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The Government doesn't set the rules for what can be said on TV, lowest common denominator or not.

It is a violation of federal law to air obscene programming at any time. It is also a violation of federal law to air indecent programming or profane language during certain hours. Congress has given the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) the responsibility for administratively enforcing these laws. The FCC may revoke a station license, impose a monetary forfeiture or issue a warning if a station airs obscene, indecent or profane material.
It is a violation of federal law to air obscene programming at any time. It is also a violation of federal law to air indecent programming or profane language during certain hours. Congress has given the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) the responsibility for administratively enforcing these laws. The FCC may revoke a station license, impose a monetary forfeiture or issue a warning if a station airs obscene, indecent or profane material.

LOL, .. and why do you think that is?
Are you just trying to be silly?

A mute man has no words so how could words define him? He will be seen and defined in other ways.

But for those of us that do use words, ... what we say will always reflect what is in our hearts, and others will hear you and know who and what you are.

Like I said, nobody knows what is in your heart or what you are thinking, .. they do hear what you say though, ... good and bad.

You said words define a person. So now you have special rules for those who can't speak?

What you say and what you ARE can most assuredly be two drastically different things.

A picture can say a thousand words. An action is a thousand pictures.
That's fine, .. but your words define you.

Not just your words, but mine and everyone else too.

Nobody knows what we are thinking, .. only what we say.

People are watching, people are listening, .. even when we aren't aware that they are.

A misplaced "slang curse word" could cost you a job opportunity, a friend, a promotion, a blessing, .. we never know.

Not cursing will never cost me a thing.

Words may define, but there are many definitions. To some cuss words don't matter at all. To others it does matter. There are plenty of people that don't cuss and all their other words still define them as fools. There are people that do cuss and are very intelligent, interesting and successful. And the opposite of both those examples is true as well.

A cuss word may gain someone a job opportunity, a friend, a promotion, a blessing because as you said we never know. It is not set in stone that cussing or not cussing is the absolute right way or the absolute wrong way. You have a preference and you should stick with that. I have mine.

Personally, if a "misplaced" cuss word costs me a friend, then I am probably better off. I don't want a potential friend that judges me so harshly based on so little information.
What you say and what you ARE can most assuredly be two drastically different things.

Words define those that use words, .. not sure why you can't grasp that.

It is silly to bring a mute into that discussion.

And, .. what you say and what you are will in the end be the same, .. unless you are a liar. So then again, your words defined you.
Not cursing will never cost me a thing.

But your condemnation of those who do could. Judging, segregating or isolating anyone from consideration or compassion is far more dangerous than a cuss word. Love thy enemy and all.
If you ever watched a military movie with any actions after WWII and you don't hear the soldiers cussing...It is not very realistic.

Military vocabulary and civilian can be very different.

I think when some people leave the military it takes them some time to adjust back to using that type of language as much.

There was a great scene that illustrated that point in the movie Hamburger Hill how a soldier is telling someone how is he going to act when he gets home and gives an example of being at the dinner table with his mom and saying pass the blanking potatoes and the ham blanking a great.

I remember a few years ago there was a short made for TV military miniseries about some soldiers in Afghanistan and since it was made for TV none of the soldiers ever cursed and it was so bizarre because it was in no way realistic of how soldiers talk among each other.

I *****' Loved Hamburger Hill!!
Words define those that use words, .. not sure why you can't grasp that.

It is silly to bring a mute into that discussion.

And, .. what you say and what you are will in the end be the same, .. unless you are a liar. So then again, your words defined you.

Ted Bundy, by all accounts, was a pretty good dude. Well spoken. Liked.

Would you define him by his words or his actions?
Words may define, but there are many definitions. To some cuss words don't matter at all. To others it does matter. There are plenty of people that don't cuss and all their other words still define them as fools. There are people that do cuss and are very intelligent, interesting and successful.

A cuss word may gain someone a job opportunity, a friend, a promotion, a blessing

Personally, if a "misplaced" cuss word costs me a friend, then I am probably better off. I don't want a potential friend that judges me so harshly based on so little information.

to your first paragraph ... yep

the second ... LOL, you really believe that?

third ... Wow, .. a poorly chosen word insults or offends a friend, .. and you just say "I am better off."
Ted Bundy, by all accounts, was a pretty good dude. Well spoken. Liked.

