Cowherd: "It's ridiculous to expect Dak to get over the hump, as it would be for Kirk Cousins."

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Fwiw, Dak has played long enough now that he is getting a slight time-adjusted bump in QB ratings/QBR compared to guys only 1-2 years in.

I answered his question as honestly as I could. Not sure what else you wanted me to do there.
You never answered where you are getting these “time adjusted” stats from or how you’re calculating it.
I supported my comments with facts about the 2022 Chiefs. They aren't hard to find. I shouldn't need to post links to easily discoverable information. Everything I said about them is true, and easy to verify - 7th round RB, Juju, and 2022 NFL team defense stats. Easy.

Your Dak apologetics are just statistical garbage to rationalize your own feelings, despite the actual results. Tap dancing about what happened by trying to suggest what could have happened, but didn't. Whatever you need to tell yourself to believe this is the year. :rolleyes:
Some of you guys sound so anti Cowboys I wonder why you guys are even Cowboy fans at this point…..
You never answered where you are getting these “time adjusted” stats from or how you’re calculating it.
Sorry....did you ask me that? Honest question Maybe I missed it?

Also..a side note. I AM NOT nor ever have been in the bash Dak camp, so there was no agenda here. Just straight data.

Anyway, It's just a formula using average NFL passer rating by year over the course of a player's career vs current average passer ratings.
Just common sense stuff given all the rule changes and scheme changes over the years.
Apples-to-apples adjustments.

There's a lot of formulas. I think there's a true stats guy here that has an even better, more universal adjustment.
Even a website, I think.
His results were more thorough (larger database) but his outcome for the players we follow is almost identical.
I thought everyone knew about this stuff here, so sorry if I took it for granted.
I know that you know ratings have been going up steadily for 30+ years--in large part due to massive rule changes protecting the QBs and offensive players, and more QB-friendly offensive schemes. It just normalizes the numbers....nothing more.

Not trying to pull one over on anyone. This is pretty common knowledge.

A 90 passer rating in 1980 > than 90 rating in 2010 > 90 rating in 2020, etc.

If a new QB has a 97 rating this year, his 97 will not be as high as Dak's when adjusted.
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Where did you get this “adjusted” stat from? I’m curious to see how it’s compiled.
Ah, I skipped right over this post. sorry. Hope my previous post helped.
I'd like to find the true statistics guy here (it is his trade and he creates computer programs for this stuff).
Maybe he'll chime in or I can find a previous thread on the topic for you.
Dak screwed up. You guys keep leaning on that play to justify your misinformed opinion of Dak just like how people use to show the Derek Carr video to prove he has accuracy issues.
Not "leaning on that play" wasn't about Dak at all.

I was explaining the irrationality of a couple forum members.

You think I have "misinformed" ....opinions? You make up so much stuff in your head you have no idea about my opinion.
I saw this show. You have to realize what time of year it is, and the source. Didn't phase me. I just think these shows are pathetic.
Cowherd doesn't give a **** about Dak nor does he hate him. His bosses that he works under tell him they need more views out of him. At last here we are.
Dak isn’t important or impressive enough to hate. Like hating a supporting actor from a movie, not important enough.
I see Cowboy Clickbait Colin is at it again. Really no different than any other media outlet, I guess. For the most part, positive Cowboy news equals channel changing by 50% of America while criticism of players or the questioning of organizational philosophies equals 100% tuned in.

Colin’s a classic cherry picker. He grabs a couple stats or details and can quickly build a convincing case (on the surface) that have many listeners believing that what he is saying is gospel and that we can bank on the truth he’s spittin’. The problem is, many of us have heard his shtick over the years and although we find his presentations somewhat humorous and compelling, we’re aware that he’s just trying to generate views – yet again.

Just for the sake of cherry picking, let’s take his west coast man crush, Matt Stafford, and compare his first 7 years to Dak’s. After all, Colin views Stafford as a top tier guy so his first 7-year stats will shatter Dak’s thus far failed tenure. How does a 60.3% completion rate, 264.8 YPG, 2.32 TD/Int rate, and an 85.2 passer rating measure up to Dak? Well…the door is clearly wide open to argue that after the 7-year mark Dak has had the better career. And during Matt’s entire 12-year run in Detroit he led the Lions to how many playoff victories?

I know, this doesn’t count, it’s this Lions. But we’re sitting in an awfully big glass house if we want to cast stones at a team with no playoff wins and 3 Wild Card losses since the turn of the century while we have amassed just 4 Wild Card victories. It’s been a 20+ year run of futility for both the Detroit Lions and the Dallas Jones’.

Numbers aside, Colin’s take on the loss of Zeke, Coop, Shultz, and Moore is debatable. I wouldn’t be surprised if we see the departure of these guys as addition through subtraction following the 2023 season. He’s also conveniently overlooked the addition of offseason acquisitions and a potentially positive draft. But again…he’s a cherry picker.

I’m not a Dak apologist and concur that his QB rank amongst the NFL’s passers is probably around the 10th position. I also side with those riding the “You need prove it NOW” bus in terms of Dak’s status within the organization. I just get a little tired of the Cowherd types driving a narrative with half-cocked postulations. But if you like them, tune-in to his program in two days to hear more Cowherd Cowboy musings.
Yeah. Thanks for posting this.

I hope that anyone who still listens to this guy takes the time to watch this.

Face the truth.

See why this guy has zero credibility.
To say he has zero credibility because he had a strong take (which, to be honest, was shared by many of his peers at that time) that turned out to be wrong, is to say that no one on this forum has any credibility either. We all get stuff wrong sometimes. Just keeping it real…

I think another poster already mentioned it already, but at least Cowherd does his right/wrong segment each week. He’s admitted being wrong about Wentz.
Dak isn’t important or impressive enough to hate. Like hating a supporting actor from a movie, not important enough.
Not really. He's the starting QB for the biggest and most popular sports team in the entire world. In the sports world he's probably considered the main character. Hence Collin talks about him all the time. If you went to Collins house however and asked his opinion on Dak he'd say I don't give a poop about him and could care less how he preforms. He gets paid by clicks and views. Dak brings a lot of clicks and views.

soft forum.
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You can't be a "sports journalist" of this type without fluff. Don't care who it is. There isn't enough content to have daily shows. There certainly isn't enough compelling content on a daily basis to keep viewership consistent. Also, once a host has made their way of thinking public for a while, it's going to get old.

I don't want to go back to the "old" days when it was difficult to get information. And certainly some of these shows do get off into discussions that broaden the average person's understanding of the business (things like Players Assoc., Collective Bargaining, Revenue Sharing, Schedule Setting, etc.) that can reveal interesting reasons for why things are how they are. But anytime a talking head is doing more than say two shows a week, you are going to get a lot of brand building content filler. It is what it is.
To say he has zero credibility because he had a strong take (which, to be honest, was shared by many of his peers at that time) that turned out to be wrong, is to say that no one on this forum has any credibility either. We all get stuff wrong sometimes. Just keeping it real…
Correct me if I’m wrong, but nobody on this forum is getting paid fir their opinions, are they?

I think another poster already mentioned it already, but at least Cowherd does his right/wrong segment each week. He’s admitted being wrong about Wentz.
And does he mention Wentz every week in his wrong column? Or is it just what he was wrong about that particular week?
Comparable players imo. For some reason I'd rather have Dak though. Can't determine exactly why though.
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