Could this be a team that blossoms late in the year?


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I'll start by saying I have very little if any hope for this team to get past the 49ers - but the only hope I have is the question as to whether they could be a team that gels late in the year....

3 key reasons-

1) offensive scheme is new, takes time for them to get in sync

2) oline has to come together, they have had 2 games together as a full unit in 2 years

3) Lots of Young guys and guys returning from injury

Dak is still what he is so it may not matter but coupling this with the schedule downn the stretch, it could be a hope...or I could just be getting sucked back into this bad dream again
Could be a good list to keep in one's pocket during another 12 win season.


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yeah but you're acting as if we started 2-4 vs 4-2, that's the tone around here not just your post..its sad that fans act as this is terrible start we need to recover from one game out LOL ...
The team has underachieved so far. The flat game against the Cardinals was inexcusable, and they were not competitive with the 49ers. This roster should be 5-1 right now, and that loss to the Cardinals has put us in a hole division and conference wise.


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Luck with injuries matters a lot. I would never wish an injury for any player, but if the Chiefs and 49'rs have significant injuries, and the Cowboys stay healthy, who knows what could happen.


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Could be a good list to keep in one's pocket during another 12 win season.
Yeah man- I see this team getting into the playoffs but we have been there and done that - just trying to think through what could be unlocked to get then over the hump


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As much as that used to be true it is no longer true.. Think about it where is the fading when you're 12 and five you only have five losses where was all the fading? playoffs maybe but that would be everyone but the sb winner?? 2018 started 3-5 finished 10-6 hardly a fade. Even 2020 bad year all around transitional coaching, covid, injuries finished 3-1

by the way sometimes the schedule dictates that I mean how many road games have we had late in the season and how many coming off those three games in 12 days are late in the season we've had back-to-back some of those after TG etc ... I just think you're generalizing from old memories.
I didn't mean collapse, just fade. In other words, we're a better team in the first half of the season than we are in the second half. In 2021 we started off 6-1 and then go 6-4. I had no confidence going into the playoffs that year.

Last year we were pretty good for most of the season until we had that two game stretch against the Texans and Jaguars. We looked like crap in those games. Again, it comes late in the season. Hot teams go far in the playoffs. We're the opposite of that.


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I didn't mean collapse, just fade. In other words, we're a better team in the first half of the season than we are in the second half. In 2021 we started off 6-1 and then go 6-4. I had no confidence going into the playoffs that year.

Last year we were pretty good for most of the season until we had that two game stretch against the Texans and Jaguars. We looked like crap in those games. Again, it comes late in the season. Hot teams go far in the playoffs. We're the opposite of that.
I am very much with you- this year if we actually win on our schedule in December we will likely be a very good team
...can't fade


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I didn't mean collapse, just fade. In other words, we're a better team in the first half of the season than we are in the second half. In 2021 we started off 6-1 and then go 6-4. I had no confidence going into the playoffs that year.

Last year we were pretty good for most of the season until we had that two game stretch against the Texans and Jaguars. We looked like crap in those games. Again, it comes late in the season. Hot teams go far in the playoffs. We're the opposite of that.
First of I don't think I have to explain to you that all teams have games like that throughout the year.. Tell the Eagles that look like that all year.... And by the way you say we struggled and looked like crap against the Jaguars you mean a few players ruined that game because we were up by 17 points in the fourth quarter on the road to a playoff team, yes lost in OT but looked like crap? hardly..

Just like this year The Jets are making a lot of good teams look like crap and yet I don't think the fans of those teams think they look like crap.... It doesn't matter in 2021 we were twelve and five... Again, how we got there is irrelevant I mean its situational football... It's when you played those teams who were you missing was it on the road where there are situations with weather etcetera etc....


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the Steelers are a team that usually “ blossoms” toward the end of the season…..the Cowboys usually remain inconsistent.


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Sure it's possible

But the same could be said of 20 other teams at this point.

It's possible the Jets, Browns, Cowboys or Chargers or many other teams could catch a hot streak and win a SB.


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My optimistic take is that the defense is good enough to win a super bowl by seasons end after it irons out kinks and guys get more settled into their roles. The 9ers game was not the norm and honestly was a game that should motivate the cowboys should they be lucky enough to have another crack at them. Not saying we will beat them but I like the fact that they should be motivated to be on their A game after losing so many times, 3 times a charm, ETC..

Offensively I see the team getting better for sure. One thing I noticed about Dak in the Chargers game was he was taking off and scrambling as soon as he felt pressure and knew everyone was covered. He looked like rookie Dak and we really haven't seen that in a long time.. If Dak decides he doesn't have lead feet anymore and understands his game is predicated on avoiding pressure than I think we have a chance to really improve.


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Study football history. The Cowboys have been to the Super Bowl numerous times after similar beatdowns.
The Cowboys have never been to a SB with an overpaid, over hyped, less than mediocre QB like Prescot has turned into. Everyone was giving him a pass for not showing up in the Arizona game and when the Boys got punked by the 9ers, WENTZ 2.0 was once again MIA in a very meaningful game. No, this team isn't going to sniff a SB until they acquire a bonafide QB to lead this team.


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Eagles won a Super Bowl with Foles!!! Tampa with Dilfer. Putting it together in the playoffs is what you need to win it all. The only problem is this team has a problem of winning more than 1 playoff game. Hoping this finally comes to an end. You just never know.