
It sounds like Cowturd was simply calling out the Lebron haters.

And the OP in his opening statement was more about Lebrons personal stature than his accomplishments and talent on the court. And these are probably the fans he was calling out.

And if you’re one of those fans you probably were offended. They don’t like being told their opinions , prejudices are ridiculous and meaningless to the conversation.

Sure, I don’t like Lebron personally, and you make several good points, but the FACT is, he’ll never be “The Goat” for a number of reasons. Too many people JUST DON’T LIKE HIM! Here are some other facts:

1)NO ONE, including you AND me, likes being told that their opinions and prejudices are ridiculous and meaningless.

2)Even “setting my personal feelings aside”, what I stated above is simply FACT. Too many people dislike Lebron, and you can’t make them!

3)Like I said before, many of the reasons people don’t like Lebron ARE stupid and petty and baseless, but a huge, narcissistic ego is obvious, and the over the top media fawning causes eye rolling among the more casual observers, and intensified resentment among the “haters”.

4)In my mind, and the minds of many reasonable logical people, with AND without bias, goes beyond stats, on court accomplishments, or off court activism, noble or not. It ALSO includes your perception among the public as it pertains to your actions and personality.

5)Add up his history...when he left Cleveland to form the first of several super teams, he had to hold an elaborate press conference, then a special TV show, to grandly announce to the whole nation where he chose to take his legendary skills, as if his basketball ability ranked alongside societal achievements that actually meant something to the world. Then, he drove the point home with the eye rolling “not one, not two, not three...” CRAP! Delusional, arrogant ego on full display! A few years later, disloyalty to the folks who overpaid him, coddled him, and adored him, as he announced his next destination. More ridiculous money, special treatment, overexposure, overreaction, and arrogance. People NEED and WANT to know his enlightened views on politics and social justice. Yeah, I get the whole “use your platform to affect change” stuff, but some of the condescending, scolding slants taken by the media caused further resentment. You can’t escape the Lebron Love—several segments on every sports show, every hour, every day, nonstop. We KNOW he’s awesome, but holy crap, he’s not Jesus or The Pope or Ghandi or Einstein. He’s a ball player!

6)Colin Cowherd IS a Troll, an attentionwhore who knows exactly what buttons to push to accumulate rating$. He has a lot of good takes, and he’s highly intelligent and logical and reasonable and entertaining, but he flip flops arrogantly and often.

7)You’re entitled to your opinion like anyone else, but Lebron will never be The Goat for a number of viable reasons in the eyes of far too many people—some good, some bad, and your opinion will never change or negate theirs.
Sure, I don’t like Lebron personally, and you make several good points, but the FACT is, he’ll never be “The Goat” for a number of reasons. Too many people JUST DON’T LIKE HIM! Here are some other facts:

1)NO ONE, including you AND me, likes being told that their opinions and prejudices are ridiculous and meaningless.

2)Even “setting my personal feelings aside”, what I stated above is simply FACT. Too many people dislike Lebron, and you can’t make them!

3)Like I said before, many of the reasons people don’t like Lebron ARE stupid and petty and baseless, but a huge, narcissistic ego is obvious, and the over the top media fawning causes eye rolling among the more casual observers, and intensified resentment among the “haters”.

4)In my mind, and the minds of many reasonable logical people, with AND without bias, goes beyond stats, on court accomplishments, or off court activism, noble or not. It ALSO includes your perception among the public as it pertains to your actions and personality.

5)Add up his history...when he left Cleveland to form the first of several super teams, he had to hold an elaborate press conference, then a special TV show, to grandly announce to the whole nation where he chose to take his legendary skills, as if his basketball ability ranked alongside societal achievements that actually meant something to the world. Then, he drove the point home with the eye rolling “not one, not two, not three...” CRAP! Delusional, arrogant ego on full display! A few years later, disloyalty to the folks who overpaid him, coddled him, and adored him, as he announced his next destination. More ridiculous money, special treatment, overexposure, overreaction, and arrogance. People NEED and WANT to know his enlightened views on politics and social justice. Yeah, I get the whole “use your platform to affect change” stuff, but some of the condescending, scolding slants taken by the media caused further resentment. You can’t escape the Lebron Love—several segments on every sports show, every hour, every day, nonstop. We KNOW he’s awesome, but holy crap, he’s not Jesus or The Pope or Ghandi or Einstein. He’s a ball player!

