Cowboys players and fans singing different Zeke tune

What part of a 6 game suspension--and threats of a lifetime ban-- fails to register w/you as important?
How about the part about it being unsubstantiated ********? The league is wrong for this. The punishment doesn't fit the crime because there is no evidence of a crime, just speculation and the testimony of a liar. If being immature and making bad decisions warrants six game suspensions, then they might as well just shut the league down. Require Zeke to go to counseling. Fine him. Make him do community service. But to label him a woman beater with no proof, to take away his opportunity to earn off the field income, to threaten to end his career if someone else lies on him is ridiculous. I don't like them making an example of Zeke at the possible expense of his career or the Cowboys success.
To many Cowboys fans Zeke is a victim of a league office that is out of control...spearheaded by a commissioner with a singular vendetta to destroy the Cowboys and steal joy from their fans.

In contrast, when I listen to past and present players...the portrayal of Zeke is certainly not one of a victim but rather as a young man at a crossroads, in serious need of a course correction.

Aikman, Haley, Emmitt have had some sober words about Zeke's behavior and a need for change. Jason Witten, a team captain, was understandably cautious in his comments but you could certainly see Wit's focus was not on how the NFL conducted their investigation, but on how Elliott is conducting his life.

The concerns seem perhaps even more intense with some inside the Cowboys organization.

One Cowboys front office member said, "This guy is a total diva. It’s going to be a miracle if he doesn’t get into any trouble."*

I'm far from any fan of Roger G and the gang running the league. They've certainly botched up (again) in their handling of the Zeke case. But I suggest fans might consider shifting the narrative.

Specifically...Focusing on Zeke living smarter and living better. Given the way things are going...Zeke is putting himself at risk of losing everything...his sport, his finances....possibly even his freedom or his life.

*Quote from Star Telegram

Another entitled athlete. And Jones and his puppet sticking up for him at every turn is ridiculous. If he is really out 6 games with all the other suspensions then they have all but ruined our season.
I'm not a big fan of Zeke's, personally. I didn't want to spend that high pick on offense, or on a RB, and I don't think he's particularly funny. He definitely has a ton of growing up to do, and the stories about his party habits are out there predating his time in the NFL.

But the players pretty much uniformly also say he's a good guy and imply he's got some growing up to do. I think that's also probably the case. In Witten's case in particular, he has to be careful because he's a very public spokesperson for DV issues. He can't appear to be putting those aside out of convenience for a teammate.

Regardless, Goodell has botched this entire process, and the suspension is a clown-act. The league deserves what's coming to it since they keep inviting criticism with their inconsistent enforcement of penalties and their creative interpretation of available facts.
Just as quick as you'd be a rich dude you'd be right back to being a broke one with bold. It is normal relative to what people are saying. I don't think nobody is saying all young people get into fights but people are saying that its more likely these thngs happen when younger. I don't see how people can get conveniently stupid just to be "right".

Their level of responsibility isn't more than the avg person at all. The level of excuse making for Zeke is the same for most younger people so why are you trying to be disingenuous and make it like the only reason people are defending certain things is because of who he is? If someone said young people wouldn't that mean they'd probably say the same thing for any young person in a similar situation? I know I would and I think most others would also. Knucklehead is sooo funny but I get it people love commenting on others so I understand.

No, getting into bar fights, pulling down a shirt of a girl, standing two feet apparently from a guy who gets knocked out cold is not "typical". You can put whatever spin on you want, it's not normal or acceptable or typical behavior. You've long tried to excuse Elliott from the fact he clearly has issues making sound decisions away from the field.

You are one of the very few who can't, for some odd reason, admit Elliott has a problem. You are clearly defending him and his actions because of who he is and if anyone is being disingenuous here, it's you.
No, being stupid after partying is not normal. It's downright bizarre that you think it is normal for a 19-22 year old to go out all the time and party and do dumb ****. Again, how come the majority of our players never had the issues that Elliott had at a similar age? According to you, most of our players should have had situations like Elliott has because it's "typical" for 20 year olds to do that.

Note, I am not suggesting he shouldn't go to clubs or bars and have fun with friends. The problem is being able to do it responsibly (and let's note, a lot of this stuff happened AFTER the NFL was looking into his DV issues, so he had more incentive to stay out of trouble).

