Cowboys players and fans singing different Zeke tune

zeke is a really great football player but if he don't change his ways he wont be a star in the nfl long the girl got the marks from someone just because the law didn't charge him still don't mean he was or wasn't guilty this is one time I think that he will have to serve his punishment of course it hurts the team and the other players and the fans
More people should open their minds.

I don't disagree. But the fact is, as the league stands now, it's not legal to smoke pot.

Now if Elliott and other players are smart enough to get around the policy and never test positive, awesome for them.

But the fact is, Elliott now has a track record of stupidity and has a massive bullseye on him from the league office. Smoking pot, partying, getting into bar fights, whatever else he's done has now put his entire career in jeopardy.

But sure, continue to make excuses for him.
I don't disagree. But the fact is, as the league stands now, it's not legal to smoke pot.

Now if Elliott and other players are smart enough to get around the policy and never test positive, awesome for them.

But the fact is, Elliott now has a track record of stupidity and has a massive bullseye on him from the league office. Smoking pot, partying, getting into bar fights, whatever else he's done has now put his entire career in jeopardy.

But sure, continue to make excuses for him.

But it is legal to walk into a shop. Which is all he did. Don't know where you got Elliott 'smoking pot' from. He said he went into the shop because he was curious.

That's the only excuse I have made for him.
So its against the law to party now? While I don't condone his actions I was far from perfect as a young 19-22 year old while living abroad while I was in the Army. Looking back I made some really really stupid decisions back then and I was in the military...which is a greater employer than the Cowboys with more consequences than playing a professional sport...did it stop me..nope..I felt invincible with my brothers as we did things on our "off" time unquestionable as a military employee....very very dumb very very stupid but his age and the money he has you don't think he feels the same way. He needs to grow up and grow up quickly. I'm lucky I grew up in a time where there wasn't a constant video streaming on my day to day wear a bouts. There were girls there was partying there was bar fights...ask my brothers and sisters what it is like to serve over seas...girls are lined up waiting for you cause they want the chance to come home with you...this is not some fabrication or some plea to tell you Zeke is innocent. The one area I cannot relate to Zeke is the allegation. For me personally I could never fathom a moment where violence towards a woman is warranted. I don't respect a man or boy who lives this way or conducts himself this way. If he is guilty of physically harming this woman he should be punished for that and that alone. He shouldn't be admonished for his "partying" lifestyle as a 18-22 year old boy growing up. Do I really have to list all the players who have had issues growing up. Some people are going to go through this some will learn and grow up some will continue down this path of destruction and forever will wonder what could have been. Lucky for me I wised up and could see the path and got on my knees and righted the ship. I think this is Witten's message to Zeke. I hope the kid does wise up and I hope he realizes he can get on his knees and right his own ship regarding this allegation. As for the partying, bar fight, and speeding...good gosh he is a young man with many temptations coming from every direction at this point in his life. Cast not the first stone...when you point at someone there are three pointed right back at you...we've heard them all sucks as a cowboys fan having to hear this crap and jokes from other fans and sitting here with another potential year flushed down the drain..if he is guilty this will impact the mentality of this teams makeup and we can only hope for the best....but as we go through yet another valley in this forever never ending twenty year mad at the kid for the allegation...don't be mad at him or punish him further for what in this country is pretty typical behavior for a young man trying to figure out his path in life.

If I had a dime for every time someone tries to compare Elliott to their own lives, I'd be one rich dude.

Here's the reality. Even at age 19-22, getting into bar fights, doing dumb things, isn't normal behavior. It happens, I get it, but it's not normal or typical. Every weekend around this country, millions of 19-22 kids go out and have fun. But only a small fraction do dumb **** like get in fights, etc. So no, acting like an idiot because you are partying isn't exactly typical.

Further, Elliott isn't your average 19-22 year old. He's a multi-millionaire celebrity who has cameras and media constantly following him. The reality is that when one signs up to be a NFL player, their level of responsibility is different than for you or I. If players don't like it, then they shouldn't be NFL players. It's just the reality of the situation.

