Hostile;3128550 said:
I believe he will get a 1 game suspension. Not necessarily for what he did, but the fact that the fines this season are mounting. Kind of like when Roy Williams got suspended. It wasn't for one tackle, it was for multiple fouls.
Thats how I'm thinking it will go too. With the fines for some dirty plays already on more than one occassion this year they'll likely suspend him for this one.
utrunner07;3128563 said:
what?! 2 other penalties, neither that big of a deal? this would not be a big deal at all if it were not the cowboys and the giants had not been little piss ants about it.
Maybe not a big deal, and maybe they shouldn't be fined or whatever, but they're deemed dirty plays by the league and when you get a few of those in the same season it tends to cost players some playing time.
Hostile;3128568 said:
They are penalties that can cause injuries though. That will factor into the decision.
Yep. That will likely factor heavily into it.
wayne motley;3128574 said:
1. It's too late to suspend him for this week's game. If any suspension, it will come next week, or he'll appeal and it may not come until later if at all.
2. If he'd hit the guy in the back with his helmit or shoulder...suspension for sure with his background, but shoving the guy with his hands? I don't see it. Unless the league wants the Cowboys out of the playoffs, no suspension.
I don't think they'd suspend anyone for that shove.
Actually it's not too late to suspend him for this week. They have till this afternoon to inform Dallas that they're suspending him for Sunday. Since teams don't generally practice till Wednesday, with Tuesday being the players day off, they have till Tuesday afternoon to assign suspensions. He could every easily be suspended today for this weekends game.
If it was just this incident then Flo wouldn't get anything more than a fine, at best. Unfortunately this is a 3rd offense this year and 2 of them have come agianst the same player. They're unfortunately likely to sit Flo down for this one.
RoadRunner;3128588 said:
I am thinking that two things will happen:
1) Flo gets suspended
2) We find out that our line play does not decline any significant percentage with Flo out, which means we should have moved on from the lousy player at the end of the Campo era.
I think you're wrong. Dead wrong. I think we'll see a drop off this year because we don't have the depth to put anyone better in right now. Maybe Free is the guy but we need him at RT right now. So then you get one of those worthless tackles that are left to replace him or Davis slides out there from RG and Holland comes in at guard.
This will not help us at all.
Doomsday101;3128589 said:
If Flo is suspended for a game we may very well see Davis moved outside to tackle and Holland or yes Procter put in at guard.
This is what I think will ultimately happen if he's suspended.
utrunner07;3128603 said:
Wait, are you comparing pushing some one in the back to a physical assault?
If they weren't on the football field, yeah, someone could, and possibly would, file that as an assault.