Twitter: Cooper was effectively benched


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Cooper may not have been effective but in that situation with the game on the line and possibly our season you have to have your best receiver on the field. He has to be accounted for and would draw coverage which could free up someone else. We also didn’t have Cobb on the field. A completely incompetent head coach and team.


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Cooper may not have been effective but in that situation with the game on the line and possibly our season you have to have your best receiver on the field. He has to be accounted for and would draw coverage which could free up someone else. We also didn’t have Cobb on the field. A completely incompetent head coach and team.

I'll buy that. Great players can do nothing for most of the game but still find a way to step up at the right time. I remember a lot of Emmitt Smith games where struggled for yards but then pops one for a 40 yard TD in the 4th quarter. Amari needed to be on the field and given an opportunity to show he's a true top 5 WR in this league.


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Hmmm....good,so I’m justified in my dislike of his play lately. I really wouldn’t sign him now....I wouldn’t and they are idiots if they do. He’s a ghost on the road. No way is that smart to pay up the nose for a part timer who pulled a no show in the biggest game for them. Crazy if they do...his head isn’t into it and checks out like T.Wll thanks,I need ballers who want trophies.


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Don't cut everybody, but we need to cut the people asking for a lot of money without producing (Dak, Byron, and Amari). Honestly, as much as I want to cut Amari right now, we need to tag him, release Dak, bring in Riley, and draft Hurts (preferably for Riley) or another QB. Then use the rest of the draft for defense and a TE. Cut Witten. Keep Jarwin and the rookie TE. Keep Cobb if he accepts a cheap deal. If not, release is *** and put Devin Smith in his spot. Our starting lineup would be Jarwin, Rookie TE, Smith, Cooper, Zeke, Pollard, rookie QB, and Gallup. Sounds good with a new Offensive Coordinator.

As for defense, we'll have to build around D-Law since we overpaid him. I want to cut Jaylon. I don't care how much his cap hit is. Cut his ***. Keep LVE and maybe try to draft another LB. We need a new safety. We need to try to get Jamal Adams, but if not, draft one in the 2nd round or 3rd round after getting a new QB. We'll also need a new DE to "compliment" D-Law, and 2 DT's. So, 1 QB, 1 TE, 2 DT's, 1 Safety, 1 DE. Perfect draft. I'm forgetting some more complimentary draft picks we may pick up. If we get more picks, we need to get another CB since Bryon "Great CB" Jones will likely be released, as will Awuzie and someone else.
Wow. I just thought you were mad about the game. This confirms it. You’re a complete moron


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Wow. I just thought you were mad about the game. This confirms it. You’re a complete moron

What do you suggest we do then, huh? Keep mediocre *** Dak for another year? Keep Jaylon Smith who swipes after every down and can't run laterally? Someone said on Cowboys break that this locker room is disconnected and that is has a weird vibe. How do we fix that problem? Sometimes, you have to start completely over instead of trying to patch up holes on the old ship. I'm a moron for suggested we have a small rebuild. It's time...


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What do you suggest we do then, huh? Keep mediocre *** Dak for another year? Keep Jaylon Smith who swipes after every down and can't run laterally? Someone said on Cowboys break that this locker room is disconnected and that is has a weird vibe. How do we fix that problem? Sometimes, you have to start completely over instead of trying to patch up holes on the old ship. I'm a moron for suggested we have a small rebuild. It's time...
I suggest we don’t do any of the things you said. Not one of them.

That is how ridiculous what you said is


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Somewhere along the line football has changed and I didn't notice till this year. What changed? Players removing themselves from the field. Back in the day, you never saw players "tapping out". If they were tired they just sucked it up and kept playing. If they were hurt they were taken off the field by the team trainer and Dr. Now a days, players just raise their arm to go sit down. That pisses me off. If I were the HC I would put an end to that pronto. I am sorry but a players job is to get himself into excellent shape so he can play the whole game. This is how football was played for 85-90 years before this new trend took over. Heck, some guys played both ways every single play of the game. Imagine that.

I am tired of today's football. I am losing interest in it quickly.


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I suggest we don’t do any of the things you said. Not one of them.

That is how ridiculous what you said is

You didn't answer my question. What WOULD YOU DO? "I suggest we don't do any of the things you said" is not an answer. Its an excuse. You don't know how to answer my question, do you? You don't know where to begin with this team yourself. You're just as clueless as I and the rest of us fans.


