Cowboys unsure whether Elliott will be available


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Looks like a thread created as a joke. I don’t plan on reading it all again.
The first 5 or 6 replies said no. They weren’t looking forward seeing Tom get hurt.

What exactly are you trying to accomplish as a member here? I’m not being sarcastic or asking a loaded question. I’d like to know.

It’s well known your posts are pro team x and anti Dallas. Consistently. Its obvious you’re aiming to provoke people on this site and that’s wonderful if we can help make your life better by replying. However, wishing injury to another person in a serious way is not a very
real classy move. It really doesn’t make it better that you claim someone else did it first unless you’re 7 years old or younger and then only slightly.

You remind me of another poster who doesn’t post anymore.

I’ll ask you again. Are you @KJJ ? If so I understand and if not please enlighten me.


Well-Known Member
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I would prefer Zeek be suspended this year.
I would prefer no suspension but if it is inevitable let it be now.

I agree. This team is going nowhere special this year. Making the playoffs and getting bounced doenst cut it for me. I would rather take our lumps this year and come out firing next year with these young defensive players more prepared to make an impact.


Well-Known Member
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Looks like a thread created as a joke. I don’t plan on reading it all again.
The first 5 or 6 replies said no. They weren’t looking forward seeing Tom get hurt.

What exactly are you trying to accomplish as a member here? I’m not being sarcastic or asking a loaded question. I’d like to know.

It’s well known your posts are pro team x and anti Dallas. Consistently. Its obvious you’re aiming to provoke people on this site and that’s wonderful if we can help make your life better by replying. However, wishing injury to another person in a serious way is a
real classy ****head move.

You remind me of another poster who doesn’t post anymore.

I’ll ask you again. Are you @KJJ ? If so I understand and if not please enlighten me.
As I stated, there were some good people in there but there are also several comments made (in other threads) where fans here were wishing injuries upon other players. I called them out on it and guess what? Not one person agreed or liked my post but because I think Zeke is a border line cancer on this team and I think the disadvantages outweigh the advantages therefore hoping he gets injured all of the sudden I'm the sick one. Again, where were you or the others calling out "fellow fans" for wishing injuries on other players instead of liking their posts?

If you actually read any of my posts you'll see that it's not nearly all anti Dallas, but you don't, so you have very little frame of reference. I'm anti Zeke and anti Jerry and I've never hid that, IMOF I've been quite vocal about it. I don't see you bringing up my posts about Dak, or about not throwing a hissy fit and calling the season over and saying Garrett needs to be fired because players can't catch the ball. Oh yeah, and I guess I'm pro Giants because I am sick of hearing the excuses of everything being blamed on Mara when there is ZERO proof of anything...this coming from the same hypocrites crying about Zeke getting charged for DV when there is ZERO evidence. You don't find that ironic? What a joke! Falsely accuse one person of something because he's associated with another team while defending another person who is being falsely accused because he's on your team.

BTW, I have never once said I think Zeke is guilty of DV and have also said I think he's innocent. I also think Mara is a POS for other reasons but conspiring against the Cowboys with no proof isn't one of them.


Well-Known Member
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I'm sure that happens often.
And I'm fine with it, I get the fact that I won't be popular for disliking an owner that has let his ego get in the way of championships for over two decades (plus as a human being I strongly dislike him) and I don't like a star running back who can't control himself and is constantly putting himself and therefore the team in jeopardy with his immature and irresponsible actions.


Well-Known Member
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I don't understand all the hate Aria is getting over his comments

Its football, the fastest way to remove a player from a team is through injury. We all know that and I am sure at some point we have all openly or secretly hoped it on a player. With that being said, Aria said broken leg which can easily heal. Its not like he said head trauma or broken vertebra.

I think the main point of this post is Aria recognizes how much of a head case, drama queen, foolish millienial and over rated fat little meatball that Ezekial has become.

From that fiasco on the draft red carpet I didn't want him any where near this team. Yet there was Jerry and his Ego, had to have him. Ramssey was the right choice as far as a franchise stand point. Rb are dime a dozen, but at least the other RBs don't come with all this baggage.

