
Not mentioning the most dominant and accomplished talent in this era clearly represents a personal preference not anything reflecting the impact and talent level.

Jordan and maybe Russell are the only two I’d place in the category of dominating an era like Lebron has.

He’s dominated this era like no other. And while it’s difficult to compare other greats from previous era we can compare how they dominated eras. And why Lebron has to be in the conversation.

And if you don’t place him in that group especially when you’ve admitted to personal dislike and not argued who’s dominated more this era , then I’m going to have to side with Cowherd because it’s not based solely on what’s happened on the court.

I really don’t care who you side with. I’ll take these ten players and beat any team you could ever come up with. The overhyped King James can honk it!
Colin Cowherd went on a tirade today, screaming about people not endorsing Lebron James as The GOAT, basically saying those with a different opinion were stupid, and should shut up and go away. He doesn’t want to talk to them, he doesn’t want to hear it! I was amazed at his arrogant condescension, then pissed off by it, then realized that THAT had become the prevalent mindset in America these days—believe as we do, or shut up! This makes me want to go COMPLETELY the other way. People can NOT tell others how to think or feel!

Lebron may be physically superior, he might even have some superior stats, but it takes more than that to be The GOAT. It also matters what kind of a person he is, on AND off the court, how he carries himself, and how other people perceive him. You can’t MAKE people like or respect you, and there are way too many people who despise Lebron James. Sure, a lot of it IS petty jealousy and misperception, but people have seen and heard way too much over the years that says he’s a vain, petty, narcissist. It may sound unfair and wrong, but people just DON’T LIKE HIM, and the nonstop fawning by the media only makes it worse. Lebron James is too polarizing to ever be The Goat, and while I‘ve appreciated many of the stances Cowherd has taken on certain issues, today he crossed the line.

Hey Cowherd! You know what you can do with your condescending arrogance!
It's such a silly argument. One that can never be proven or won--arguing either way.

Most of the experts say Jordan would average in the mid-40s in the era....for example. Some even say 50, but most say at least low to mid-40s. Plus he was a defensive player of the year and one of the best defenders in the game every year.

And there are arguments for others as well.

Really, I think Cowherd has better opinions in general about various topics than many in the media.
But his obsession with LeBron is over the top.
Come on, we all know who the real GOAT is


Not Caron Bulter (54) but that Romo kid from Burlington (35)!
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I really don’t care who you side with. I’ll take these ten players and beat any team you could ever come up with. The overhyped King James can honk it!
Who’s been more dominating this era than Lebron?
Lebron, but I DON’T CARE! He’s also been the most overhyped, has the biggest ego, as is the biggest narcissist by a mile. You might as well give up, because I’m not “changing my vote”! Ha!
Lebron, but I DON’T CARE! He’s also been the most overhyped, has the biggest ego, as is the biggest narcissist by a mile. You might as well give up, because I’m not “changing my vote”! Ha!
We understand . But it’s why your vote is flawed because it’s not based solely on what has occurred on the court.

And while I’m not proposing Lebron is the GOAT which IMO is a subjective description , I am supporting he should be in the discussion for he’s been the greatest and most dominating of his era .

The only opposition you’ve provided doesn’t have anything to do with what’s happened on the court. And appears to be based purely on personal preference which you’ve admitted instead of the accomplishments and impact on the game.
It's such a silly argument. One that can never be proven or won--arguing either way.

Most of the experts say Jordan would average in the mid-40s in the era....for example. Some even say 50, but most say at least low to mid-40s. Plus he was a defensive player of the year and one of the best defenders in the game every year.

And there are arguments for others as well.

Really, I think Cowherd has better opinions in general about various topics than many in the media.
But his obsession with LeBron is over the top.
Yea, I’m not really interested in Cowherds trolling . I think most would go with Jordan assuming they lived thru that era. But like you say it’s a subjective description . Doesn’t really have any true meaning.

My bigger argument is Lebrons domination and accomplishments this era deserves him being in the discussion.

In the earlier years I wasn’t a Lebron fan. And still not. I rooted for Curry and Warriors against him and rooted against him in Miami. I’m not a Laker fan either. But I don’t let my personal preferences cloud my view of his accomplishments.

I didn’t root for the Bulls either and Jordan was a jerk off the court too. One of the biggest arrogant jocks to ever play but his greatness on the court over shadowed .

And that’s the only reason I’ve chimed in on this thread because this opinion being presented has had little if anything to do with the accomplishments this era on the court.

It’s obvious why Cowherds piece struck a nerve with some fans. Because in a sense he’s right. There’s a segment who can’t separate their personal feelings. The same is true for Brady and others. Fans struggle separating their personal feelings from these players accomplishments and impacts on the game.
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At least this poll has Lebron in the discussion. That’s a pretty good lineup.

