***Cowboyszone Mock Draft Discussion Thread***

Sitting Bull said:
If dude hasn't been on since 9:45AM, he probably assumes he missed all four rounds.

White man speak with truth on tongue.

LEt's move it along little doggie.
Sitting Bull said:
If dude hasn't been on since 9:45AM, he probably assumes he missed all four rounds.

well he didn't really care if he wasn't here at noon when it started. I think his pick should go to any available back up or maybe even Tio the co gm of the ravens or who ever had 14 originally....
‹^› ‹(•¿•)› ‹^› said:
No offense Tio but you posted that almost 2 hours ago, 1 hour before you went on the clock. If you havent gotten what you want by now you probably arent. Can we PLEASE keep this thing moving.

I dont agree with the 3 our time frame but knew that before it started I've been going mocks for a few years online and its usually about 30 minutes hour MAX. This is keeping people on ALLLLLLLL day and we are not even half way through round one. You'd think 3 weeks notice wasnt enough for people to plan trades and work a draft board
We jost got the position last night. Someone left and cbz assigned it to big dog.
Man oh man...

It's taking every fiber of my being to simply not redistribute these picks to everyone in this forum right now, apologize to those GM's and get this baby in the can even if we only go three rounds...
jksmith269 said:
well he didn't really care if he wasn't here at noon when it started. I think his pick should go to any available back up or maybe even Tio the co gm of the ravens or who ever had 14 originally....

I agree
BTW, Minnesota is interested in trading down from 22 after the selection of Troy Williamson removed the only other WR that we really wanted. Contact me if interested.
At this pace I think I've got time to feed the inmates dinner tomorrow also. :D :banghead:
Sorry Gentlemen. I had let CBZ know earlier on this week that I had stuff to do in the morning that might run into the day and they did. I had sent him a list this morning of my top 3. Apparently he didn't get it.. not really sure. But my 3rd pick was still there.

I should've sent it to Avery as well. I was in a big rush as I over slept this morning. My apolgize for the hang-up.
HeavyHitta31 said:
BTW, Minnesota is interested in trading down from 22 after the selection of Troy Williamson removed the only other WR that we really wanted. Contact me if interested.
Where were you? Do you know how many pms I sent you???
Encore is here and made his pick. We owe him an apology. Let me be the first.
Encore said:
Sorry Gentlemen. I had let CBZ know earlier on this week that I had stuff to do in the morning that might run into the day and they did. I had sent him a list this morning of my top 3. Apparently he didn't get it.. not really sure. But my 3rd pick was still there.

I should've sent it to Avery as well. I was in a big rush as I over slept this morning. My apolgize for the hang-up.

If he's still available, feel free to post it in the mock draft selection thread.
See I said give him 30min atleast he did pick Rodgers from Auburn after all he would have been happy with the pick we gave him LOL
Rogers was the right pick. Good job Encore.
HeavyHitta31 said:
I got 1 PM from you....thats it :confused:
I sent like three but I pmed so many people and I later found out a lot of them weren't counted since I didn't use the 1 minuted time limit...
HeavyHitta31 said:
Oh, and I was at church Tio. :)
Oh, well isn't that convenient??? :)

I Seriously thought I could sucker you since you had two firsts....

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