6)Colin Cowherd IS a Troll, an attentionwhore who knows exactly what buttons to push to accumulate rating$. He has a lot of good takes, and he’s highly intelligent and logical and reasonable and entertaining, but he flip flops arrogantly and often.

7)You’re entitled to your opinion like anyone else, but Lebron will never be The Goat for a number of viable reasons in the eyes of far too many people—some good, some bad, and your opinion will never change or negate theirs.
At least your honest about your personal preferences which totally support my stance. And probably supports Cowherds as well.
Since when do personal preferences factor in to a players talent level and ability . Or their dominance and impact on the game??

Most would place Lebron in the discussion of GOAT. Along with Jordan, Russell and maybe others.

But if personal feelings , preferences or character assassinations factor in then that basically water downs those opinions.
At least your honest about your personal preferences which totally support my stance. And probably supports Cowherds as well.

“Totally support your stance” is quite erroneous. There are points in your OPINION that sound a tad judgemental and condescending, as if you didn’t absorb anything that appears to contradict your view.
Since when do personal preferences factor in to a players talent level and ability . Or their dominance and impact on the game??

Most would place Lebron in the discussion of GOAT. Along with Jordan, Russell and maybe others.

But if personal feelings , preferences or character assassinations factor in then that basically water downs those opinions.

Calling someone the greatest of all time goes beyond stats and achievements. It ALSO involves image and perception. People admire certain traits of others in the public eye, and humility and empathy are still influential in public perception. If a player seems arrogant or selfish or greedy or too militant and one sided in his beliefs, people notice and develop resentments on some level. If you dislike someone, how can you fully endorse his “GOAT-ness”?

We all have flaws, bad opinions, bad takes, etc., but we’ll just have to agree to disagree. Millions love Lebron, millions don’t—some for legit reasons, some not, but as a whole, both views are on the same level, and to argue that is either arrogantly stupid and/or stubbornly delusional.
Calling someone the greatest of all time goes beyond stats and achievements. It ALSO involves image and perception. People admire certain traits of others in the public eye, and humility and empathy are still influential in public perception. If a player seems arrogant or selfish or greedy or too militant and one sided in his beliefs, people notice and develop resentments on some level. If you dislike someone, how can you fully endorse his “GOAT-ness”?

We all have flaws, bad opinions, bad takes, etc., but we’ll just have to agree to disagree. Millions love Lebron, millions don’t—some for legit reasons, some not, but as a whole, both views are on the same level, and to argue that is either arrogantly stupid and/or stubbornly delusional.

I’m not denying millions love or hate him. Nor attempting to pursue those feelings. I’m just saying if they let those emotions influence their evaluations of his impact and talent level then I’m not sure they are valid to the discussion. And probably what Cowherd was referring to.

I don’t believe we need to like a player off the court in order to endorse or bring into the discussion for GOAT.
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“Totally support your stance” is quite erroneous. There are points in your OPINION that sound a tad judgemental and condescending, as if you didn’t absorb anything that appears to contradict your view.
My stance is not allowing personal feelings or emotions influence evaluations of the players performance on the court and impact of the game.

Everyone is certainly entitled to their opinion . I’m not attempting to change that. No one is going to change how you feel about Lebron.

But I’d suggest these personal feelings are influencing the evaluation which take away from a more impartial or objective view .
Personally I’ve always stayed clear of these GOAT discussions rather leaning towards best in an era.

Cause that’s all you can do is be the best or dominate against your current competition.

I think we could certainly establish an argument Lebron is the greatest in this era.
Colin Cowherd went on a tirade today, screaming about people not endorsing Lebron James as The GOAT, basically saying those with a different opinion were stupid, and should shut up and go away. He doesn’t want to talk to them, he doesn’t want to hear it! I was amazed at his arrogant condescension, then pissed off by it, then realized that THAT had become the prevalent mindset in America these days—believe as we do, or shut up! This makes me want to go COMPLETELY the other way. People can NOT tell others how to think or feel!

Lebron may be physically superior, he might even have some superior stats, but it takes more than that to be The GOAT. It also matters what kind of a person he is, on AND off the court, how he carries himself, and how other people perceive him. You can’t MAKE people like or respect you, and there are way too many people who despise Lebron James. Sure, a lot of it IS petty jealousy and misperception, but people have seen and heard way too much over the years that says he’s a vain, petty, narcissist. It may sound unfair and wrong, but people just DON’T LIKE HIM, and the nonstop fawning by the media only makes it worse. Lebron James is too polarizing to ever be The Goat, and while I‘ve appreciated many of the stances Cowherd has taken on certain issues, today he crossed the line.