I think Lebron has finally met the hype. 8 straight Finals and 10 in a career especially with 3 different teams is something none of the greats ever accomplished. That in itself kinda separates him. I’d like to have seen him win more than 4 Rings.

Bill Russell would be further up the list but what great teams he was on winning 11 championships. And why if Lebron had won more he might have separated himself.

In the end all you can be is the greatest of your era. Is he over hyped . Perhaps but it’s what the media does. Is he deserving of it. I’m not sure who else this era is more deserving. I think Curry during the Warriors run was receiving much hype himself. It is what it is.
We understand . But it’s why your vote is flawed because it’s not based solely on what has occurred on the court.

And while I’m not proposing Lebron is the GOAT which IMO is a subjective description , I am supporting he should be in the discussion for he’s been the greatest and most dominating of his era .

The only opposition you’ve provided doesn’t have anything to do with what’s happened on the court. And appears to be based purely on personal preference which you’ve admitted instead of the accomplishments and impact on the game.

You’re looking at it wrong, IMHO, but think whatever you want. I will too.

Lebron is talked about too much already.
Yea, I’m not really interested in Cowherds trolling . I think most would go with Jordan assuming they lived thru that era. But like you say it’s a subjective description . Doesn’t really have any true meaning.

My bigger argument is Lebrons domination and accomplishments this era deserves him being in the discussion.

In the earlier years I wasn’t a Lebron fan. And still not. I rooted for Curry and Warriors against him and rooted against him in Miami. I’m not a Laker fan either. But I don’t let my personal preferences cloud my view of his accomplishments.

I didn’t root for the Bulls either and Jordan was a jerk off the court too. One of the biggest arrogant jocks to ever play but his greatness on the court over shadowed .

And that’s the only reason I’ve chimed in on this thread because this opinion being presented has had little if anything to do with the accomplishments this era on the court.

It’s obvious why Cowherds piece struck a nerve with some fans. Because in a sense he’s right. There’s a segment who can’t separate their personal feelings. The same is true for Brady and others. Fans struggle separating their personal feelings from these players accomplishments and impacts on the game.

Because “personal feelings” are a huge part of honoring a great player. Personality and perception matter too, otherwise, why not call him by his jersey number? Why print pictures or write about his opinions or actions or anything not related to his on court actions? Why fawn over the celebrity of “The King”, use adjectives to describe his size/stature, what he said or didn’t say, what he thinks about public perception or ANYTHING?

How about “#22 scored 31 points last night, and the Lakers won 112-109!” No personality or extra stuff, because outside the on court stuff, it’s irrelevant.
Because “personal feelings” are a huge part of honoring a great player. Personality and perception matter too, otherwise, why not call him by his jersey number? Why print pictures or write about his opinions or actions or anything not related to his on court actions? Why fawn over the celebrity of “The King”, use adjectives to describe his size/stature, what he said or didn’t say, what he thinks about public perception or ANYTHING?

How about “#22 scored 31 points last night, and the Lakers won 112-109!” No personality or extra stuff, because outside the on court stuff, it’s irrelevant.
Of course and I’d be all for just calling by his jersey number but evaluating talent and impact to the game doesn’t involve personal feelings anymore than it should nominating for Hall of Fame or Pro Bowl .

It shouldn’t be a popularity contest. And if that’s what GOAT means to a segment of fans or is needed to validate greatness then I’d argue it waters down those fans votes.

Ive never called him King. You’re falling victim to the media hype. Who cares about that. That has no influence on my evaluation anymore than OJ’s murders influenced my evaluation of his talent level and impact to the game.
You’re looking at it wrong, IMHO, but think whatever you want. I will too.

Lebron is talked about too much already.
I don’t watch much national sports news . I primarily read the local news and tv broadcasts , whatever Im dinged on FB and ESPN. Cant recall last time I watched Mediots on ESPN or even a Sportscenter. If it’s not reported in Dallas Morning News, Ft Worth Telegram or WFAA Tv I’m not usually interested. Unless there’s a breaking national news.

All of those national personalities are all over hyped including Cowherd. Fans are drawn to them cause they align on some of their topics. Or they love the hate rhetoric . Whatever . It’s like some of the silliness and trolling we see in this forum. Doesn’t interest me.

You took the bait from Cowherd sounds like. And I get what you’re saying. Lebron isn’t liked by a large segment of fans. And that’s fine. But if they want to validate their thoughts they should separate their personal feelings when voting on a career achievement which isn’t about personal feelings. And I get that some fans struggle with that notion .

It’s how we can love the Cowboys and hate some of the moving pieces involved. Much like I’ve despised some of the Cowboys players personally but not let it effect my evaluation on the field. Again, not all fans have that ability to separate.
Of course and I’d be all for just calling by his jersey number but evaluating talent and impact to the game doesn’t involve personal feelings anymore than it should nominating for Hall of Fame or Pro Bowl .

