
I’m disappointed with stubborn aholes who can’t admit that the majority of fans consider more than just stats to label a player the GOAT. There are a handful of QBs with better stats than Brady, so why do the majority of fans consider him the GOAT? Ever hear people talk about his unmatched work ethic, his burning desire to win even with all the SBs he’s played in? Ever hear him gripe about social justice issues or claim people wanted his opinion about issues outside the sport? Brady doesn’t switch teams every three years or give off a narcissist vibe, now does he? Despite what you might think, most people would call Lebron a great player, but if they didn’t like him, wouldn’t label him the greatest.

Individual stats
Overall wins
Playoff wins
All Star appearances
Personality—leadership qualities, work ethic, humility, is he loyal or greedy? Intelligent, likeable, etc.?

All these factors matter to most people. And that’s all I have to say about this topic, so rage on!
They consider Brady the Greatest because of what he’s accomplished on the field.

No fans I know would consider players personalities into their accomplishment on the field. Except maybe some women. Lol

This is the most absurd analysis I’ve ever heard of. Sounds like some childish crush. Measuring players talent and accomplishments by your personal feelings. That’s more about fandom not analysis. Lol

No wonder these fans feelings were hurt by Cowherds comments.
They consider Brady the Greatest because of what he’s accomplished on the field.

No fans I know would consider players personalities into their accomplishment on the field. Except maybe some women. Lol

This is the most absurd analysis I’ve ever heard of. Sounds like some childish crush. Measuring players talent and accomplishments by your personal feelings. That’s more about fandom not analysis. Lol

No wonder these fans feelings were hurt by Cowherds comments.
You must not know many fans in your little cocoon of local elitists. If YOU were the greatest football player that ever lived, I promise that NO ONE that ever engaged you in conversation would ever call you the GOAT, because you’re such a gigantic jerk. I’m amazed you’re still married. You read virtually everything wrong, and you’re relentlessly opinionated, stubborn and arrogantly condescending.

Believe whatever delusional CRAP you want. It means nothing to anyone but you, and changes nothing. Go annoy you’re poor wife.
You must not know many fans in your little cocoon of local elitists. If YOU were the greatest football player that ever lived, I promise that NO ONE that ever engaged you in conversation would ever call you the GOAT, because you’re such a gigantic jerk. I’m amazed you’re still married. You read virtually everything wrong, and you’re relentlessly opinionated, stubborn and arrogantly condescending.

Believe whatever delusional CRAP you want. It means nothing to anyone but you, and changes nothing. Go annoy you’re poor wife.
If I knew anyone who would not consider someone the GOAT because of their personality or any off court antics , I certainly wouldn’t hold their evaluations or analysis of that players place in history with any validity.

And even more bizarre is the admittance of such and expectancy we should all follow as such. I guess the Hall of Fame would all be a popularity contest not the best of the best athletes cause we might not like their personality. And I’m the weird one. Ok lol
ES.. if you want to make a popularity contest out of GOAT then you go right ahead . But like-ability or personality hopefully doesn’t play into those who actually vote on these players places in history.

And while I don’t necessarily agree Lebron is the GOAT , he is worthy to be in the discussion because of his dominance this era. I do agree with Cowherd that he’s the best player in this era.

Nowhere in your tirades here have you admitted as such . I can’t imagine any argument that another player has dominated this era more but I’m all ears.
ES.. if you want to make a popularity contest out of GOAT then you go right ahead . But like-ability or personality hopefully doesn’t play into those who actually vote on these players places in history.

And while I don’t necessarily agree Lebron is the GOAT , he is worthy to be in the discussion because of his dominance this era. I do agree with Cowherd that he’s the best player in this era.

Nowhere in your tirades here have you admitted as such . I can’t imagine any argument that another player has dominated this era more but I’m all ears.

I never even INSINUATED that it was a popularity contest, Greg. Lebron IS the best player of this era. There, I said it. Happy? But he’ll NEVER be labeled the GOAT by far too many people, because they JUST DON’T LIKE HIM, for a number of reasons—some viable, some not.
I never even INSINUATED that it was a popularity contest, Greg. Lebron IS the best player of this era. There, I said it. Happy? But he’ll NEVER be labeled the GOAT by far too many people, because they JUST DON’T LIKE HIM, for a number of reasons—some viable, some not.
Progress.. Finally . Some middle ground we can agree on.

And I’ll maintain for those who wouldn’t vote for him simply cause they don’t like him, to not be viable. Something else we can agree on.