I am not mad he likes to party. I am mad that apparently when he does party he can't act responsibly and that it puts the Cowboys and his teammates into a tough situation. And I don't simply take the "awww schucks, poor guy, he's only 20 years old, all 20 year olds do this stuff" seriously. Because it's BS. Most 20 year olds can have fun and still act responsibly.
Wow calling someone stupid now...very judgmental in your responses. Instead of being so accusatory in your rebuttal maybe you could be more open minded. Last time I checked you aren't the only one with an opinion who posts on this board.
Thing is you can't separate the celebrity status it is what is it and it is part of the price of fame these young men must deal with. Fact is because of who Zeke he will be placed under a microscope and his action on and off the field will be strongly scrutinized. Calvin Hill has talked and warned young players for many years about what they are about to deal with as athletes and members of the Cowboys. Like it or not, fair or not it is the reality of what these guys must deal with and must learn to deal with.
Agree 100% and understand this as well. While there is some obvious separation there is still some similarities with other young men who don't have money or fame.
No, getting into bar fights, pulling down a shirt of a girl, standing two feet apparently from a guy who gets knocked out cold is not "typical". You can put whatever spin on you want, it's not normal or acceptable or typical behavior. You've long tried to excuse Elliott from the fact he clearly has issues making sound decisions away from the field.

You are one of the very few who can't, for some odd reason, admit Elliott has a problem. You are clearly defending him and his actions because of who he is and if anyone is being disingenuous here, it's you.
Your right I can't say he has a problem because I don't know if he has one. I'm defending young people period on certain things but I bet you 10k right now you can't find a post of me defending him saying what he did is cool. I said its something that young people are more likely to do nothing more nothing less period.
I don't disagree. But the fact is, as the league stands now, it's not legal to smoke pot.

People seem to be having a hard time understanding a basic concept here: It does not matter whether or not something is "legal" if your employer forbids it as a condition of your employment. Even if marijuana was completely legalized on a federal level, the NFL may still insist that it's players not indulge as long as the NFL employs them. And they don't need a reason that makes sense to anyone but themselves. Here's an example: Growing your hair long and wearing a beard is completely legal. Some employers have a policy of not allowing their employees to wear their hair long. Period. "But long hair is legal!" Yes, it is...and you are free to wear it as long as you like, just not with that particular employer. Same goes for pot, I would assume.

Also, it seems there is just a fundamental difference in values when it comes to people's perception on this Zeke issue. Some people are like "What's the big deal? Ain't nothing wrong with being at nightclubs, banging lots of different women, pulling down their shirts in public, and driving recklessly!" Others say "That guy needs to focus on football and learn how to act. Ain't nobody got time for knuckleheadedness." I am somewhere in the middle. Enjoy your status and money but for Pete's sake be discrete with it, kid. Hire a personal assistant to save you from yourself and just BE SMART. You keep jackin up and they are going to ****-hammer you.
Agree 100% and understand this as well. While there is some obvious separation there is still some similarities with other young men who don't have money or fame.

True. He is still human I get that but like any celebrity he now has to be aware of the situation. It is no different than any other celebrity where when you screw up it becomes headline news.
Please show us the evidence that he drinks heavily and smokes pot.
How many excuses are you going to make for him? Texting about beating drug tests wasn't good enough? The writing has been on the wall with this clown since college yet people like you refuse to acknowledge that there is a problem unless he is caught red handed. Even then, like exposing the girls breast, and the excuses continue. I don't know what's more sad, Zeke's behavior or the people continually making excuses for him.
Wow calling someone stupid now...very judgmental in your responses. Instead of being so accusatory in your rebuttal maybe you could be more open minded. Last time I checked you aren't the only one with an opinion who posts on this board.

Open minded? LOL.

So let me get this straight, I am closed minded because I state that it's not typical behavior for a 20 year old to get into trouble like Elliott does? That's not being closed minded, that's just reality.

And I didn't call Elliott stupid. I said the way he acts off the field at times is stupid. And it is. By any sane person, pulling down a girl's shirt in public, being involved in a bar fight where a guy gets knocked out, etc. on top of being investigated for a DV incident is stupid behavior.

I'll ask a third time. If that kind of behavior is typical of all 20 year olds, how come more NFL players don't have the track record Elliott does? How come many of our players did not have similar issues at Zeke's age?

The answer is simple. It's not typical behavior. Elliott has a problem, and this has been stated by people who know far more about this than you and I like Emmitt Smith, Marshall Faulk, Troy Aikman. It's a problem that will cost him a career if he doesn't wise up. So no, what he does isn't typical 20 year old behavior.
Wow calling someone stupid now...very judgmental in your responses. Instead of being so accusatory in your rebuttal maybe you could be more open minded. Last time I checked you aren't the only one with an opinion who posts on this board.

