Cowboys players and fans singing different Zeke tune

But that's just it ... you say it yourself .. I don't know if it's true or not ??

We don't know .. all we do as a fan base .. heck as a nation in today's irresponsible social media society is report what someone else claims to be true or even speculation from their "sources" .. we all sit back and judge others .. we convict others without a full knowledge of facts .. based on hearsay , quotes , rumors ... long gone are the days of research and truth .. it's sad ... very sad

Exactly, I make no claims that he hit her or not....I have not seen ALL of the evidence, though many on this site seem to concluded already she's a liar out to get him..........All I can go by is what the four independent panel concluded after they reviewed all of the evidence and in their judgement there is a preponderance of evidence that he more likely than Not he hit her ....
Exactly, I make no claims that he hit her or not....I have not seen ALL of the evidence, though many on this site seem to concluded already she's a liar out to get him..........All I can go by is what the four independent panel concluded after they reviewed all of the evidence and in their judgement there is a preponderance of evidence that he more likely than Not he hit her ....

Because there is more than enough evidence to point one in that direction.
Because there is more than enough evidence to point one in that direction.

Have you not learned anything by now from media events over the last few years that what starts out to be one story line in the media ends up being something completely might want to wait until come to a conclusion
Aikman, Haley, Emmitt have had some sober words about Zeke's behavior and a need for change. Jason Witten, a team captain, was understandably cautious in his comments but you could certainly see Wit's focus was not on how the NFL conducted their investigation, but on how Elliott is conducting his life.

*Quote from Star Telegram

Charles Haley is a sociopath who would be booted out of the league in today's NFL. I'm sure there's someone whose opinion I value less on the subject, I just can't think of them right now.

I suspect that Aikman and Emmitt have spent little time looking at the report and underlying info. Almost anyone in the public eye is going to be cautious and say things like that. They don't want to be seen as defending someone who may have abused a woman. In this day and age where one little comment will have legions of fools and safe spacers on social media calling you a racist, bigot, sexist, etc, and that you should immediately be fired, someone with a high profile job like Aikman can't afford to have any candor at all on something like this. It's a shame that a free society has come to this.

Their comments have zero impact on how I look at this, and shouldn't impact anyone else either. They're saying the safe thing, that Zeke needs to clean up his act, which is undoubtedly true. But none of that justifies the NFL publicly calling him a woman beater, conducting a sham investigation to render a predetermined verdict, and suspending him 6 games when they've been far more lenient in worse cases.
Have you not learned anything by now from media events over the last few years that what starts out to be one story line in the media ends up being something completely might want to wait until come to a conclusion

Wow ........... so its ok for you to believe a one sided story but not him?

Hypocrite much?

He embarrassed the league with his antic in the news ....... and they overreacted ......

Four members of the independent panel concluded that based on the full evidence before them.....I don't think you were part of that panel
Wow ........... so its ok for you to believe a one sided story but not him?

Hypocrite much?

I'm have not concluded anything, reading and comprehension is a wonderful think when one uses it.....I can only go by what the panel concluded, that's not my conclusion because I don't have access to the full file of evidence....
Four members of the independent panel concluded that based on the full evidence before them.....I don't think you were part of that panel

And neither were you.

And that "panel" was not the authorities who talked to everyone involved ........ they were a group of people who paid for and answered to the worst Boss the nfl has had in years.
And neither were you.

And that "panel" was not the authorities who talked to everyone involved ........ they were a group of people who paid for and answered to the worst Boss the nfl has had in years.

They are not part of the league office, they're independent and reviewed all documents, medical documents and testimony from witnesses, it's their conclusion, what part of that can't you grasp!!!!!.....Goodell works for the 32 owners so you have no idea what kind of boss he is..Anyone jumping to judgments and conclusions in the case is YOU!!!

They are already trying to cover their tracks

NFL declines to release Elliott investigative report, transcript of hearing

Do you understand the legality of releasing such report........Zeke's legal team has it, they can release it, why don't they??
Do you understand the legality of releasing such report........Zeke's legal team has it, they can release it, why don't they??
Do you not think Goodell should have attended the committee hearing of its findings before he rendered a sentence?

This is blowing up in the NFL's face. The CBA doesn't protect it from this sort of incompetence.
Do you not think Goodell should have attended the committee hearing of its findings before he rendered a sentence?

This is blowing up in the NFL's face. The CBA doesn't protect it from this sort of incompetence.

Don't buy into the hyperbole of the media......No I don't because after the Ray Rice incident, the argument of the NFLPA was that how can Goodell be judge jury and executioner......well, remember the report with recommendations that the NFL asked for after that case, The NFL put in place after the independent review of that case, the changes recommended in that report which included independent review of evidence outside of the NFL.....The investigation was done, the evidence was sent to the four independent people that reviewed the case and concluded that based on that evidence, there was preponderance of evidence to show he was more likely than not to committed that alleged violence... The media cannot now whine about how he wasn't in the room for the questioning, when they said in the Rice case he shouldn't, they're hypocrites
Well, despite the guilt and non guilt of the players side, there's still plenty of big time guilt on the owners side for sure, they knew what they wanted and why, pushed for this discipline measure knowing full well what they'd do with that power. And have continued to do so despite this being unconstitutional, unlawful, hypocritical. Inconsistent, unfair, unjust. Lying about different aspects while they do, and not being open and hiding facts the whole time. If anyone needs suspending its the nfl office. They are a stink to society, and two wrongs don't make a right. This is analogous to Both, the drug dealer and user are guilty in real life.
Exactly, I make no claims that he hit her or not....I have not seen ALL of the evidence, though many on this site seem to concluded already she's a liar out to get him..........All I can go by is what the four independent panel concluded after they reviewed all of the evidence and in their judgement there is a preponderance of evidence that he more likely than Not he hit her ....
the nfl also pioneered the evidence of the dez catch and concluded he didn't catch it. They aren't qualified to identify dog poop on their face.

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