congresswoman gabrielle giffords shot in tucson

bbgun;3793656 said:
I can't believe her mother was composed enough to do an interview. I would have cried in a windowless room for a month or longer.

I know. It is so very tragic.

I'm female so I've got the "girls cry about everything" gene but I can't imagine anybody listening to those parents and not tearing up.
ajk23az;3793973 said:

Very well could have been after she was shot, there is known by hackers an exploit that they can force some actions on someone else's account. I know of people forcing favorite videos on another person's account to embarrass them.

Also subscribing is not "contacting" anyone it is just clicking on a button in their account to get any new videos on that channel(account). That makes it sound like they had to be some kind back and forth between them, it doesn't mean anything.
bbgun;3791855 said:

The little girl who was killed. Her name was Christina Greene.

TUCSON - The identity of the 9-year-old tragically killed in this morning's deadly rampage is Christina Taylor Greene.

Family says she was vibrant, excited about life, and she was the "best daughter in the world."

Born on September 11, 2001, Greene was excited about the political process, was on the student government, and went to the Giffords event today to learn more about the political process, family members say.

Greene attended Mesa Verde Elementary School. She was the only girl on the CDO baseball team - she loved the sport, as well as horseback riding and swimming.

what a beautiful little girl. so precious. it just breaks my heart that she was taken away too soon. :(
kristie;3794092 said:
what a beautiful little girl. so precious. it just breaks my heart that she was taken away too soon. :(

Makes you sometimes wonder what the plan is, for a sweet, innocent child to be senselessly taken. So sad, just a waste.
May her family be comforted in knowing that the thoughts and prayers of the people of the USA are with her.
ajk23az;3793973 said:

MonsterD;3793996 said:
Very well could have been after she was shot, there is known by hackers an exploit that they can force some actions on someone else's account. I know of people forcing favorite videos on another person's account to embarrass them.

Also subscribing is not "contacting" anyone it is just clicking on a button in their account to get any new videos on that channel(account). That makes it sound like they had to be some kind back and forth between them, it doesn't mean anything.

My guess is Monster is right - some sick person probably hacked her account and subscribed to his to make it look like this.
burmafrd;3790849 said:
maps like that have been done by both sides over the years. You watch: there will be those that want to blame something like that instead of the POS that pulled the trigger.
Surprise. The New York Times has already gone there. There was a time when that paper had some integrity, but that time passed long ago. Sadly, that is the norm now and they are just one of the crowd on both sides of the politcal aisle. But I guess there was a time when I would have expected more from them.
MonsterD;3793996 said:
That makes it sound like they had to be some kind back and forth between them, it doesn't mean anything.

casmith07;3794262 said:
My guess is Monster is right - some sick person probably hacked her account and subscribed to his to make it look like this.

That would be quite the coincidence.
xout;3791969 said:
I'm trying to decipher some of his babbling for some sort of motive. Be it political or what have you. I'm getting nowhere.

I mean... his favorite books are mein kampf and the communist manifesto. Polar opposite in terms of political spectrum.

He talks about defining terrorism, and he says the government doesn't follow its constitution. He wants to create a new currency. He babbles about not believing in anything, and that he would not trust in God.

He is clearly insane, and talks in circles. Schizophrenic circles.
Those books are absolutley not the polar opposites politically--they both have many simularities and subscribe to a centralized, all powerful govenment for starters.

I completely agree with you that this guy sounds (at the very least )borderline Schitzo.
kristie;3794092 said:
what a beautiful little girl. so precious. it just breaks my heart that she was taken away too soon. :(
Just devastating.
I cannot begin to imagine the heartbreak.
Very sad what took place makes you wonder what the hell is wrong with some people
They had a long segment and interview on Fox this morning with a lady who took a college class with this murderer and it was chilling to listen to her talk about what a disturbed kid he was and how she worried about her own safety in that class; she said in an email that he was the type to do something like this.

Now here's a lady that didn't know him and it was obvious that he was loony.

In an interview with local reporters one of the men who held this guy down said the only thing he said was, "you're hurting my arm."

Like people should say, "oh sorry, about that. Let's all be more gentle while we hold down this assassin."

He's lucky the people holding him down were nice. I would have stood on one leg and held the other out as wide as I could and encouraged people to kick him in the pills until the cops got there.

They should care they were hurting your arm? No freak boy, they should have punched your jaw until you couldn't complain about the pain.

I love what one of the guys who subdued him said, "the only thing that will matter to him is the needle." At least his death will be humane.
bbgun;3791855 said:

What a beautiful little child, .. look at the innocence in those eyes.

I cannot imagine what her family is going through, .. I choke up to think if she were my granddaughter.

Can we just quickly dispose of the garbage that did this? I have as much compassion as the next guy, but what does he deserve from our society after doing this?

Here's the monster's mugshot. The line of people interested in removing that smug from his face would stretch from Tucson to NY.

bbgun;3795196 said:
Here's the monster's mugshot. The line of people interested in removing that smug from his face would stretch from Tucson to NY.

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