Crabtree to re enter 2010 draft? *merged*


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Just saw a scroll on ESPN that said "Crabtree is prepared to sit our season and re enter 2010 draft if he doesn't get fair maket value"

WOW. That would be the Niners need to be set back even more. I could see him keeping his word too. What a little diva!! He knows he was selected 10th overall right??

If he does re enter the 2010 draft I really hope Jerry doesn't have a crush on him..I hope we stay far away from him. I wouldn't even draft him in the 3rd. His value is going to go way down..we shall see.
I just read a report that indicated Crabtree is prepared to sit out the entire season and re enter the nfl draft in 2010 if the niners do not meet his contract demands. My question is whether or not the Niners are allowed to trade Crabtree? I would guess No because he is not under contract, but I am not certain. Anyone know? By the way, I am NOT suggesting we trade for him, I don't want him, I am curious to know what options the Niners have.
cowboys4life;2870091 said:
Remember Mike Williams!!

He's only going to hurt his stock by sitting out. He'd be an idiot not to sign.
Wow what a little *****.

So he thinks that since he was drafted 10 overall, he should get paid like he was top three?

Oh yeah, thats completely legit :rolleyes:
StarMan;2870093 said:
I believe they can trade his rights.

That sounds about right, better to trade his rights away than lose him altogether. They will likely end up signing him, but just in case they don't.
Hoofbite;2870094 said:
He's only going to hurt his stock by sitting out. He'd be an idiot not to sign.

Yeah he would...even though Mike Williams not being able to be eligble that one year was a different circumstance...Still thats a whole year at least of not kind of game activity .....

the dude better stop being a diva and sign....i mean come on....
I wonder if he can do the crab dribble, just in case the NFL doesn't work out for him....
I'd love to see him sit out only to have all the salary cap mumbo jumbo worked out with part of the new agreement being a set amount on rookie pay.

don't even know if that is possible but it would be sweet justice.
Trade Ellis, Coakley, Roy W (safety), and 2010 - 2020 first round draft picks for him.
Hoofbite;2870103 said:
I'd love to see him sit out only to have all the salary cap mumbo jumbo worked out with part of the new agreement being a set amount on rookie pay.

That would be hilarious
I just don't get his logic..He can get paid top 10 money NOW, but he'd rather sit out a year and ONLY drop his stock. Ya because that makes perfect sense..
zrinkill;2870105 said:
Trade Ellis, Coakley, Roy W (safety), and 2010 - 2020 first round draft picks for him.

I will throw in Bob, Gimmie, and Slate as well.

and people say Jerry is a horrible GM...sheesh :lmao2:
zrinkill;2870105 said:
Trade Ellis, Coakley, Roy W (safety), and 2010 - 2020 first round draft picks for him.

I will throw in Bob, Gimmie, and Slate as well.

:lmao2: and your much better? hahahah
I hope he sits out. Best friend is a 9ers fan. I really would not care if the guy walked off a cliff. He cost my horns a national championship:mad:

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