Congestive heart failure...**Update Post #164**

silverbear;4615810 said:
I asked my doctor about going on oxygen, he said I'm not there yet...

My crisis was triggered entirely by my inability to afford my medications... I made sure to stay on the diabetes meds and the Diovan for my blood pressure, which were my biggies, but when bucks were tight, Id skip the diuretic, the cholesterol med, and the potassium... I'd also stop taking my antidepressant, but I dont figure that contributed to my problems... it is nice to be back on it, though, I feel less stressed...

Well, when I got to the hospital, my feet were swollen, and I was SEVERELY potassium depleted... I mean, over the next 24 hours they hung 10 bags of potassium chloride IV... they also gave me Lasix in an IV, and in the next two hours I "eliminated" almost 4 liters... think of that, I was carrying around 2, 2 liter bottles of excess fluid... it was awful, I had to piss every 10-15 minutes... that wasn't the bad part, at times I had to call for a nurse to dump the bottle so that I could piss some more...

So, if I have a blockage, part of the reason is that I went of my cholesterol meds... and the CHF was caused by the potassium depletion, and no diuretic... I was pretty bloated...

All of which makes me optimistic that I'll be able to get things under control now that my meds have been reworked so that I can afford them (8 of my 9 scrips are 4 dollar Wal Mart generics), and I'll be getting regular checkups and blood work at the local free clinic... I will of course heed any instructions the doctors give me when it comes to diet and exercise... it's time to dust off the Health Rider and put in 20 minutes a morning again... it'll hurt my shoulders some (that's why I quit that regimen, frayed rotator cuff), but I'll just take ibuprofen when I'm hurting, and gut it out...

Gotta do what I can to stick around...

CHF is not caused by potassium depletion, but by volume overload or pump failure. It sounds like yours is the classic case of diabetic nephropathy (kidney damage), that lessens your body's ability to excrete sodium, causing fluid overload. Diuretics are mandatory, and better control of blood sugars will help but not change the kidney issues. Lasix and other similar diuretics will cause potassium excretion, hence the need for replacement and supplementation.
Oh wow....SB.....I'm sorry to read this. I'll be praying for you brother. I have no doubt you'll give this an even bigger kind of fight than you give an argument on here. Stay strong.
masomenos;4615825 said:
Good luck, friend. I can't wait to hear how much better you're doing.

Right now I'm doing really, really well, for two reasons:

1) I had no blockages... none at all...

2) I'm stoned to the gills... :D

But I already know that my leg's gonna be sore where they cut into that vein...

I've got a number of followup doctor's appointments, but it looks like I dodged a bullet... the doctor who performed the angioplasty suspects I'm right, that this was all brought on by my not taking my meds... self-inflicted wounds, if you will...

My potassium was ridiculously low, and not taking the diuretic caused me to retain fluids... both of those are quite hard on the ol' ticker...

I was encouraged that I weighed in at 192 pounds, fully dressed (including shoes)... that means right at 190... all I want to lose is another 15 pounds, then I'll be where I want...

Anyway, although I do have congestive heart failure, and will have it the rest of my life, if I do the right things it shouldn't cause me any problems, at least not for many years...
Doc50;4615894 said:
CHF is not caused by potassium depletion, but by volume overload or pump failure. It sounds like yours is the classic case of diabetic nephropathy (kidney damage), that lessens your body's ability to excrete sodium, causing fluid overload. Diuretics are mandatory, and better control of blood sugars will help but not change the kidney issues. Lasix and other similar diuretics will cause potassium excretion, hence the need for replacement and supplementation.

According to my doctor, my kidneys are working just fine, thank goodness... but you're right, I was retaining fluid quite badly... thanks for explaining the potassium depletion so clearly, I assume that hydrochlorothiazide would have the same effect... that was the diuretic I was on until they switched me to Lasix in the hospital...

My potassium was still pretty low, 3.2, when I got to the hospital today, I guess I hadn't been back on the regimen long enough to get to the proper level, so they gave me some more in liquid form... made the orange juice taste like crap... :D

Thanks for sharing what you know...
Gang, I want you to know that I'll never forget the support I got from y'all at a time when I was scared spitless... thanks seems inadequate, but it's all I've got...
The30YardSlant;4616379 said:
Good to hear things appear to be working out!

