Cowlishaw: As Cowboys run out of time, it's hard to trust all-seeing GM/owner Jerry Jones

By Tim Cowlishaw, Staff Columnist Contact Tim Cowlishaw

For the second time this century, the Cowboys have managed to follow a playoff victory (the only two they have managed) with a losing season. This is a disturbing trend. This isn't how the process is supposed to work.

What went wrong?

The team has months to address that question before the start of free agency and the draft where they can begin the rebuilding process that inevitably will be described as something else entirely.

Retooling? Re-engaging? Rejoining?

For now, what we can can determine is what has been lost. I believe it comes down to two critical things. Time and trust.

Time relates mostly to Tony Romo...

rest of the story


It's not what went wrong, it's what is wrong?? his name is Jerral Wayne Jones and he is the cancer plaquing the
Dallas Cowboys since the 1990's..and as long as he is allowed to rule as supreme dictator of North Korea I mean
Dallas then the organization known as the "Cowboys" doesn't have a leg to stand on

which leaves us with this doozy of a question, 19 years, does nothing but screw up and make the fans miserable
and every year "fans" run back to him with forgiveness for the previous season only to have him bend you over so
he can screw you again. WHY? I'd think you be tired of getting screwed over by now!! I know I am, so why not just
boycott and show this guy that we are the governing body of the Dallas Cowboys not him?

He' s not going to move, the best that can be hoped for is that he sells, but he'll more than likely won't
he likes his toy to much!! we know he's arrogant and thinks fans will be back eventually. I say let's prove
him wrong it's about damn time we stood up and took back what belongs to the fans and this can only
be achieved when we stop allowing Jerruh to do what he wants, when he wants!!!

and so take a stand and boycott it's the only way to make a difference
and so take a stand and boycott it's the only way to make a difference
There have been hundreds of proclamations over the past two decades (and quite a few on just this site alone) but one day a single man or woman will not simply post a plea on one of tens of thousands of sports related internet websites. No. That person will make an actual serious effort to organize millions of people. He or she will contact thousands of corporations and persuade them to stop advertising on television, radio, newspapers, magazines, and the internet. This realistic soul will stage rallies and picket lines outside not only AT&T Stadium but stadiums across the country. He or she will lead multitudes of marchers that shall descend upon Cowboys headquarters and spark sit-ins and arrests of fans shouting, "Hell no! We won't go!" Someone with the fortitude to lead customers into shops and malls across America and overturn Dallas Cowboys merchandising displays and the like. Someone who will demand airtime on sports talk shows and late-night shows and provide the voice of discontent that is cowboyszone. And finally that someone, principled and unwaveringly honest in their convictions, shall take the one step which all pretenders haven't done before she or he finally did:

He or she will never watch another Dallas Cowboys game until his or her real, true, tangible, never before seen and not-just-empty-words campaign has been won!

God bless America! And God bless the Dallas Cowboys!

There have been hundreds of proclamations over the past two decades (and quite a few on just this site alone) but one day a single man or woman will not simply post a plea on one of tens of thousands of sports related internet websites. No. That person will make an actual serious effort to organize millions of people. He or she will contact thousands of corporations and persuade them to stop advertising on television, radio, newspapers, magazines, and the internet. This realistic soul will stage rallies and picket lines outside not only AT&T Stadium but stadiums across the country. He or she will lead multitudes of marchers that shall descend upon Cowboys headquarters and spark sit-ins and arrests of fans shouting, "Hell no! We won't go!" Someone with the fortitude to lead customers into shops and malls across America and overturn Dallas Cowboys merchandising displays and the like. Someone who will demand airtime on sports talk shows and late-night shows and provide the voice of discontent that is cowboyszone. And finally that someone, principled and unwaveringly honest in their convictions, shall take the one step which all pretenders haven't done before she or he finally did:

He or she will never watch another Dallas Cowboys game until his or her real, true, tangible, never before seen and not-just-empty-words campaign has been won!

God bless America! And God bless the Dallas Cowboys!


Even God has given up on the Cowboys going to a SB as long as Jerry is the GM!
Hello everyone, I'm new to the board and have been a fan since 1975.

Just about every football fan in the country can see that JJ doesn't know what he's doing when it comes to building a real SB contender and continuing the legacy of this once proud but becoming more irrelevant franchise.

Personally I had hoped Romo would not be re-signed and that Garret would have got his walking papers 2 yrs ago. I have no faith in either of those guys to win when it counts, in the playoffs and beyond. Now that Romo is hurt we'll have to see if he can comeback. I'm not going to wish anyone's career be over to injury, but I will say that either way Romo needs to go and a rebuild has to take place with a new (real) GM and a new HC.