They said they were drafting him so Romo could win a super bowl we all see how that turned out, these idiots Jerry and the RED BARON royally screwed that one up. Now we are being helled hostage by a prima Donna in a number 21 jersey.

Everyone here were drinking the cool aid last year. There was a majority that believed that some how Dak was better then Romo last year. SMH.

Now these same people want to defend this clown Ezekial because he wears the star. If he was on any other team in NFL we would all be thankful we didn't have to deal with that headcase.

PS judging by the past. This moron ain't done with his antics

PPS I think the main point of Arias argument rings true. The only way to humble Elliott would be to win without him

PA Cowboy Fan

Well-Known Member
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I don't understand all the hate Aria is getting over his comments

Its football, the fastest way to remove a player from a team is through injury. We all know that and I am sure at some point we have all openly or secretly hoped it on a player. With that being said, Aria said broken leg which can easily heal. Its not like he said head trauma or broken vertebra.

I think the main point of this post is Aria recognizes how much of a head case, drama queen, foolish millienial and over rated fat little meatball that Ezekial has become.

From that fiasco on the draft red carpet I didn't want him any where near this team. Yet there was Jerry and his Ego, had to have him. Ramssey was the right choice as far as a franchise stand point. Rb are dime a dozen, but at least the other RBs don't come with all this baggage.

They said they were drafting him so Romo could win a super bowl we all see how that turned out, these idiots Jerry and the RED BARON royally screwed that one up. Now we are being helled hostage by a prima Donna in a number 21 jersey.

Everyone here were drinking the cool aid last year. There was a majority that believed that some how Dak was better then Romo last year. SMH.

Now these same people want to defend this clown Ezekial because he wears the star. If he was on any other team in NFL we would all be thankful we didn't have to deal with that headcase.

PS judging by the past. This moron ain't done with his antics

PPS I think the main point of Arias argument rings true. The only way to humble Elliott would be to win without him
If I actually thought he was guilty of DV I wouldn't defend him. I don't think he's guilty. I think he needs to grow up and start acting like a pro but that's a different matter. Since he's important to the Cowboys success I'd never wish for him to get hurt. That's crazy. Other teams are a different matter. By and large I don't root for injuries. Some I don't lose any sleep over.


Kellen Moore baby
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About 90% of the people on this site.

Let's see, last year it was wishing injuries on Jordy Nelson during the playoff game. Hoping Rodgers injury would be more serious so he couldn't play. This year there were several comments with "likes" about OBJ being hurt and wishing further and more serious injury on him.

I don't like Zeke, plain and simple and I hope he gets hurt. How's the saying go, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em.
Giants troll gonna Giants troll.

Get off our site.


Kellen Moore baby
Reaction score
No doubt but I don't remember you or anyone else here calling anyone else out for laughing about and wishing injuries upon players on other teams. IMOF, I remember seeing quite a few "likes".
Um, because it's bizarre to wish injury on our own, Giants fan.

But for a Giants fan, who's mad about Ol Dirty Beckham, it makes perfect sense coming from you.

You're disgusting. Pathetic and disgusting. And I adore that you posted everything you did to further expose yourself.

Hear that? That's the sound of many, many more people clicking "ignore" on your ***.


It's all in the reflexes
Reaction score
Giants troll gonna Giants troll.

Get off our site.
I've called him out over and over and have reported his posts numerous times over the past 2-3 months. It's obvious he's here to just incite the posters. I don't think the Moderators are going to do anything about him.

BTW, where did the report function go?


Kellen Moore baby
Reaction score
As I stated, there were some good people in there but there are also several comments made (in other threads) where fans here were wishing injuries upon other players. I called them out on it and guess what? Not one person agreed or liked my post but because I think Zeke is a border line cancer on this team and I think the disadvantages outweigh the advantages therefore hoping he gets injured all of the sudden I'm the sick one. Again, where were you or the others calling out "fellow fans" for wishing injuries on other players instead of liking their posts?

