***Cowboyszone Mock Draft Discussion Thread***

‹^› ‹(•¿•)› ‹^› said:
No offense Tio but you posted that almost 2 hours ago, 1 hour before you went on the clock. If you havent gotten what you want by now you probably arent. Can we PLEASE keep this thing moving.

I dont agree with the 3 our time frame but knew that before it started I've been going mocks for a few years online and its usually about 30 minutes hour MAX. This is keeping people on ALLLLLLLL day and we are not even half way through round one. You'd think 3 weeks notice wasnt enough for people to plan trades and work a draft board
we weren't planning on all three wideouts, top tackle, and the only good value being DE. Sorry. Big dog is making the final decision as we speak.
Ok, the panthers trade down with the steelers for their 1st, 2nd and 3rd next year.
That is completely ********.
Somebody really went overboard here.
I waited 2 hours for that garbage?

whoever is representing Pittsburgh should be removed from this draft.
Qwickdraw said:
That is completely ********.
Somebody really went overboard here.
I waited 2 hours for that?
it is better than trading down 30 + picks for a 4th rounder...
OK so who has the steelers and do they have their pick ready?
Thats just messed up. Who would give up the 1st 3 picks next year for 14. And i thought Ditka was a moron for trades for Ricky Williams deal

So we can't trade for players because it makes it unrealistic. WHAT does a trade like this make it?
jksmith269 said:
OK so who has the steelers and do they have their pick ready?
Roughneck. I pmed him to confirm it. I pimped adam jones in the initial deal so I think he is going with him...
Sorry it took so long guys. The 2 players at the top of our draft board got taken with the two choices right before ours. After that the phones went crazy with at least 4 owners wanting to make a deal. I need a beer.
jksmith269 said:
OK so who has the steelers and do they have their pick ready?
I have the Steelers and I'm ready to pick as soon as the trade is confirmed by either cbz or avery.
Tio said:
it is better than trading down 30 + picks for a 4th rounder...
um okay...

first of all that trade you have made is unrealistic.
second, I offered a 2nd and a 3rd, not a 4th because "I WAS NOT INTERESTED IN TRADING UP" as I clearly stated to you twice.
You both have agreed here that should be good enough I would think...... its public record so who do you want? No rush mind you....LOL
Roughneck if you approve this trade......send me PM
jksmith269 said:
You both have agreed here that should be good enough I would think...... its public record so who do you want? No rush mind you....LOL
Just saw CBZ's message and pm'ed that I accepted.
Cbz40 said:
Roughneck if you approve this trade......send me PM

He said he did out here isn't that enough? why take the extra time to PM someone when its here for all to see? Just wondering
Cbz and Avery should veto this trade.
It was stated in the rules that unrealistic trades would not be honored.
I think this trade is garbage, personally.
Roughneck said:
Okay, I'll go ahead and make the pick over on the other thread (holding you responsible jk ;) ).

I'm off.

No sweat I don't think anyone will mind you going ahead with your pick..... :)

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