Hey Cowherd! You know what you can do with your condescending arrogance!
You’re condemning Cowturd for his behavior and then display the exact same behavior.
Personally I’ve always stayed clear of these GOAT discussions rather leaning towards best in an era.

Cause that’s all you can do is be the best or dominate against your current competition.

I think we could certainly establish an argument Lebron is the greatest in this era.
Loved the Coming to America boxing GOAT discussions.
I’m not denying millions love or hate him. Nor attempting to pursue those feelings. I’m just saying if they let those emotions influence their evaluations of his impact and talent level then I’m not sure they are valid to the discussion. And probably what Cowherd was referring to.

I don’t believe we need to like a player off the court in order to endorse or bring into the discussion for GOAT.

See, that’s where we disagree. I think stats and achievements are important, but if people don’t like the guy, they’re not gonna be as enthusiastic about endorsing his #1 status.
You’re condemning Cowturd for his behavior and then display the exact same behavior.

Ha! And he gets highly paid for it, too!

No, seriously, what’s the exact same behavior? I’m not telling millions of people to “shut up, cause you’re stupid!” All I’m saying is I don’t think he’s the GOAT.
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See, that’s where we disagree. I think stats and achievements are important, but if people don’t like the guy, they’re not gonna be as enthusiastic about endorsing his #1 status.
We really don’t need him to be liked or enthusiasm about endorsing his status.

I was never a big fan or liked Jordan of Magic personally that much but I certainly acknowledged their talent level and impact to the game.

And I hear what your saying about Lebron the person. I’ve yet to hear you say though who’s been better or made more impact in the league during his era. That’s the bottomline . Not how we feel about him personally.
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Popularity or likeability shouldn’t factor in to talent evaluation and impact to the game. But that would explain why some fans don’t acknowledge and appreciate some of the greatest to play.
Ha! And he gets highly paid for it, too!

No, seriously, what’s the exact same behavior? I’m not telling millions of people to “shut up, cause you’re stupid!” All I’m saying is I don’t think he’s the GOAT.
You focused on your personal dislike of him. I didn’t hear any argument of why you don’t believe he’s GOAT besides the personal dislike?

And who all you’d place above him ?

Do you even think he’s the greatest of this era? Where exactly does he rank all time to you?
We really don’t need him to be liked or enthusiasm about endorsing his status.

I was never a big fan or liked Jordan of Magic personally that much but I certainly acknowledged their talent level and impact to the game.

And I hear what your saying about Lebron the person. I’ve yet to hear you say though who’s been better or made more impact in the league during his era. That’s the bottomline . Not how we feel about him personally.

Bottom line to me? Millions don’t like Lebron because of his ego, and because he’s hyped way too much.
You focused on your personal dislike of him. I didn’t hear any argument of why you don’t believe he’s GOAT besides the personal dislike?

And who all you’d place above him ?

Do you even think he’s the greatest of this era? Where exactly does he rank all time to you?

If I had to pick ten players for my all time team...
Dr. J
Jerry West

...and not look back
Bottom line to me? Millions don’t like Lebron because of his ego, and because he’s hyped way too much.
You’ve made it clear you don’t like him.

But who is a greater talent and most dominant player in the league this era?
James is the only player in NBA history to have won NBA championships with three franchises as Finals MVP.

He has competed in ten NBA Finals, including eight consecutive with the Heat and Cavaliers from 2011 through 2018.

His accomplishments include four NBA championships, four NBA Most Valuable Player (MVP) Awards, four Finals MVP Awards,

Love him or hate him, what other player this era has been more dominating? And why many have argued he’s the GOAT. No doubt he’s the greatest of this era,
If I had to pick ten players for my all time team...
Dr. J
Jerry West

...and not look back

Not mentioning the most dominant and accomplished talent in this era clearly represents a personal preference not anything reflecting the impact and talent level.

Jordan and maybe Russell are the only two I’d place in the category of dominating an era like Lebron has.

He’s dominated this era like no other. And while it’s difficult to compare other greats from previous era we can compare how they dominated eras. And why Lebron has to be in the conversation.

And if you don’t place him in that group especially when you’ve admitted to personal dislike and not argued who’s dominated more this era , then I’m going to have to side with Cowherd because it’s not based solely on what’s happened on the court.
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