I understand what you mean now and if I came across as insulting or sarcastic I apologize.
PFF's stats are confusing to me but if Dak is top eleven in their metrics I think that puts him right about where he should be- slightly above average. My other point is, if we forget his three late picks against the 49ers when that game was already lost anyway, I wonder how much higher than eleventh he would place.
But once again, it's PFF so it should be taken with a grain of salt.
No problem my good man. I probably could have phrased myself better.
I think stats and ranking in general are a grain of salt. I mean...I like to sprinkle salt but I don't overload on everything either.
I still need to do my diligence and see how far off the stats are...off the mean. If there's 3 ints and 200 yards difference from #15 or 16....well...dak might be "average".
If he's 2-3 tds and 200 yards from #5...well...he might be above average. Or at least in that subset!
So stats can lie...or at least smudge anyway.
I have a feeling most people don't really know statistical analyses very well. Whatever stats seems to bolster our opinion and how hard can we bludgeon someone with it.
I usually just like to watch football not argue what a stat actually really means and it's context.