Romo being done will get the ball rolling quicker, but we need a real GM in place to hit the ground running with the rebuild.
There have been hundreds of proclamations over the past two decades (and quite a few on just this site alone) but one day a single man or woman will not simply post a plea on one of tens of thousands of sports related internet websites. No. That person will make an actual serious effort to organize millions of people. He or she will contact thousands of corporations and persuade them to stop advertising on television, radio, newspapers, magazines, and the internet. This realistic soul will stage rallies and picket lines outside not only AT&T Stadium but stadiums across the country. He or she will lead multitudes of marchers that shall descend upon Cowboys headquarters and spark sit-ins and arrests of fans shouting, "Hell no! We won't go!" Someone with the fortitude to lead customers into shops and malls across America and overturn Dallas Cowboys merchandising displays and the like. Someone who will demand airtime on sports talk shows and late-night shows and provide the voice of discontent that is cowboyszone. And finally that someone, principled and unwaveringly honest in their convictions, shall take the one step which all pretenders haven't done before she or he finally did:

He or she will never watch another Dallas Cowboys game until his or her real, true, tangible, never before seen and not-just-empty-words campaign has been won!

God bless America! And God bless the Dallas Cowboys!


Call me crazy but doesn't the media blackout games when attendance is at it's lowest level? which explains
why Jones during the Campo era had to buy up seats to avoid blackout rules..and so you'd think they'd go
hand and hand..and at some point fans may actually get pissed off without organizing a lynch mob for the
idiot owner and his family to run them out on a rail and just avoid them all together

which would cause the media to take a step back and not hype them or even want them for their
national audience games in primetime, but until the "fans" take a stand it goes without saying that
all this is just "talk" for the moment, I personally am as die hard and fanatical as they come but even
I can't defend their actions at this point and my going to games, buying merchandise ect only adds
fuel to the fire and will make many question my loyalty

Make no mistake about it!! win/lose/tie I'll always be a fan, but my loyalty is not now nor will it ever
be for an owner who is a walking screw up and gets rich off the hard working taxpayer who deserves
more than what they are getting under this joker
Call me crazy but doesn't the media blackout games when attendance is at it's lowest level? which explains
why Jones during the Campo era had to buy up seats to avoid blackout rules..and so you'd think they'd go
hand and hand..and at some point fans may actually get pissed off without organizing a lynch mob for the
idiot owner and his family to run them out on a rail and just avoid them all together
NFL suspends local blackout policy for 2015

You're correct about the blackout policy except for this season.

This isn't the 1840's. It's only a hunch but it's more likely pissed off fans will avoid games altogether.
which would cause the media to take a step back and not hype them or even want them for their
national audience games in primetime, but until the "fans" take a stand it goes without saying that
all this is just "talk" for the moment, I personally am as die hard and fanatical as they come but even
I can't defend their actions at this point and my going to games, buying merchandise ect only adds
fuel to the fire and will make many question my loyalty
The media doesn't create product for charity. The media creates product to entice billions in advertising revenue and increase stock value. The NFL and public/cable networks shall jointly schedule any team, including the Dallas Cowboys, for primetime time slots as long as it helps them achieve their goals.

You're right. It's all talk, on a sports fan website, influencing no one. However, talking aimlessly is a good way to relieve personal stress.
Make no mistake about it!! win/lose/tie I'll always be a fan, but my loyalty is not now nor will it ever
be for an owner who is a walking screw up and gets rich off the hard working taxpayer who deserves
more than what they are getting under this joker
Who should be loyal to an owner?

Who should be loyal to a coach?

For that matter, who should be loyal to a player?

It's about the franchise. Always has. Always will. It's fans' personal prerogative for remaining angry with someone uninterrupted for 20 straight years, over a thousand weeks and many more thousands of days straight. Some people subconsciously love high blood pressure. In final analysis, as always, there is one question that some people never ask themselves:

How does all the fantasy scheming make Jones do what's best for the Dallas Cowboys, right now and in the future, in the real world?
Oh I agree the media is about ratings and making money but think about it! the media can hype
anyone they want, nothing prevents them saying what they want or showing who they want at
the time..all I am saying is by boycotting it should make people stand up and notice that fans are
tired of the crap so perhaps they will follow suit and not show them at all
Oh I agree the media is about ratings and making money but think about it! the media can hype
anyone they want, nothing prevents them saying what they want or showing who they want at
the time..all I am saying is by boycotting it should make people stand up and notice that fans are
tired of the crap so perhaps they will follow suit and not show them at all
My post, #126, is a little sarcastic but still contains many valid points. It's all talk until someone steps up and actually accomplishes some or all of the things I mentioned. The word boycott has been bounced around fansites, talk radio ,etc., thousands and thousands of times for decades. In all that time and wasted talk, no one has done anything that has even prompted Jones to LITERALLY roll his eyes inside his skull even a fraction one single time. All that this repeated talk of boycott has only (hopefully) relieved some fans' inner stress about the situation and nothing more.
In order to fuel your hatred you always go back to Jerry making money. Jerry will make money regardless. We haven't won anything in 20 years and he is now worth over 4 Billion Dollars.

Jerry will never give up control of this team. And this team will continue to make money regardless of 8-8, 12-4 or 5-11.