The excuse making for Elliott on this front has always puzzled me. It all surrounds the logic that we should let 20 year olds act like 20 year olds as if what Elliott does is typical. It's not. And you can look around at the Cowboys for proof. How come when Lee or Tyron Smith or Byron Jones or Zach Martin or Tyrone Crawford or Witten were youngish 20 year olds, how come we never saw the "typical" 20 year old behavior from them?

Simple. They were smarter. More mature. They knew how to party, have some fun without acting like a knucklehead. That's what Elliott needs to learn.
But it is legal to walk into a shop. Which is all he did. Don't know where you got Elliott 'smoking pot' from. He said he went into the shop because he was curious.

That's the only excuse I have made for him.

Part of this is also PR, plain and simple. It's not a good look for Elliott, who by the way has been alleged to smoke a lot of pot in college, to walk into a pot shop. It again, shows a complete and total lack of awareness on his part.

Further, if all we had on Elliott was he walked into a pot shop, that would be one thing. But that's not exactly the only thing we have on Elliott, now is it?
Part of this is also PR, plain and simple. It's not a good look for Elliott, who by the way has been alleged to smoke a lot of pot in college, to walk into a pot shop. It again, shows a complete and total lack of awareness on his part.

Everyone I am sure has alleged Elliott to do all things. Amazing no one alleges what they have done, only others.
This article is a hit piece designed to paint Cowboys fans as fools, only concerned for their season of success. It tries to redirect the conversation toward the idea that Zeke needs to get his life right. That issue is old news, has been for over a year. However, all the article does is distract from the blatant overreach by Goodell to suspend Zeke for something the legal system determined they could not prosecute due to false allegations.

The matter at hand is that Goodell has set a precedent, whereby mere allegations are worthy of suspension, even after the legal system as cleared the individual of the charges. NFL now stands for Nonstop Frivolous Lawsuits, unless owners and the NFLPA band together and oust Goodell.

This article is not going to distract me (and I hope most Cowboys fans) from Goodells malicious punishment that deserves banishment of the commissioner. I've been vocal for a year that Elliott needs to cut out the nonsense. It will ruin him if he doesn't change. That doesn't mean Goodell can play the fool, either!
I am a big fan of Elliotts make no mistake. However, he knew he was under a yr long investigation regarding the DV business...and still went out and got himself involved in more incidents...the booby fight..speeding...etc etc. So the league sat him down. I don't like it...but what did Elliott and the FO expect.
I would not have any issue with 2 games for his behavior issues. But I am totally against the NFL saying that this suspension is at all related to Domestic Violence which he was legally cleared from. That is just plain wrong for all sides in the American Justice system in my view! Employer discipline or not. You should not be punished employment wise for something you were cleared of.
I am a big fan of Elliotts make no mistake. However, he knew he was under a yr long investigation regarding the DV business...and still went out and got himself involved in more incidents...the booby fight..speeding...etc etc. So the league sat him down. I don't like it...but what did Elliott and the FO expect.

It is in the NFL's right to suspend him for incidents other than something he was cleared of. Unfortunately, they are tying him to something he was cleared, something he will be banished for, if he ever is ACCUSED of this again.
It is in the NFL's right to suspend him for incidents other than something he was cleared of. Unfortunately, they are tying him to something he was cleared, something he will be banished for, if he ever is ACCUSED of this again.
Agreed. It seems unfair, with what the public knows, to suspend Elliott..clearly nobody wins especially the idiots running the league. My point was only, he doesn't help his own cause. He makes it hard, by his actions, for a Goodell to cut him a little slack. He should have known that a reactionary Goodell would panic and hand him a harsh penalty.
When I think of America's Team I don't think of woman beaters, drug heads, people who constantly get in run-ins with the police, Etc.

Garrett can take his right kind of guy crap and shove it up his you know what because it's getting very old.

A guy tries to run someone over and pulls out a gun on them and is still on the team. So can you do anything and still make the team?
If I had a dime for every time someone tries to compare Elliott to their own lives, I'd be one rich dude.

