (they were able to bring her back)... this was the same anesthesia she'd weathered well in previous operations...

I bite my nails any time my mother goes under anesthesia, because her blood sugar and pulse both went down to about 30....

So yeah, not having been put under anesthesia since I was 5 years old (tonsillectomy), I'm a wee touch scared about stuff most people wouldn't be worried about ordinarily...

Discuss these concerns with you dr. You can have an anesthesiologist in the room during surgery, if you end up having any.

Everything that's happening to me, I deserve... that doesn't mean I don't want to whip this...

Nah, you don't deserve it. I think that's crap. But you have it. Now you have to deal with it the best you can. I'll share some info here most wouldn't. When my daughter died I went to a shrink who lost his mother in a plane accident. I called in for an appointment and he had 95% blockage. He had the bypass and when I see him he looks as good as ever. He swims a lot and is now a vegetarian (who grew up on a cattle farm).

You don't deserve it. Bad things happen to good people. I see it all the time. Just keep your head up and know you have friends who would take time out to chat with you about it. If you ever need anything, a friend, an ear--someone to cuss out because you're mad that day, PM me, I tend to be a good listener.

Above all, listen to your doctor and keep us posted. But don't spend too much time posting us; that could take away from your exercise time.
silverbear;4613883 said:
Chuckle... I guess that's what happens when you're not too bashful about putting your life on these pages... there are aspects of my life I haven't talked about in here, but not many of 'em...

I share my story every chance I get. To hell with those who may judge me over it.
I got nothing I can add to this thread. I love you like a brother Silver. You don't get a Bear down with one shot. You know I'm by your side in this.
CowboyMcCoy;4613877 said:
You've spoken about him in the past. He sounds like a good dude to work for.

Oh, he can be kind of cranky when it comes to the job, but other than that, he's a great guy... even then, I don't catch the worst of that, I think because of my age, and because I don't screw up as much as some do... :D

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