
Just watched link Greg provided.

Sorry, ES, did not see any of what you were saying. It was just a discussion, and Colin explaining why Brady/LeBron should get more votes. He was not condescending or arrogant, he was simply giving his viewpoint.

Man, you must hate the man to see this as a tirade. Wasn't even close.
I think it’s Lebron he hates. So much that it’s influenced his evaluation of his career and impact on the game.

Apparently he believes it’s normal for fans to factor in their personal attributes on their achievements in their career.

That you must like a player personally to consider them for GOAT. Bizarre stuff but he stands by it.
Colin Cowherd went on a tirade today, screaming about people not endorsing Lebron James as The GOAT, basically saying those with a different opinion were stupid, and should shut up and go away. He doesn’t want to talk to them, he doesn’t want to hear it! I was amazed at his arrogant condescension, then pissed off by it, then realized that THAT had become the prevalent mindset in America these days—believe as we do, or shut up! This makes me want to go COMPLETELY the other way. People can NOT tell others how to think or feel!

Lebron may be physically superior, he might even have some superior stats, but it takes more than that to be The GOAT. It also matters what kind of a person he is, on AND off the court, how he carries himself, and how other people perceive him. You can’t MAKE people like or respect you, and there are way too many people who despise Lebron James. Sure, a lot of it IS petty jealousy and misperception, but people have seen and heard way too much over the years that says he’s a vain, petty, narcissist. It may sound unfair and wrong, but people just DON’T LIKE HIM, and the nonstop fawning by the media only makes it worse. Lebron James is too polarizing to ever be The Goat, and while I‘ve appreciated many of the stances Cowherd has taken on certain issues, today he crossed the line.

Hey Cowherd! You know what you can do with your condescending arrogance!
jiggs says no

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