If you actually read any of my posts you'll see that it's not nearly all anti Dallas, but you don't, so you have very little frame of reference. I'm anti Zeke and anti Jerry and I've never hid that, IMOF I've been quite vocal about it. I don't see you bringing up my posts about Dak, or about not throwing a hissy fit and calling the season over and saying Garrett needs to be fired because players can't catch the ball. Oh yeah, and I guess I'm pro Giants because I am sick of hearing the excuses of everything being blamed on Mara when there is ZERO proof of anything...this coming from the same hypocrites crying about Zeke getting charged for DV when there is ZERO evidence. You don't find that ironic? What a joke! Falsely accuse one person of something because he's associated with another team while defending another person who is being falsely accused because he's on your team.

BTW, I have never once said I think Zeke is guilty of DV and have also said I think he's innocent. I also think Mara is a POS for other reasons but conspiring against the Cowboys with no proof isn't one of them.

Cut it out, girl. You wished Zeke would break his legs. No one is reading your nonsense.


Kellen Moore baby
Reaction score
And I'm fine with it, I get the fact that I won't be popular for disliking an owner that has let his ego get in the way of championships for over two decades (plus as a human being I strongly dislike him) and I don't like a star running back who can't control himself and is constantly putting himself and therefore the team in jeopardy with his immature and irresponsible actions.
We all (mostly) dislike Jerry the GM. So nope there.

Cut it out, girl. Funny how you always show up after a loss.

You're disgusting. Wishing Zeke breaks his legs...


Kellen Moore baby
Reaction score
I don't understand all the hate Aria is getting over his comments

Its football, the fastest way to remove a player from a team is through injury. We all know that and I am sure at some point we have all openly or secretly hoped it on a player. With that being said, Aria said broken leg which can easily heal. Its not like he said head trauma or broken vertebra.

I think the main point of this post is Aria recognizes how much of a head case, drama queen, foolish millienial and over rated fat little meatball that Ezekial has become.

From that fiasco on the draft red carpet I didn't want him any where near this team. Yet there was Jerry and his Ego, had to have him. Ramssey was the right choice as far as a franchise stand point. Rb are dime a dozen, but at least the other RBs don't come with all this baggage.

They said they were drafting him so Romo could win a super bowl we all see how that turned out, these idiots Jerry and the RED BARON royally screwed that one up. Now we are being helled hostage by a prima Donna in a number 21 jersey.

Everyone here were drinking the cool aid last year. There was a majority that believed that some how Dak was better then Romo last year. SMH.

Now these same people want to defend this clown Ezekial because he wears the star. If he was on any other team in NFL we would all be thankful we didn't have to deal with that headcase.

PS judging by the past. This moron ain't done with his antics

PPS I think the main point of Arias argument rings true. The only way to humble Elliott would be to win without him
Another troll.

We don't like Aria because she wished our star RB break his legs, there, Mr. Mensa. And constantly gushes over the Giants and only shows up when we lose.

Her excuses range from scuba diving with great white's, to whatever else blabbering crap she says.


Well-Known Member
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Ironic. I remember being bashed and called a troll for saying I wanted Zeke suspended for the first 6 games when the schedule was the easiest.

That aside I still hope he breaks his legs as soon as he gets off suspension. It would be nice to go an entire season without this clown to show people we're not as dependent on him as some think and the future headaches he'll surely bring won't be worth it.

Stay Classy clown


Well-Known Member
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Can any of you local folks give us anything from today on news of the appeal decision?


Well-Known Member
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Looks like a thread created as a joke. I don’t plan on reading it all again.
The first 5 or 6 replies said no. They weren’t looking forward seeing Tom get hurt.

What exactly are you trying to accomplish as a member here? I’m not being sarcastic or asking a loaded question. I’d like to know.

It’s well known your posts are pro team x and anti Dallas. Consistently. Its obvious you’re aiming to provoke people on this site and that’s wonderful if we can help make your life better by replying. However, wishing injury to another person in a serious way is not a very
real classy move. It really doesn’t make it better that you claim someone else did it first unless you’re 7 years old or younger and then only slightly.

You remind me of another poster who doesn’t post anymore.

I’ll ask you again. Are you @KJJ ? If so I understand and if not please enlighten me.

Oh who doesn't remember that ray of sunshine... His ranting and threats against me in message were amazing!

I wonder how his millions of followers are doing these days :muttley: