Cowlishaw: As Cowboys run out of time, it's hard to trust all-seeing GM/owner Jerry Jones

Most discussion about Jerry Jones are ruled by hyperbole. Here are three examples:

1) Jerry is a meddling owner.
2) Jerry isn't a real football guy.
3) Jerry is the worst owner in the NFL.

Jerry isn't a meddling owner. He's the GM. He does what GMs do. Unfortunately, he hasn't been particularly good at it over the past 20 years. And, like it or not, Jerry is a legitimate, bonafide fooball guy; he played football; he's been around football at every level his entire life; and, he helped assemble a great team back in the early 1990s. Unfortunately, once again, Jerry's football decisions have been hit-or-miss over the past 20 years. He's not the worst owner in the NFL, though. Teams like Cleveland, Jacksonville, and Washington are drafting in the top of the first almost every year. The problem is thus: The difference between mediocre owners and bad owners is less than than difference between mediocre owners and good owners.

Jerry's organization is good enough to make a wildcard round appearance once every few years. However, it's not good enough to compete with elite teams consistently and, in some cases, at all. The Cowboys haven't beaten New England since Tom Brady and Belichick came to town. They've lost the last five games against Green Bay. Their win over Seattle last season was the exception rather than the rule. The Cowboys flounder in the divisional round because that's where they face the elite teams -- the teams who make the playoffs year in and year out. That's the key to winning Super Bowls, stringing playoff appearances together. They Cowboys organization simply hadn't been good enough to do that.

Man this is a great post...100% agree!
Yeah right that's why he no longer calls plays no other team who hire him he has done nothing in all the years he has been here his own players have no respect for him they know Jerry is the one running the show !

this is cognitive dissonance
Problem is now that he can't back away, he would (in his mind) look like a fool.

He gives up control and they win it all, we would be jubilant, well done Jerry you figured it out we appreciate it. Jerry would be oh damn all everyone will think now is that i was a dumb *** and wasted 30 years.

That's why i keep searching my brain for a guy that could come in and effectively run things, yet Jerry can keep the pretense of GM guy, and we can win again.

If the guy brought it is too big a name, the press will give him the cred and Jerry is pissed. It has to be someone where it looks like Jerry gave this guy a chance and wow, was Jerry right. However.. he actually has to be able to coach and not worry about Jerry spouting Jerry stuff.

In my opinion the biggest problem in Dallas is the lack of a true focused football environment. Player personnel wise, many teams are winning with worse, but we lack vision; in knowing what really wins in the NFL and, a coaching staff that can operate free of distractions, i.e. certain players not having a direct conduit to their particular Jones, 'front office personnel' contradicting coaches statements decisions etc.. during one of their many media face offs each week. Their simply is not enough attention being paid to the bottom line day to day details of running a franchise.

We need to find that guy, i don't know who he is, but i know who he isn't.
Jerry does not know that most people around the league and the Fans know he is a Fool now they want him to keep doing things the way he has because they know with things like they are the Cowboys are going nowhere!
I don't see why this is that much different than any other season since Jimmy Johnson walked out the door. Same thing. Same man in charge. Sometimes the atmosphere changes slightly, but the room always has the same smell.

I'm sure you were sure we'd be terrible. I thought we'd be good that's why it is different to me.
As long as he looks me in the eye, admits he's made mistakes and tells me about the time he over extended himself for Deion Sanders, I'm fine with trying the same thing again next year.

I can not wait for camp in July.

Right!!! Let's go find another team.

You first.
People say there are no consequences.....Well I got news for you people who live in Dallas. There are consequences. And it's happening right now. The Cowboys are becoming irrelevant to the NFL...and to fans throughout the rest of the country. TV Networks don't cover the team....and quite have quit caring.

There is a whole generation of people now that don't know what it means to be a superior franchise. Jerry has taken this once proud NFL flagship and turned it into the Chicago Cubs.

No consequences? I don't think so. Fans that live in Dallas don't understand what is happening because they are saturated w/ Cowboy propaganda. Well...I'm telling you now...that the rest of the country has turned off the Cowboys.:(

I know like when ESPN's show first take spends 15 minutes on us everyday. The franchise value is plummeting and we finished last in popularly it in all poles.

Those are clear:) consequences
I didn't comment on that, but by most accounts he did want to walk out(Really badly) and essentially forced Jerry's hand.

Jerry forced him out and listen I love the Cowboys been a fan since long before dumb *** Jerry got here 1965 was when I became a Cowboy fan and not even dumb Jerry will change that be I hope we see a SB before I DIE !
In order to fuel your hatred you always go back to Jerry making money. Jerry will make money regardless. We haven't won anything in 20 years and he is now worth over 4 Billion Dollars.

Jerry will never give up control of this team. And this team will continue to make money regardless of 8-8, 12-4 or 5-11.