Here's the reality. Even at age 19-22, getting into bar fights, doing dumb things, isn't normal behavior. It happens, I get it, but it's not normal or typical. Every weekend around this country, millions of 19-22 kids go out and have fun. But only a small fraction do dumb **** like get in fights, etc. So no, acting like an idiot because you are partying isn't exactly typical.

Further, Elliott isn't your average 19-22 year old. He's a multi-millionaire celebrity who has cameras and media constantly following him. The reality is that when one signs up to be a NFL player, their level of responsibility is different than for you or I. If players don't like it, then they shouldn't be NFL players. It's just the reality of the situation.

The excuse making for Elliott on this front has always puzzled me. It all surrounds the logic that we should let 20 year olds act like 20 year olds as if what Elliott does is typical. It's not. And you can look around at the Cowboys for proof. How come when Lee or Tyron Smith or Byron Jones or Zach Martin or Tyrone Crawford or Witten were youngish 20 year olds, how come we never saw the "typical" 20 year old behavior from them?

Simple. They were smarter. More mature. They knew how to party, have some fun without acting like a knucklehead. That's what Elliott needs to learn.
Sometimes it does take longer and yes it is normal unless you lived a sheltered life. Normal people get into bar fights, normal people go to war, normal people push the limits, and from our creation this has been documented historically. It doesn't make the people who don't engage with this smarter or better as your response implies. Forgive me for comparing my real life experience of growing up to what Zeke is going through. I think it is fairly obvious I understand he is worth millions and his temptations are far greater than what I experienced. Money or celebrity status does not change a similar decision or similar type of lifestyle. While Zekes is on a greater stage and much larger scale I personally can compare with my own instances as a young man. I don't believe my post indicated at any junction "we" should let everyone grow up like this. I made it clear he has to grow up and grow up quickly. I also made it clear for me personally I woke up and realized where I was going. Don't discredit my personal happenings and imply there are no comparisons with Zeke...cause money and celebrity status aside..there is a relation and I can most certainly speak to that. My post is about being mad at putting himself in a position where this allegation has tainted his image, the star, and the NFL. Don't be mad at punish the kid because he has partied to much in your eyes. Hope he turns his life around...without question.
Heard on the radio this morning that there were messages on his phone from Zeke to his girlfriend stating how he can get past the NFL drug I don't know if that's true or not but if there are those type of messages, why would he need to send messages like that if he didn't use.....
Thats interpreted how you want to interpret it. If someone asks me about drug testing, I would respond the same way, and I don't use anything.
If I had a dime for every time someone tries to compare Elliott to their own lives, I'd be one rich dude.

Here's the reality. Even at age 19-22, getting into bar fights, doing dumb things, isn't normal behavior. It happens, I get it, but it's not normal or typical. Every weekend around this country, millions of 19-22 kids go out and have fun. But only a small fraction do dumb **** like get in fights, etc. So no, acting like an idiot because you are partying isn't exactly typical.

Further, Elliott isn't your average 19-22 year old. He's a multi-millionaire celebrity who has cameras and media constantly following him. The reality is that when one signs up to be a NFL player, their level of responsibility is different than for you or I. If players don't like it, then they shouldn't be NFL players. It's just the reality of the situation.

The excuse making for Elliott on this front has always puzzled me. It all surrounds the logic that we should let 20 year olds act like 20 year olds as if what Elliott does is typical. It's not. And you can look around at the Cowboys for proof. How come when Lee or Tyron Smith or Byron Jones or Zach Martin or Tyrone Crawford or Witten were youngish 20 year olds, how come we never saw the "typical" 20 year old behavior from them?

Simple. They were smarter. More mature. They knew how to party, have some fun without acting like a knucklehead. That's what Elliott needs to learn.
Just as quick as you'd be a rich dude you'd be right back to being a broke one with bold. It is normal relative to what people are saying. I don't think nobody is saying all young people get into fights but people are saying that its more likely these thngs happen when younger. I don't see how people can get conveniently stupid just to be "right".