It shouldn’t be a popularity contest. And if that’s what GOAT means to a segment of fans or is needed to validate greatness then I’d argue it waters down those fans votes.

Ive never called him King. You’re falling victim to the media hype. Who cares about that. That has no influence on my evaluation anymore than OJ’s murders influenced my evaluation of his talent level and impact to the game.

You’ve never called him King?!? Good on you, but I’m talking about all the people that fawn over him, all the hype and accolades and labeling.

One thing, though. Aside from cold hard stats and facts, personality and perception is a part of it too. Popularity, attitude, dedication, perseverance, morality are ALWAYS part of the equation, and either you’re somehow too blinded to see that, or you simply need to have the last word by stubbornly clinging to your view.

I’ve been happily married for 35 years because I believe in compromise. I’ve let her have the last word so many times, because I care what she thinks, and I want harmony. That’s not the case here, but I’ll let you have the last word now, because A)you seem to need it, and 2)I’ve wasted too much of my valuable time on this tiring CRAP already. Caio!
I was trying to think of a good analogy for this situation where personal feelings should be left out of an evaluation or grading system and best thing I’ve come up is grading students.

Which their GPA isn’t done on popularity which would be more for Class Pres or a Prom Queen. But if you’re seeking to be a Valedictorian or in top 10 of your class those are only graded on the work you produce and test taken.

And that’s how athletes should be ultimately graded. On their production on the field or court and their impact to the game. Personal feelings may play into who they enjoy following or watching but it shouldn’t effect their evaluation of their ability and talent.

Many of my favorite players I enjoy watching aren’t on my favorite team. And i don’t necessarily root for them to win or have success. I just enjoy watching the best in the game perform when I’m not watching my favorite teams.
You’ve never called him King?!? Good on you, but I’m talking about all the people that fawn over him, all the hype and accolades and labeling.

One thing, though. Aside from cold hard stats and facts, personality and perception is a part of it too. Popularity, attitude, dedication, perseverance, morality are ALWAYS part of the equation, and either you’re somehow too blinded to see that, or you simply need to have the last word by stubbornly clinging to your view.

I’ve been happily married for 35 years because I believe in compromise. I’ve let her have the last word so many times, because I care what she thinks, and I want harmony. That’s not the case here, but I’ll let you have the last word now, because A)you seem to need it, and 2)I’ve wasted too much of my valuable time on this tiring CRAP already. Caio!
How does a players personality or popularity factor in to his accomplishments on the court?

Personal feelings aren’t on the stat sheet. We must be talking about completely different subjects?
How does a players personality or popularity factor in to his accomplishments on the court?

Personal feelings aren’t on the stat sheet. We must be talking about completely different subjects?

Not at all. Both related. But I’m done debating with you. Enjoy your own delusions.
How does a players personality or popularity factor in to his accomplishments on the court?

Personal feelings aren’t on the stat sheet. We must be talking about completely different subjects?

Never said they WERE on the stat sheet! How people perceive a player plays a role with most normal people, or at least people who aren’t too stubborn to admit there are other things to consider, but once again we’re dwelling too long on this. You can’t seem to grasp the concept that GOAT status is more than stats.
Not at all. Both related. But I’m done debating with you. Enjoy your own delusions.

Never said they WERE on the stat sheet! How people perceive a player plays a role with most normal people, or at least people who aren’t too stubborn to admit there are other things to consider, but once again we’re dwelling too long on this. You can’t seem to grasp the concept that GOAT status is more than stats.
Because it’s not more than what occurs on the court if we are evaluating their talent level. It might be to some but it shouldn’t be.

GOAT has absolutely nothing to do with a players conduct off the court.

I’m disappointed theres fans out there who use players personalities off the court or field in evaluating their talent level.

Do what you want but Cowherd might be right. It’s stupid.
Because it’s not more than what occurs on the court if we are evaluating their talent level. It might be to some but it shouldn’t be.

GOAT has absolutely nothing to do with a players conduct off the court.

I’m disappointed there’s fans out there who use players personalities off the court or field in evaluating their talent level.

Do what you want but Cowherd might be right. It’s stupid.

I’m disappointed with stubborn aholes who can’t admit that the majority of fans consider more than just stats to label a player the GOAT. There are a handful of QBs with better stats than Brady, so why do the majority of fans consider him the GOAT? Ever hear people talk about his unmatched work ethic, his burning desire to win even with all the SBs he’s played in? Ever hear him gripe about social justice issues or claim people wanted his opinion about issues outside the sport? Brady doesn’t switch teams every three years or give off a narcissist vibe, now does he? Despite what you might think, most people would call Lebron a great player, but if they didn’t like him, wouldn’t label him the greatest.

Individual stats
Overall wins
Playoff wins
All Star appearances
Personality—leadership qualities, work ethic, humility, is he loyal or greedy? Intelligent, likeable, etc.?

All these factors matter to most people. And that’s all I have to say about this topic, so rage on!

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