Jerry absolutely wants credit and he also believes he can build a winner. Are you really shocked that a man worth 4 Billion dollars has an ego and believes he can do this?

I don't need anything to fuel my hatred fro Jerry the GM. The destruction he's caused my team is more than enough.

And, once again, you're talking out of both sides of your mouth. The whole "Jerry wants credit and wants to be a winner" meme doesn't fit. He hasn't won anything for 20 years doing it his way in an era of football where parity almost guarantees you should have a cycle of winning here and there. He wants to win his way which is holding this team back.

And no, I'm not shocked the man has an ego; I'm not shocked that Jerry wants credit....matter of fact, I don't think there's anything Jerry can do or say to shock me. What I am shocked about is how many fans buy into this fraud after so many years of failure.
How many coaches in the league are making more than JG?
Not exactly bargain bin.
So which high priced coaches were available that Jerry passed on?

Well, you brought up "bargain bin" so I'm not sure what it is about my post that you diasagree with siince I was agreeing with you. But bargain bin is not always about money when you hire folks that no one else may be interested in. Campo and Wade were bottom dwellers in terms of head coaching canditates. Also, Campo was still one of the lowest paid head coaches and Wade's OC was probably making almost must as he was.
I don't need anything to fuel my hatred fro Jerry the GM. The destruction he's caused my team is more than enough.

And, once again, you're talking out of both sides of your mouth. The whole "Jerry wants credit and wants to be a winner" meme doesn't fit. He hasn't won anything for 20 years doing it his way in an era of football where parity almost guarantees you should have a cycle of winning here and there. He wants to win his way which is holding this team back.

And no, I'm not shocked the man has an ego; I'm not shocked that Jerry wants credit....matter of fact, I don't think there's anything Jerry can do or say to shock me. What I am shocked about is how many fans buy into this fraud after so many years of failure.

Im struggling to understand how you interpret Jerry wanting credit and wanting to win, as talking out of both sides of my's not one or the fact they go to together.

I'd love to continue this conversation but it's becoming clear that regardless of anything I could say you will still believe Jerry is sitting around counting his money all day while laughing that he didn't have to pay the salary of a GM. It's a theory that fails the smell test no matter where my finger was before I do the secret inconspicuous sniff under the covers....

But I get it....I think.
Im struggling to understand...
It may be wise to let it go. There are countless mindsets in humanity. Even so, some people make the mistake of not considering others do not live and act according to what they believe is normal or logical.

Jerry Jones was a wildcatter. He would literally drill thousands of feet into the ground hoping to strike oil. Here's a man who was going bankrupted, leveraged almost completed, borrowed insanely, and betted everything on purchasing a 9-figure NFL franchise. These are perfect examples of how Jones envisions and trusts success. He "knows" he can be successful doing anything his way.

Is it logical? Of course not. Being blindly ambitious is extremely risky, far riskier than how billions of people live for even a single moment in their entire lives. Failure is a strong possibility but it's hard to think you're walking down the wrong path when you're someone like Jones, who has won and won big betting on himself. This is what some people do not understand. They realize that Jones could run his franchise conventionally like other successful NFL clubs but they cannot accept the fact that Jones does not think like they do. So they believe Jones desires failure and think profit is the motivation.

Ironically, the profit as motivation conclusion is illogical since Jones is highly driven to be as profitable as possible. Putting the best team on the field nets him more Super Bowls, greater fame and even greater net gain. That's what is most incomprehensible to some people because they do not ask themselves how can Jones think he can do these things by having himself entrenched at GM, drafting and trading for Quincy Carters and Brandon Weedens, hiring coaches with resumes like Jason Garrett, etc.

And some people will never understand because the answer, as crazy as it is, is so simple. Jones bets on himself. Some people do not see that mindset looking back at them in the mirror. They do not see that mindset looking at owners and general managers around the league so they think there are other reasons why Jones does what he does. Sometimes the most obvious answers are the hardest to acknowledge.
The best and only thing Cowboys fans can do is withdrawal support. Jerry won't change while enabled....he might if fans put him under heat. Worst case, if we have to wait until Stephen is in charge, I think he will get it.

People have and will hate on me, but it should be directed at the one that destroyed America's Team.

Really, my mind is on other things. If things ever get run well again, I will spend lots of time again
well said.

he wants to win. he has more money than he knows what to do with. he doesn't have an SB on his own terms at all and he wants to prove to the world that those 3SB wins were on his own terms. he has spent 20years trying to do this in futility. he wants to win and win his own way. unfortunately its not working but he wants, like hell, to prove us all wrong.

And he's run this team into the ground trying to do it. Ego over winning.
How is he doing that? My God we just went 12-4 less than a year ago.

Really dude? Losers for how many years? Last year was a fluke! We could've easily went 8-8 like every other year. One year 12-4, the rest, nothing but mediocrity!
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