Israel did not start this. Learn history not your revisionist version of it. The Gaza Strip is Israeli land that was given to the so-called Palestinians to live and manage. Israel did this to create a more peaceful situation. But the Palestinians were never happy with having land to call their own and make the best of. Instead, they trashed it overpopulated it, and insisted they wanted more or even all of Israel. In a perversion of democracy, the Palestinians elected Hamas (a terrorist group) to be in charge of their government. So the Palestinian people are not so innocent in all this. Yes, they are also brutalized by Hamas but elections have consequences. You get what you elected to give power to. Hamas's charter does not equivocate about what it's all about, the annihilation of all Jewish people. As hard as they have tried, Israel can no longer try to coexist with people who want them exterminated. Hamas has now shown its true colors by attacking Israel... the atrocities are well documented. The butchery of Jewish babies, the burning of people alive, the slaughtering of innocent concertgoers, and the taking of hostages to force Israel to come to get them. I can easily defend Israel. Israel has the right to exist and defend itself. And now the Israeli people are unified on a singular mission... eliminate Hamas for all time. Do on to Hamas what was done to them tenfold to ensure deterrence from this ever happening again.