Jerry absolutely wants credit and he also believes he can build a winner. Are you really shocked that a man worth 4 Billion dollars has an ego and believes he can do this?

Actually I would be. Any person who gets to $4B has to have some ability to distinguish between a good investment and a bad investment, which is an ability that Jerry the GM lacks entirely because he still believes he is a good investment.
My post, #126, is a little sarcastic but still contains many valid points. It's all talk until someone steps up and actually accomplishes some or all of the things I mentioned. The word boycott has been bounced around fansites, talk radio ,etc., thousands and thousands of times for decades. In all that time and wasted talk, no one has done anything that has even prompted Jones to LITERALLY roll his eyes inside his skull even a fraction one single time. All that this repeated talk of boycott has only (hopefully) relieved some fans' inner stress about the situation and nothing more.

The problem is? mass intimidation/fear and questioning of loyalty if you even hint at boycotting or actually boycott games
this doesn't just come from the ranks of idiots outside your division or conference, there are those among the ranks of our
own who are blinded to loyalty and refuse to step out in defiance

they're the protestants of Northern Ireland who'd rather be loyal to the crown rather than be loyal
to their country..they see people like me and others who have boycotted merchandise and attending
of games as? bandwagon/ fair weather fans, on message boards they see us trolls who should be
banned because they feel, they don't deserve to be called "fans" I mean who are they to call them
selves fans when we're the real fans??

Kissing Jerruh's *** doesn't make you a fan it makes you a sell out, it damages the real fan base
who is loyal and committed to seeing the Dallas Cowboys organization win championships on a
grandiose scale, That is our only loyalty and if Jones can't understand that or doesn't want to even
recognize that? then step down DAD

if you don't want to step down then let us help you, enjoy wasting money on seats that won't
get filled until you step down!! having said a mouthful I will say I agree, until it's done it's all
talk but I urge that if you are truly sick of this then do what needs to be done

Boycott screw what everything thinks time to take back what is rightfully ours
The problem is? mass intimidation/fear and questioning of loyalty if you even hint at boycotting or actually boycott games
this doesn't just come from the ranks of idiots outside your division or conference, there are those among the ranks of our
own who are blinded to loyalty and refuse to step out in defiance

they're the protestants of Northern Ireland who'd rather be loyal to the crown rather than be loyal
to their country..they see people like me and others who have boycotted merchandise and attending
of games as? bandwagon/ fair weather fans, on message boards they see us trolls who should be
banned because they feel, they don't deserve to be called "fans" I mean who are they to call them
selves fans when we're the real fans??

Kissing Jerruh's *** doesn't make you a fan it makes you a sell out, it damages the real fan base
who is loyal and committed to seeing the Dallas Cowboys organization win championships on a
grandiose scale, That is our only loyalty and if Jones can't understand that or doesn't want to even
recognize that? then step down DAD

if you don't want to step down then let us help you, enjoy wasting money on seats that won't
get filled until you step down!! having said a mouthful I will say I agree, until it's done it's all
talk but I urge that if you are truly sick of this then do what needs to be done

Boycott screw what everything thinks time to take back what is rightfully ours
It's interesting that you mentioned Northern Ireland. The country endured years of turmoil affecting practically every one of its citizens because of extremely violent opposition of the status quo. Although some violence still lingers to this day, the country has undergone significant changes. On the other hand, the most significant action of the Do Something About Jerry Jones movement in over two decades has been buying billboard space.

The insanity is neverending. Talking about boycotts on message boards has had zero effect in motivating Jones one iota. When will the day come when one person stops and realizes talking about boycotts is simply and literally ranting for rant's sake? When will one person become truly pissed off enough about Jerry Jones, grinds this insanity cycle to a halt, and actually does something about it?

History suggests the answer to both questions will always be never. Again, anyone discussing boycotts on an internet site accomplishes only one thing every single time: it helps relieve that person's stress levels. But never say never. The possibility exists that one day someone will stop wasting their time and readers' time on an internet fansite and at least try doing some of the things I spoke about in post #126.
I fully expect when Jerry is gone Stephen will just step up to the throne "owner/Gm"
That's seems very likely. My impression of Stephen Jones is that he's more moderate thinking than his father. If true, fans can expect him to run the franchise in a more conventional fashion, perhaps even hiring someone else to handle general manager responsibilities and becoming far more flexible in his head coach hiring process. I think he'll remain just as visible publicly as his father but not nearly as vocal. The only question is when will he take charge?
That's seems very likely. My impression of Stephen Jones is that he's more moderate thinking than his father. If true, fans can expect him to run the franchise in a more conventional fashion, perhaps even hiring someone else to handle general manager responsibilities and becoming far more flexible in his head coach hiring process. I think he'll remain just as visible publicly as his father but not nearly as vocal. The only question is when will he take charge?

He's learned right there at Pop's knee & I'm sure Jerry has told him hey if I can do it you can too!

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