I’d ad the same for those who would vote for him cause he’s their fav player. Popularity or lack of it shouldn’t factor in. He does appear to have a sizable detractor segment out there. Has from the beginning. Probably why guys like Cowherd says what he does to this segment.

I understand it’s human nature for that to influence fans but I’d hope it wouldn’t. That we could be more objective separating our emotions.
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Progress.. Finally . Some middle ground we can agree on.

And I’ll maintain for those who wouldn’t vote for him simply cause they don’t like him, to not be viable. Something else we can agree on.

I’d ad the same for those who would vote for him cause he’s their fav player. Popularity or lack of it shouldn’t factor in.

I understand it’s human nature for that to influence fans but I’d hope it wouldn’t. That we could be more objective separating our emotions.

Emotion, personality, feelings—all a part of the human condition, which is why most people won’t endorse a player for “The Greatest Ever” label, if they don’t like him...
Here’s my take . I initially resented Lebron for not going to college. I kinda despise because I’m a huge college hoops fan and think if more players with talent like his skills bolted early would hurt the NCAA.

And I didn’t like the way he bolted to Miami. But I did applaud him returning to Cleveland to try and win one for his home state.

In an era where so many of these professional athletes who so many fans take issue for making millions, Lebron appears to me to be one who truly wants to win . And he has been in a position where he can dictate the roster around him.

I could see where some fans would take issue . It’s arrogance at the highest level but he’s came thru winning championships at all teams he’s been with. He’s walked the talk .

As far as his social stance on issues if that influences you or turns you off then all professional sports dominated by ethnic players are probably not aligning with your beliefs. It is what it is. There’s always Ice Hockey and NASCAR to watch.
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Emotion, personality, feelings—all a part of the human condition, which is why most people won’t endorse a player for “The Greatest Ever” label, if they don’t like him...
I’d probably vote for Jordan. And he’s one of the biggest jerks to ever play the game. Probably one of the most arrogant jocks to ever play. A womenizer, cheating on his wife , addicted gambler. I could go on. But he was more like able I guess . Probably cause everyone didn’t know what kind of person he was.

If I was voting on one of the good guys and more like able I’d probably consider Bird.

Magic was a huge arrogant jerk too. Womanizer, cheating on his wife and how ended up with AIDS. Tremendous talent.

But I don’t hold any of their personal transgressions against them.

OJ Simpson I’d still rank as one of the greatest RB’s ever. One of a kind talent . And he was a double murderer.

What actually has Lebron done that’s turned him off so badly to this segment. Outspoken on social events? Maybe he’s a victim of social media of this era. Regardless , his achievements on the court should silence those critics . And if it doesn’t . Well, you know how I feel about it. And why I’m so outspoken on this type of subject.

It’s be different if he’d had 13 girlfriends like Tiger. Or was the first to take a public stance like Kappy. Maybe slapped his wife around like Rice. The more I hear this opposition all I hear is hate rhetoric which has nothing to do with his performance on the court .
If people universally despise someone, it’s only natural to assume they’re not gonna label him “The GOAT”. Most will acknowledge him as a great player if pushed, but people won’t flock to support someone they don’t like.

What about the players with better stats? Or more titles?
Is the GOAT a popularity contest or based on their accomplishments and impacts in their profession?
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I never realized we must personally like a player for them to be considered one of the greats.

In other words we must be a fan of the player for them to be great. Lol

If we don’t like them, they can’t be great. Who knew .
No one must personally like a player for him to be considered great. No one ever said that. That’s YOUR erroneous, arrogantly condescending assumption. People will acknowledge a player’s greatness, but will stop short of calling him the greatest of all time if they think his character is lacking, that he’s not a great leader, and not a good example. A lot of people feel this way, and no, their view is not inferior or wrong, just because it doesn’t match your belief system.
If character flaws and lack of leadership is the only thing holding a fan back from considering a player GOAT then its not valid.

Who judges someone’s professional accomplishments on their personal flaws. But I guess some fans don’t have that ability to separate.

Cowherd realized this long before I did that there’s a segment of fans like this. Unbelievable. And why he’s calling them out.
If character flaws and lack of leadership is the only thing holding a fan back from considering a player GOAT then its not valid.

Who judges someone’s professional accomplishments on their personal flaws. But I guess some fans don’t have that ability to separate.

Cowherd realized this long before I did that there’s a segment of fans like this. Unbelievable. And why he’s calling them out.

