Cowboys only 1 seed of the past ten to not make the Super Bowl

Even you Idgit has to admit that it looks pretty damning for Garrett that an division rival with a second year head coach and a backup QB is going to the SuperBowl and meanwhile Garrett is still spinning his wheels after 8 yrs on the job.

Even if you think its not Garrett' fault (which I am sure you do), the optics of the whole situation looks very, very bad for the Clapper.

Optics, Schmoptics. Fans will point it out, but it’s never been about how long you’ve coached. You build a team capable of competing and see what happens.

We’ve been in that category since 2014 as far as I’m concenrned. It hasn’t worked out for us, but it’s more because of defensive personnel than it is coaching. Something this years playoffs made pretty clear again.
What is worse is Dallas was 1 and done, both times, and jg was
Coach in both.
GB lost 1st game when they were 15-1, that's the only other
NFC team I can think of besides Dallas to lose 1st game.
Those 2 1st seed years were
Potential SB years, that were wasted.

NY did it in 08. Lost to Philly
See, the problem with the “it’s Jerry’s fault” excuse is that it’s not Jerry who doesn’t provide help in a game against Atlanta for their struggling LT. It’s not Jerry who called the same play from the same formation with the same personnel with the same audible against GB where Dak threw a pick. Hyde said after the game the defense knew the play was coming.

It doesn’t have to be either/or. It can be both. Jerry is an issue and so is his head coach.

It usually is a combination of factors. That doesn’t mean a player reading a play correctly from tape is an indication the HC—who isn’t actually the play caller—needs to be fired. Good defensive players recognize plays in literally every single
NFL game.

The fact that you’d use that as support is more an indication of a willingness to be intentionally irrational than it is an indication of anything else, honestly.

And in 2012 neither number 1 seed made it.

In 2011 one of two made it.

In 2010, one of two made it.

Not such a rare thing if you don't bite on cherrypicked stats (a.k.a. think critically)

Awesome Rorschach reference.
How much more proof will the fan boys and excuse makers need?

Fail, fail, fail. Now we can't even hire quality assistant coaches. Something is rotten in the state of Denmark.

We can’t hire quality assistant coaches? When did this happen? Or is it something else we’ve just decided to believe as a group and hope nobody questions as the actual quality hires happen?
Jerry aint stupid. He sees whats going on. 2018 season is a make or break season for Garrett. Theres no more excuses.
Optics, Schmoptics. Fans will point it out, but it’s never been about how long you’ve coached. You build a team capable of competing and see what happens.

We’ve been in that category since 2014 as far as I’m concenrned. It hasn’t worked out for us, but it’s more because of defensive personnel than it is coaching. Something this years playoffs made pretty clear again.

And that head coach you are so fond of has done jack to fix the defense in 8 years..................or is he not responsible for that either?
And that head coach you are so fond of has done jack to fix the defense in 8 years..................or is he not responsible for that either?

How many times you going to ask me that same question?

Of course he’s at least partially responsible for it. He’s false started a couple of times, and they’ve taken some unnecessary risks organizationally that have cost them games.

You have to remember, though, that I don’t consider teams that win12 or 13 games to be mediocre. I see a team trying and ultimately failing at doing something really difficult to do. And when they are failing, it looks like a personnel failure to me. Yes, it hasn’t been good enough.

But the track record of drafting and developing *has* been good overall. And I know how tough Jerry makes it. I’m not in a hurry to go back to a chaotic dysfunction process I don’t believe has any chance of being successful. And I don’t think the odds of Jerry upgrading to a less dysfunctional coach for Dallas are very good. I think it’s much more likely things would get worse.
How many times you going to ask me that same question?

Of course he’s at least partially responsible for it. He’s false started a couple of times, and they’ve taken some unnecessary risks organizationally that have cost them games.

You have to remember, though, that I don’t consider teams that win12 or 13 games to be mediocre. I see a team trying and ultimately failing at doing something really difficult to do. And when they are failing, it looks like a personnel failure to me. Yes, it hasn’t been good enough.

But the track record of drafting and developing *has* been good overall. And I know how tough Jerry makes it. I’m not in a hurry to go back to a chaotic dysfunction process I don’t believe has any chance of being successful. And I don’t think the odds of Jerry upgrading to a less dysfunctional coach for Dallas are very good. I think it’s much more likely things would get worse.

Fair enough................but for the record, I don't consider teams that miss the playoffs 5 times in 7 yrs to be considered good, quite the opposite.

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