Cowboys players and fans singing different Zeke tune

So its against the law to party now? While I don't condone his actions I was far from perfect as a young 19-22 year old while living abroad while I was in the Army. Looking back I made some really really stupid decisions back then and I was in the military...which is a greater employer than the Cowboys with more consequences than playing a professional sport...did it stop me..nope..I felt invincible with my brothers as we did things on our "off" time unquestionable as a military employee....very very dumb very very stupid but his age and the money he has you don't think he feels the same way. He needs to grow up and grow up quickly. I'm lucky I grew up in a time where there wasn't a constant video streaming on my day to day wear a bouts. There were girls there was partying there was bar fights...ask my brothers and sisters what it is like to serve over seas...girls are lined up waiting for you cause they want the chance to come home with you...this is not some fabrication or some plea to tell you Zeke is innocent. The one area I cannot relate to Zeke is the allegation. For me personally I could never fathom a moment where violence towards a woman is warranted. I don't respect a man or boy who lives this way or conducts himself this way. If he is guilty of physically harming this woman he should be punished for that and that alone. He shouldn't be admonished for his "partying" lifestyle as a 18-22 year old boy growing up. Do I really have to list all the players who have had issues growing up. Some people are going to go through this some will learn and grow up some will continue down this path of destruction and forever will wonder what could have been. Lucky for me I wised up and could see the path and got on my knees and righted the ship. I think this is Witten's message to Zeke. I hope the kid does wise up and I hope he realizes he can get on his knees and right his own ship regarding this allegation. As for the partying, bar fight, and speeding...good gosh he is a young man with many temptations coming from every direction at this point in his life. Cast not the first stone...when you point at someone there are three pointed right back at you...we've heard them all sucks as a cowboys fan having to hear this crap and jokes from other fans and sitting here with another potential year flushed down the drain..if he is guilty this will impact the mentality of this teams makeup and we can only hope for the best....but as we go through yet another valley in this forever never ending twenty year mad at the kid for the allegation...don't be mad at him or punish him further for what in this country is pretty typical behavior for a young man trying to figure out his path in life.

Nice post. Speaking for myself...if he can party and not cross that line where he loses control and hurt someone...or himself...with a fist...a car...or break the law, or NFL code.. it's a big free country.

Also speaking for myself...I learned a little later than I should have...that I couldn't manage was managing me. It was controlling me. I had to stop 100% and it was a challenge to accept that and to do it. Now I have no evidence to suggest...and I'm not suggesting that Zeke has addictions like me...just saying.
Nice post. Speaking for myself...if he can party and not cross that line where he loses control and hurt someone...or himself...with a fist...a car...or break the law, or NFL code.. it's a big free country.

Also speaking for myself...I learned a little later than I should have...that I couldn't manage was managing me. It was controlling me. I had to stop 100% and it was a challenge to accept that and to do it. Now I have no evidence to suggest...and I'm not suggesting that Zeke has addictions like me...just saying.
The problem Zeke has with so many other top athletes of today is that they have been almost universally coddled and protected since they were in junior high. Suddenly being expected to act right and accept responsibility is hard for a lot of them.
I don't think the NFLPA sold out the players, to be honest. I think the players did that to themselves. They voted for this and the NFLPA moved forward on it, based on the players vote. That's how I see it.
he problem with that is a hand full of players made a decision for the rest of them , the majority. Also, st that time many players said they didn't like the deal. Smith and Vincent should have done better. Listen to the majority, look down the road at what's coming.
Urban Meyer was concerned about Zeke's "drinking problem."

There's a big difference between a party drinker and an alcoholic. Let's hope it's the former, and he only needs to grow up.
One Cowboys front office member said, "This guy is a total diva. It’s going to be a miracle if he doesn’t get into any trouble."*

Hate to hear that about Zeke. I'm not going to wring my hands about it though. He'll either get it or he won't, it's all up to him.
Part of this is also PR, plain and simple. It's not a good look for Elliott, who by the way has been alleged to smoke a lot of pot in college, to walk into a pot shop. It again, shows a complete and total lack of awareness on his part.

Further, if all we had on Elliott was he walked into a pot shop, that would be one thing. But that's not exactly the only thing we have on Elliott, now is it?

He's not run afoul of the drug program so that is neither here nor there. He's hardly the only player to smoke and not get caught either. Lots and lots of players smoke.

The thing that gets me is that Thompson lied to police who could have pressed charges for obstruction had they so chosen. She had something to lose then. If the NFL catches her what does she have to lose?
I agree that it's not uncommon for young men to act a bit wild. Same for girls. That does not excuse it in any way.

Boys will be boys should have never been a valid excuse.
If anything my comments were too tempered and understated.

We've had enough Cowboys see their careers cut back or cut short because of bad choices. And worse we've seen some find their way into prison or die way before their time.

Dwayne Goodrich...vehicular manslaughter...runs over two guys trying to pull someone from burning car. Goodrich was going 110.

Other instances where crazy speeding and/or the night life didn't turn out so well: Erik Williams, Sam Hurd, Joseph Randle, Mark Tuinei, Josh Brent, Jerry Brown.