Their level of responsibility isn't more than the avg person at all. The level of excuse making for Zeke is the same for most younger people so why are you trying to be disingenuous and make it like the only reason people are defending certain things is because of who he is? If someone said young people wouldn't that mean they'd probably say the same thing for any young person in a similar situation? I know I would and I think most others would also. Knucklehead is sooo funny but I get it people love commenting on others so I understand.
When I think of America's Team I don't think of woman beaters, drug heads, people who constantly get in run-ins with the police, Etc.

Garrett can take his right kind of guy crap and shove it up his you know what because it's getting very old.

A guy tries to run someone over and pulls out a gun on them and is still on the team. So can you do anything and still make the team?
I don't think about all that stuff if you do unfortunately your life isn't that fun. Maybe you need a vacation lol.
Sometimes it does take longer and yes it is normal unless you lived a sheltered life. Normal people get into bar fights, normal people go to war, normal people push the limits, and from our creation this has been documented historically. It doesn't make the people who don't engage with this smarter or better as your response implies. Forgive me for comparing my real life experience of growing up to what Zeke is going through. I think it is fairly obvious I understand he is worth millions and his temptations are far greater than what I experienced. Money or celebrity status does not change a similar decision or similar type of lifestyle. While Zekes is on a greater stage and much larger scale I personally can compare with my own instances as a young man. I don't believe my post indicated at any junction "we" should let everyone grow up like this. I made it clear he has to grow up and grow up quickly. I also made it clear for me personally I woke up and realized where I was going. Don't discredit my personal happenings and imply there are no comparisons with Zeke...cause money and celebrity status aside..there is a relation and I can most certainly speak to that. My post is about being mad at putting himself in a position where this allegation has tainted his image, the star, and the NFL. Don't be mad at punish the kid because he has partied to much in your eyes. Hope he turns his life around...without question.

Thing is you can't separate the celebrity status it is what is it and it is part of the price of fame these young men must deal with. Fact is because of who Zeke he will be placed under a microscope and his action on and off the field will be strongly scrutinized. Calvin Hill has talked and warned young players for many years about what they are about to deal with as athletes and members of the Cowboys. Like it or not, fair or not it is the reality of what these guys must deal with and must learn to deal with.
Sometimes it does take longer and yes it is normal unless you lived a sheltered life. Normal people get into bar fights, normal people go to war, normal people push the limits, and from our creation this has been documented historically. It doesn't make the people who don't engage with this smarter or better as your response implies. Forgive me for comparing my real life experience of growing up to what Zeke is going through. I think it is fairly obvious I understand he is worth millions and his temptations are far greater than what I experienced. Money or celebrity status does not change a similar decision or similar type of lifestyle. While Zekes is on a greater stage and much larger scale I personally can compare with my own instances as a young man. I don't believe my post indicated at any junction "we" should let everyone grow up like this. I made it clear he has to grow up and grow up quickly. I also made it clear for me personally I woke up and realized where I was going. Don't discredit my personal happenings and imply there are no comparisons with Zeke...cause money and celebrity status aside..there is a relation and I can most certainly speak to that. My post is about being mad at putting himself in a position where this allegation has tainted his image, the star, and the NFL. Don't be mad at punish the kid because he has partied to much in your eyes. Hope he turns his life around...without question.

No, being stupid after partying is not normal. It's downright bizarre that you think it is normal for a 19-22 year old to go out all the time and party and do dumb ****. Again, how come the majority of our players never had the issues that Elliott had at a similar age? According to you, most of our players should have had situations like Elliott has because it's "typical" for 20 year olds to do that.

Note, I am not suggesting he shouldn't go to clubs or bars and have fun with friends. The problem is being able to do it responsibly (and let's note, a lot of this stuff happened AFTER the NFL was looking into his DV issues, so he had more incentive to stay out of trouble).

I am not mad he likes to party. I am mad that apparently when he does party he can't act responsibly and that it puts the Cowboys and his teammates into a tough situation. And I don't simply take the "awww schucks, poor guy, he's only 20 years old, all 20 year olds do this stuff" seriously. Because it's BS. Most 20 year olds can have fun and still act responsibly.

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