Twitter: Cowboys Work Out QB Taryn Christion


Cowboys Diehard
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I got all excited at first, but it's really not proof of much. Could just be due diligence of someone who came available. Could just be gathering intelligence on the Seahawks.

I think our backup will be Rush or White. I don't see them going with a free agent pickup at this late date as our backup game 1.

It's beginning to look that way, barring us discovering someone before it's too late (and it might be already.)


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Just a practice squad body. We are not bringing anyone to that will pressure Dak. He has fragile feelings and would upset the apple cart. Sheesh, one guy talking in the huddle just about killed him.

America's Cowboy

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Just a practice squad body. We are not bringing anyone to that will pressure Dak. He has fragile feelings and would upset the apple cart. Sheesh, one guy talking in the huddle just about killed him.
Yes, just like Romo received quality QB competition during his 10+ years as a starter, even after we knew he was fragile as a toothpick. :muttley:


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Strong-armed quarterback with outstanding mobility and speed outside the pocket whose lack of accuracy could lead teams to see him as more of a project than a developmental quarterback. Christion has experience as a full-field reader and is comfortable throwing in roll-out scenarios. He's got the arm talent to fit throws into tight windows, but ball placement is not a given. His physical traits should make him a coveted priority free agent.

PS. Yawn. Double PS. The dude can run, but he's all project for sure.

Triple PS. From his pro day: Christion aced virtually every test Friday, hitting 9-11 in the broad jump, 34.5 in the vertical and running a 40-yard dash that at least one scout clocked at under 4.5.


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Everyone crying about back up is apparently unaware there aren't any good back ups on the market.

That being the case, why wouldn't you go with youth and hope to develop?


Cowboy , It’s a way of life.
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Was Brady available a few days before camp when 32 teams have collectively attempted to find the 2,880 most talented football playing athletes in the world, all off-season long?
No but he could have been that's the point


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
I would draft a quarterback every single season. Especially in the late rounds Carrie you just don't want to know what you're going to find. You could take a quarterback in the first round you still don't know what you have until he gets on the field with your team. You can take a quarterback undrafted and become a superstar. But I think many people know this. Point draft a quarterback every single season. You find something great you can trade him

I understand the thought, and without question I think we need to draft one much more often than we have over the years, but if we have a solid starter and already have a young QB or two that we feel have a good chance to stick at least as a solid backup it would be a waste to draft one every year. Maybe every 2-3 years.


What's it going to be then, eh?
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Preseason fodder. Gotta have somebody to take a beating.
That is what our other two marginal backup QBs can do.

I don't get the rationale of giving a 4th string QB reps to save your two developmental players. They need as much game action as they can get. For their own benefit and the team's.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
We do know how Dak practiced and played with 3rd stringers.....heck Michael Irvin said he could be Aaron Rodgers or Russell Wilson after seeing the guy practice....Dak was 3rd string at the time. How soon people forget.

Maybe you did not know Dak was definite....but I did after the first drive in the preseason of Daks rookie season. Never did I think Rush or White would ever be a NFL starting QB. The mini camp reports of neither being able to command a huddle and Jason Garrett having to verbally address it in front of teammates and media is telling as well. Dak on the other hand never had trouble commanding the huddle. Everyone thought Dak was the real deal as soon as rookie mini camp.

First, you are still arguing something that is beside the point. The discussion was about not knowing where things sit with White right now, and you are making it out as if I am talking down about Dak.

And no, Dak was not 3rd string throughout the preseason as a rookie. Moore missed the entire preseason, so he started out as #2, and Romo was being handled with kid gloves because of his repeated injuries in 2015, so Romo only threw 6 passes that entire preseason, Dak was THE guy at QB that preseason, and Showers got the mop up work. In short, Dak got a much greater opportunity than would have been expected at the start of training camp.

Even so, that's not the point. Yes Dak played extremely well that pre-season. I've never said otherwise. And I was as excited about him as anyone. But people also have to be realistic and understand there are always guys that show up well in their first preseason, and then never amount to much beyond that, and others who don't stand out that end up having outstanding careers (like Romo). A rookie preseason hopefully gives a flavor of what a player might be, but it is not definitive enough to anoint or condemn. Time tells those things.

If you thought Dak would be great the first drive of Dak's 1st preseason game, more power to you, but that doesn't change the fact that 1 drive in 1 preseason game is not something that can be used as a consistently reliable basis for definitive decisions. There is no question that history has proved that over and over and over again.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
So how do you gauge a rookie quarterback then? What other evidence do you have in order to keep or cut him? SMDH. You guys will say anything to belittle Dak in favor of the face you want to see under center. This was a silly statement.

This is an ridiculous comment because I have not belittled Dak in the least. I have not said he didn't play well that preseason (he did - he played great), and I did not say he hasn't played well as the starter (he has - he has proven to be a great draft pick). I merely said making definitive judgements based on preseason is unreliable and it takes proving one's self in the regular season before definitive judgements can be made. Nowhere did I ever put down Dak, and it baffling how you could make yourself believe I did.

As for how you gauge a rookie QB, I didn't say there can be no judgements made, I merely said there can be no definitive judgements. In other words, you can judge that a player has proven more worthy than those he is competing against to earn his spot on the team, but you don't have to make an instant judgement on his career. You have to see how a player develops and how he performs when given a chance in real games.


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The Cowboys would have needed to grab somebody before now if they wanted to grab up a top backup. I doubt there are many highly rated college prospects or top proven vets available now.

At this point the team is kicking tires. Every team does before training camp. They have to because they have 90 spots to fill and need arms to throw to the receivers. If he proves to be more than that, great. If he doesn't, nothing lost.
They have Kitna under contract, suit him up.....:flagwave:


I Copy!,,, er,,,I guess,,,ah,,,maybe.
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I'm hereby prepared to crown some as yet nameless soul to man the backup QB spot that nobody suspected might be our savior in waiting.:thumbup:
His name shall only be revealed if and when the appropriate time has arrived to do so. I can honestly surmise I'll be as surprised as anyone! :grin:


I Copy!,,, er,,,I guess,,,ah,,,maybe.
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Just a practice squad body. We are not bringing anyone to that will pressure Dak. He has fragile feelings and would upset the apple cart. Sheesh, one guy talking in the huddle just about killed him.
+ 3 points are hereby awarded to this poster, for the properly misspelled utilization of this most superlative of wordaged : "SHEESE"
As the exasperation catch-all coverage usefulness,,,er,,,in it's usage, are innumerable:thumbup:






Cowboys Diehard
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+ 3 points are hereby awarded to this poster, for the properly misspelled utilization of this most superlative of wordaged : "SHEESE"
As the exasperation catch-all coverage usefulness,,,er,,,in it's usage, are innumerable:thumbup:





;) :huh: :grin: :confused: :omg: :muttley: o_O