No one cares if YOU think it’s valid! Hilarious! Your ego is astounding! Thanks for the laugh! Cowherd’s an opinionated jerk who says things for drama and ratings. You’re far worse, and you’re doing it for free! Ha!
No one cares if YOU think it’s valid! Hilarious! Your ego is astounding! Thanks for the laugh! Cowherd’s an opinionated jerk who says things for drama and ratings. You’re far worse, and you’re doing it for free! Ha!
Apparently it bothers you more than you’ve admitted. You said you were done pages ago but here you are still arguing that the GOAT is more about personal attributes than what happens on the court. Remarkable!!

It’s always about the principle with me. I’m not even for Lebron as GOAT. It’s a silly label in basis. Has no meaning but bragging rights or a point of discussion for fans. But it’s the premise of how you arrive at such which is so disturbing and struck my response.

I know some fans hate these personalities but had no idea they’d use it against them when measuring their success in the game.

A real eye opener for me. It will be the next topic of discussion with my friends . I started a thread on it in another forum.
Colin Cowherd went on a tirade today, screaming about people not endorsing Lebron James as The GOAT, basically saying those with a different opinion were stupid, and should shut up and go away. He doesn’t want to talk to them, he doesn’t want to hear it! I was amazed at his arrogant condescension, then pissed off by it, then realized that THAT had become the prevalent mindset in America these days—believe as we do, or shut up! This makes me want to go COMPLETELY the other way. People can NOT tell others how to think or feel!

Lebron may be physically superior, he might even have some superior stats, but it takes more than that to be The GOAT. It also matters what kind of a person he is, on AND off the court, how he carries himself, and how other people perceive him. You can’t MAKE people like or respect you, and there are way too many people who despise Lebron James. Sure, a lot of it IS petty jealousy and misperception, but people have seen and heard way too much over the years that says he’s a vain, petty, narcissist. It may sound unfair and wrong, but people just DON’T LIKE HIM, and the nonstop fawning by the media only makes it worse. Lebron James is too polarizing to ever be The Goat, and while I‘ve appreciated many of the stances Cowherd has taken on certain issues, today he crossed the line.

Hey Cowherd! You know what you can do with your condescending arrogance!
Just watched link Greg provided.

Sorry, ES, did not see any of what you were saying. It was just a discussion, and Colin explaining why Brady/LeBron should get more votes. He was not condescending or arrogant, he was simply giving his viewpoint.

Man, you must hate the man to see this as a tirade. Wasn't even close.
Apparently it bothers you more than you’ve admitted. You said you were done pages ago but here you are still arguing that the GOAT is more about personal attributes than what happens on the court. Remarkable!!

It’s always about the principle with me. I’m not even for Lebron as GOAT. It’s a silly label in basis. Has no meaning but bragging rights or a point of discussion for fans. But it’s the premise of how you arrive at such which is so disturbing and struck my response.

I know some fans hate these personalities but had no idea they’d use it against them when measuring their success in the game.

A real eye opener for me. It will be the next topic of discussion with my friends . I started a thread on it in another forum.

My biggest weakness is not replying to aggressively arrogant people, ESPECIALLY when they appear to have reading comprehension problems! I never said the GOAT was more about personal attributes. I never even implied it. I merely said it was ONE of the factors that influence the opinion of most reasonable people. But you only hear what you want to hear, and you’ll have an answer for anything I might say. That can only mean one of three things: 1)Your ego is so huge that you having a flawed take on this was never even a consideration in your mind. 2)Your self esteem is so weak that you NEED to be right, to have the last word. 3)You’re just naturally delusional.

So let’s just agree to disagree, and leave it at that. I’ll bet you can’t. Go ahead, prove me right. Keep talking. One more word on this topic proves it!
My biggest weakness is not replying to aggressively arrogant people, ESPECIALLY when they appear to have reading comprehension problems! I never said the GOAT was more about personal attributes. I never even implied it. I merely said it was ONE of the factors that influence the opinion of most reasonable people. But you only hear what you want to hear, and you’ll have an answer for anything I might say. That can only mean one of three things: 1)Your ego is so huge that you having a flawed take on this was never even a consideration in your mind. 2)Your self esteem is so weak that you NEED to be right, to have the last word. 3)You’re just naturally delusional.

So let’s just agree to disagree, and leave it at that. I’ll bet you can’t. Go ahead, prove me right. Keep talking. One more word on this topic proves it!
My argument stands that personal feelings shouldn’t have any influence on the evaluation of the players greatness. And if it does , invalidates it.

Insult me all you want attempting to discredit my stance. I haven’t wavered . And of course I’m right. Believe what you want.

I won’t allow you to set the perimeters on when or how you want to end the discussion. If I feel a response is warranted, then I will.
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