It's pretty hard to get into 4 car crashes in a couple of years yet Zeke has done exactly that. He's also been busted for going 100. I think it's safe to say there's been a lot more craziness with Zeke behind the wheel we don't know about.

Zeke's known to hit the bottle damn hard and taken an interest in a drug that though it should be legalized...consuming it could wipe out another career year via suspension.

His conduct with women the very least lacking judgment. He's been at the epicenter of considerable trouble.

What part of a 6 game suspension--and threats of a lifetime ban-- fails to register w/you as important?
Gadzooks, blokes!
Such passion. By both sides.
While we wait for any smoking guns, let's consider some facts, ruffians of the gridiron.
1. Trouble seems to follow Zeke
2. Zeke's legal team, I bet, will, if it can, bring up the race card. (All is fair in love and war and in court)
3. It seems a certainty an altercation, oral or physical, did occur
4. The odds are Zeke will get in trouble again. Money, youth, beautiful women, a certain world view about how women are to be used, a legal team to cover up life's bumps and a proactive father ... What could possibly go wrong? Ask yourself this? How is it most of the team avoids these pitfalls and Zeke does not?

he problem with that is a hand full of players made a decision for the rest of them , the majority. Also, st that time many players said they didn't like the deal. Smith and Vincent should have done better. Listen to the majority, look down the road at what's coming.

Perhaps, but the players adopted a representative system and each teams representative met with the players they represented to explain to them. Either way you look at it, the decision ultimately rested with the players. Besides, you are not going to get all the players in the NFL to participate in all that goes into this. Even if given the opportunity, they would not all take it. In fact, is guess that a very small segment would get involved enough to fully participate.
Why go to a pot shop if you aren't a smoker? And why do so when you know you are already under extra scrutiny and investigation!? Zeke's texts to a friend conveys he was worried about a drug test. Again I don't have strong views against pot at all. But for now it's the law in many states...and while in many states it's winked at...the NFL chooses not to.

Reports are widespread that he parties long, hard and frequently. I wouldn't much care so much about that if that weren't combined with his history behind a wheel, his penchant for finding himself in the wrong situation and his seeming zeal for risk.
Yet you still haven't shown one quote or story to support your claims as windjc asks ? Quoting hearsay without facts is just speculation at best .. I get what your saying but for once I would want to see and hear some true hard facts ...
Heard on the radio this morning that there were messages on his phone from Zeke to his girlfriend stating how he can get past the NFL drug I don't know if that's true or not but if there are those type of messages, why would he need to send messages like that if he didn't use.....
But that's just it ... you say it yourself .. I don't know if it's true or not ??

We don't know .. all we do as a fan base .. heck as a nation in today's irresponsible social media society is report what someone else claims to be true or even speculation from their "sources" .. we all sit back and judge others .. we convict others without a full knowledge of facts .. based on hearsay , quotes , rumors ... long gone are the days of research and truth .. it's sad ... very sad
Yet you still haven't shown one quote or story to support your claims as windjc asks ? Quoting hearsay without facts is just speculation at best .. I get what your saying but for once I would want to see and hear some true hard facts ...

Cause all he has is hearsay and speculation.
Thank god I passed my piss test after walking into a pot shop.
Many of those places sell that 'kill' stuff you drink 12-24 hours along with a gallon of water prior to having to drop,,, runs about $28,,,:huh:
The problem Zeke has with so many other top athletes of today is that they have been almost universally coddled and protected since they were in junior high. Suddenly being expected to act right and accept responsibility is hard for a lot of them.
I see your coddled point of view, but you also have to remember that of all the NFL players, there is such a small percentage that can't seem to accept the responsibilities. I am not inferring that you mean this as an excuse, but it really is not and should not be an excuse for any NFL player.
To me the DV issue will have no effect on Zekes other behavior. If he did not do it and is wrongly accused and disciplined for it I don't see why it would have any effect on his other behavior. Hopefully his teamates will encourage him in the right direction on the other behavior issues he has had.
Many of those places sell that 'kill' stuff you drink 12-24 hours along with a gallon of water prior to having to drop,,, runs about $28,,,:huh:
most employment drug tests test for a myriad of things, masking agents, dilute urine sample and of course drugs. if you test positive for a masking agent it usually is a fail or an immediate retest, if you test as dilute again employer can interpret that as a fail or ask you for an immediate retest or they could go another direction and test DNA.
most employment drug tests test for a myriad of things, masking agents, dilute urine sample and of course drugs. if you test positive for a masking agent it usually is a fail or an immediate retest, if you test as dilute again employer can interpret that as a fail or ask you for an immediate retest or they could go another direction and test DNA.

Copy! When a judge had the power to frog march me into court once or twice a month for several months, and make me sit till usually the last one( pretty sure he was angling for a failure to appear charge) I watched and learned some about the process,, those tests come up diluted ,,at his discretion either awards them positive test or makes them immediately retest.( or sends them with the bailiff to be detained)

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