You're not stupid but, making a case that is nonsensical. Zeke can party all he wants but, he has to do it out of the media and cell phone eye. He can import a dozen Russian girls to fulfill his every phantasy but, he needs to do it in his own home pad. If he doesn't get some smarts he will find himself out of football and possibly in jail like other black players have.
Your right I can't say he has a problem because I don't know if he has one. I'm defending young people period on certain things but I bet you 10k right now you can't find a post of me defending him saying what he did is cool. I said its something that young people are more likely to do nothing more nothing less period.

Well, I'll trust guys like Smith and Aikman who are plugged into the Cowboys and what's been going on around Elliott. And when they say he needs to clean up his off the field stuff, that's a pretty good indication something is going on. Also, there have been a few stories that reports Elliott has had other off the field issues that the Cowboys have been able to keep out of the media.

I mean the smoke is so thick at this point that Elliott is a diva and needs to clean up his act or he's going to have real issues down the road.

I never said you said what he's doing is cool. I am questioning the fact you seem to give him a pass for his actions because you assume this is what all or most 20 year olds do. That's false.
You're not stupid but, making a case that is nonsensical. Zeke can party all he wants but, he has to do it out of the media and cell phone eye. He can import a dozen Russian girls to fulfill his every phantasy but, he needs to do it in his own home pad. If he doesn't get some smarts he will find himself out of football and possibly in jail like other black players have.


Zeke should be able to go out with buddies, hit a club or a bar, go to dinner, whatever, as long as he's responsible about it. To date, he's shown little maturity and responsibility and that's what people around the Cowboys are saying. It's going to cost him down the road.
Well, I'll trust guys like Smith and Aikman who are plugged into the Cowboys and what's been going on around Elliott. And when they say he needs to clean up his off the field stuff, that's a pretty good indication something is going on. Also, there have been a few stories that reports Elliott has had other off the field issues that the Cowboys have been able to keep out of the media.

I mean the smoke is so thick at this point that Elliott is a diva and needs to clean up his act or he's going to have real issues down the road.

I never said you said what he's doing is cool. I am questioning the fact you seem to give him a pass for his actions because you assume this is what all or most 20 year olds do. That's false.
Of course you'd trust them they share views that make you seem right. Way to go Captain Obvious. I never said that's what all young people did. Is your computer or device faulty because you keep making up stuff I never said or implied. Get that checked out. The only thing that's false is your switching up my words to fit your views on this issue.

Zeke should be able to go out with buddies, hit a club or a bar, go to dinner, whatever, as long as he's responsible about it. To date, he's shown little maturity and responsibility and that's what people around the Cowboys are saying. It's going to cost him down the road.

It's just fine to go out and party but, he must remember that Alcohol creates conditions that can lead to trouble whether fighting, driving, or other actions that he wouldn't otherwise do. If he doesn't grow up fast, his time in the league will become very short.
When I think of America's Team I don't think of woman beaters, drug heads, people who constantly get in run-ins with the police, Etc.

Garrett can take his right kind of guy crap and shove it up his you know what because it's getting very old.

A guy tries to run someone over and pulls out a gun on them and is still on the team. So can you do anything and still make the team?

You must have hated the 90s teams.
I'm not a big fan of Zeke's, personally. I didn't want to spend that high pick on offense, or on a RB, and I don't think he's particularly funny. He definitely has a ton of growing up to do, and the stories about his party habits are out there predating his time in the NFL.

But the players pretty much uniformly also say he's a good guy and imply he's got some growing up to do. I think that's also probably the case. In Witten's case in particular, he has to be careful because he's a very public spokesperson for DV issues. He can't appear to be putting those aside out of convenience for a teammate.

Regardless, Goodell has botched this entire process, and the suspension is a clown-act. The league deserves what's coming to it since they keep inviting criticism with their inconsistent enforcement of penalties and their creative interpretation of available facts.

I guess this I can agree with. Most rookies have to make an adjustment once they enter the NFL, not so much that most of what they do is wrong but rather not to spotlight the attention on their off the job lifestyle in the case they do make a mistake. This is the reality he is facing and the way this whole process was handled takes no blame off either party, but we best be careful not to point it out to be any more than that.
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