I feel downright giddy, but that's probably just the drugs...

Seriously, it's like the weight of the world has been lifted off my shoulders... the procedure was no big deal, actually, and I know I can deal with this...
Been checking back to see how everything went. Couldn't be happier to read things went very well, it appears. You got a reprieve, so to speak, and I'm sure you'll make the most of it.

Congrats! Oh, and get some rest... if you're not already sacked out. :)
Great news, SB! The support at this place is unbelievable. Take
Care of yourself buddy.
silverbear;4616373 said:
Right now I'm doing really, really well, for two reasons:

1) I had no blockages... none at all...

2) I'm stoned to the gills... :D

But I already know that my leg's gonna be sore where they cut into that vein...

I've got a number of followup doctor's appointments, but it looks like I dodged a bullet... the doctor who performed the angioplasty suspects I'm right, that this was all brought on by my not taking my meds... self-inflicted wounds, if you will...

My potassium was ridiculously low, and not taking the diuretic caused me to retain fluids... both of those are quite hard on the ol' ticker...

I was encouraged that I weighed in at 192 pounds, fully dressed (including shoes)... that means right at 190... all I want to lose is another 15 pounds, then I'll be where I want...

Anyway, although I do have congestive heart failure, and will have it the rest of my life, if I do the right things it shouldn't cause me any problems, at least not for many years...
Best news I got all day.
I'm glad to hear things are better for you. Believe it or not, I've remembered you in my morning talks with God since I found out. It appears He was listening. You gave me words of encouragement a couple of years ago when I needed it, thank you again for that. I hope I can do the same for you in the future.
So glad to hear the ol bear is going to be alright. You gave us a bit of a scare old friend.
silverbear;4616378 said:
Gang, I want you to know that I'll never forget the support I got from y'all at a time when I was scared spitless... thanks seems inadequate, but it's all I've got...

That's all that's needed.

(That and the good news that you gave us anyway!)

Great to hear.

silverbear;4616373 said:
Right now I'm doing really, really well, for two reasons:

1) I had no blockages... none at all...

2) I'm stoned to the gills... :D

But I already know that my leg's gonna be sore where they cut into that vein...

I've got a number of followup doctor's appointments, but it looks like I dodged a bullet... the doctor who performed the angioplasty suspects I'm right, that this was all brought on by my not taking my meds... self-inflicted wounds, if you will...

My potassium was ridiculously low, and not taking the diuretic caused me to retain fluids... both of those are quite hard on the ol' ticker...

I was encouraged that I weighed in at 192 pounds, fully dressed (including shoes)... that means right at 190... all I want to lose is another 15 pounds, then I'll be where I want...

Anyway, although I do have congestive heart failure, and will have it the rest of my life, if I do the right things it shouldn't cause me any problems, at least not for many years...

That is awesome news! I'm truly happy for you. Best of luck on your journey to better health. I'm on that journey too.

silverbear;4616389 said:
I feel downright giddy, but that's probably just the drugs...

Seriously, it's like the weight of the world has been lifted off my shoulders... the procedure was no big deal, actually, and I know I can deal with this...

It sounds like you had a better day than expected. I'm glad about that, Mr. Bear.
Kinda late to reading this, but sounds like you got some great news, sir. Wishing you the very best on your road to good health.
wittenacious;4616412 said:
Been checking back to see how everything went. Couldn't be happier to read things went very well, it appears. You got a reprieve, so to speak, and I'm sure you'll make the most of it.

Congrats! Oh, and get some rest... if you're not already sacked out. :)

I laid down shortly after my last post, just woke up... that's really unusual for me...

The news was good, but I'm thinking I need to get back on my Health Rider (even if does hurt my left shoulder some), and look hard at my diet...

The exercise bit will wait until we're quite sure the incision is fully healed... silly me, I don't really want to rip open my femoral vein...
GloryDaysRBack;4616449 said:
Great news, SB! The support at this place is unbelievable. Take
Care of yourself buddy.

Ain't that the truth?? The best thing about this thread is the time I spent talkin g with you guys was time I did not spend worrying, dwelling on what might be...

Again, thanks to all for that...

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