We were so awful today, I can barely speak...Time to erase this memory with as much screaming, moaning, drinkig, smoking, and eating as possible...
But I don't want to jump over the ledge, so I will try to say something positive (even if i feel like it is a total lie).
We are a young team -- at least our good players (julius, barber, ware, james, spears, canty, witten, roy, newman, henry, etc)
Parcells adds more ammo every year.
We have a little $
Oline is easier to fix than other things
Our defense is solid (today was an aberration)
Bledsoe can win (He was one of the few who showed heart today)
Parcells is still an upgrade.
Jerry will pay the dough'.
We are not mathematically elimianted
Anything Else?
((((Just tryin'))))