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You didn't answer my question. What WOULD YOU DO? "I suggest we don't do any of the things you said" is not an answer. Its an excuse. You don't know how to answer my question, do you? You don't know where to begin with this team yourself. You're just as clueless as I and the rest of us fans.
I may not have the answers. But I know one thing for sure. Dak Prescott isn’t your problem. There are what 10 men on planet earth that are good enough to win a super bowl at QB. Dak is one of those 10. And you want to cut him? Ha! That is insane. And a terrible take from you. Listen to some other people. Most football fans think Dak is a great player.

As for what I would do?

I franchise Dak. That’s a no brainer. I never would’ve signed zeke. Not for that kind of money.

I let cooper walk unless it’s a good deal for the Dallas Cowboys. Draft lamb or Jeudy. Whether you have cooper or not.

Let Cobb go. It’s over for him. Too many drops.

Tavon Austin? Gone. Too dumb.

Retire Witten. Retire Lee. Tyfys.

Keep drafting offensive linemen. Can never have too many.

Don’t take risks in the draft. Take the smart solid players. No injury or troubled players.

Sign Byron Jones. He’s an elite CB.

Dump awuzie and Jordan Lewis. Chido is soft and a quitter. Lewis May get a turnover. But he gets burnt at an awfully bad rate.

No trades for players that act like they wanna be here. Not worth it.

And finally I find a no nonsense coach. Whether that’s McDaniels or Meyer or Riley or whoever. I want a coach that makes Jerry very very nervous. A coach that puts everybody on eggshells. Everybody uncomfortable. Shakes this whole thing up. Does not care of Jerry fires them or not.

Get a young innovative play caller in here. They exist. Go get one. Go get Joe Brady from LSU.

Go get an aggressive Def coordinator that places an emphasis on turnovers. Practice taking the ball away. ALL THE TIME

Well that’s just a start any how


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Beast aint buying that way in hell you are going to sub out Cooper with freaking Tavon Austin and say that is an upgrade.

Cooper's reputation alone would dictate the Eagles rolling coverage to his side, that would at least open up the other side. Seriously, how many down field passes has Tavon caught this year? He is freaking 5'6, what the hell is he going to do when all Dak is throwing is jump balls?

My God, the incompetence of this coaching staff is beyond wonder they lost to another team's practice squad.


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Amari Cooper on his worst day is 10x better than the guys who were in. There is more to this story than Amari not playing well. Hopefully we'll hear more about his injury situation,

Exactly...........Cooper with 1 freaking arm is better than the trash that was out there...........not buying this at all.

And what about Cobb? Was he benched too?



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Wow. He sucked that bad that he was benched in favor of Austin and Bryant. And you guys want to keep him? Garrett’s way of doing things is very stupid, but Amari is obviously not living up to standards. Him or Dak will walk at the end of the season. Hopefully both.

I would still have put Amari in regardless. The Eagles would have to account for him and they would have shifted coverage to his side.

This is just one of those dumb calls by Garrett thinking he can fool the other team by putting in scrubs.

BTW this didn't happen the first time. There were other instances where we just plain put in the wrong personnel for certain situations. It's Garrett being clueless once again and making up lies during his press conference.

No wonder no one wants to play hard for him. He has lost the team. Just like Wade has lost the team. He needs to be canned immediately just like Wade was canned. No mercy for the clapping fool.


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What contract talks? If he's healthy, there is nothing to talk about...........he's not a money player and I hope to god we aren't going to be the suckers paying him big money. Give me Randall Cobb. That dude has the kind of toughness we need.

Cobb has the toughness we need?

Apparently not..............Cobb was sitting on the bench right beside Cooper on that 4th down play. Season on the line, one play, and both Cooper and Cobb are spectators.

That tells me we really dont need either apparently.


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I suggest we don’t do any of the things you said. Not one of them.

That is how ridiculous what you said is
You not making one credible argument here, just aggressive adhominem attacks, without any argument of your own, how is it that you feel smart enough to disregard another's argument, and what in Ur life has made you angry that you need to attack another player? Does this kind of behavior make you feel good? And for how long? Till you find another poster in some chat room to attack. This kind of behavior doesn't produce what Ur looking for. There's a best selling book written about 2 K years ago that can help you with this man. Go look it up. :)


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Cooper wasn't playing well. He was dogging his routes all day.

He looked seriously depressed in his post game interview. Like clinically depressed. I think he's got issues he and the team should deal with.

I wonder if they tried to do anything on the sidelines with him. He's a zillion times better than he was playing.