Would you define him by his words or his actions?

I don't know what he said to each girl as he was beating, raping or murdering them so I can't say for sure.
According to logic and reason.

And what do you mean, what do I mean? Nobody has a right not not be offended in life. It's going to happen, it's a fact of life, if someone can't handle that, they have some growing up to do. Anything can be offensive to people, especially with so many people actively searching for it. Why should someone's over sensitive feelings trump someone's freedom to express themselves as they see fit?

People get offended at way too much nonsense in this world. It's silly to let so many harmless and insignificant things bother you. I feel sorry for people who are offended easily, it must be hard worrying so much about what others do.

For those who find it offensive, it is neither logical or reasonable. Again I ask you, according to who?

If you can not explain what your own words are meant to say, then just say so. I don't understand what you were trying to say in that specific post, IE: "And there is no right not to be offended." and this doesn't really clear it up much, " Nobody has a right not not be offended in life." Society dictates what is acceptable and what is not. It seems to me that you and others are leaning on the idea that the majority of society doesn't find cursing to be offensive. Is that correct? If so, then please show me what measure you are using to come to this conclusion. Obviously, people are not going allow poor language to just make their world stop but that doesn't mean that people have the right to simply just be offensive to their fellow man.

People may get offended way too much and personally, I do believe that our society is way too PC oriented but the question of cursing, that's not really something you can hang your hat on in the PC discussion world. It's been found to be offensive for thousands of years, long before the PC fab ever became popular in society. That's not a new thing. This idea of "Get Over It" is the new thing.

It is said that the greatness of a Nation is how that nation treats those who are in the dawn of life, the children; those who are in the twilight of life, the elderly; those who are in the shadows of life; the sick, the needy and the handicapped. This idea that it is up to people to accept does not seem to go along with the idea of Greatness, as outlined in the above statement.
I guess it's a generational thing. I don't cuss around my elders or children or in most public settings and rarely around close friends unless I just really feel like it.
It is a violation of federal law to air obscene programming at any time. It is also a violation of federal law to air indecent programming or profane language during certain hours. Congress has given the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) the responsibility for administratively enforcing these laws. The FCC may revoke a station license, impose a monetary forfeiture or issue a warning if a station airs obscene, indecent or profane material.

That's not true. I believe that only Network Channels or Networks that use free access to broadcast are under such mandate. Cable Channels, for example, are not subject to such limitation.

Further, the FCC is so vague on it's language concerning such programming that it's almost impossible to violate mandates. When's the last time the FCC has done any of the above I wonder?
When you speak, you are doing something. You are speaking.

If a brother or sister is without clothing and in need of daily food, and one of you says to them, ‘Go in peace, be warmed and be filled,’ and yet you do not give them what is necessary for their body, what use is that?

Actions speak louder than words.
If a brother or sister is without clothing and in need of daily food, and one of you says to them, ‘Go in peace, be warmed and be filled,’ and yet you do not give them what is necessary for their body, what use is that?

Actions speak louder than words.

I agree, and what do you suppose the actions of a person who would say to a society that it is OK for people to speak with vulgarity, on a regular basis, in front of children or elderly, all the while, knowing that it is offensive to those people or the parents of those children?

I'm fairly certain that you will not find an acceptable answer to the question above in the Book of James.
the second ... LOL, you really believe that?

Yes, I do believe that. I've been offered a job before and my only interaction with the person making the offer was at a bar where we had a few drinks and lots of different types of words were used. We spoke freely and openly. The cussing in that situation didn't hurt my chances at all. In fact, they probably helped. Now I didn't take the job offer because I was happy with my current occupation, but it was a good connection.

third ... Wow, .. a poorly chosen word insults or offends a friend, .. and you just say "I am better off."

No, you just changed the hypothetical situation. You were talking about the use of cuss words, not poorly chosen words or insults. That is different. You can insult someone without cussing. And for my actual friends I am mindful of whether I insult them or not whether it be through cussing or any other words. Of course I won't just say I am better off if I lose a friend I've insulted because I know them and they know me. Losing a "potential friend" due to a single cuss word is not even close to the same situation. To that I do say and stand by "I am better off". There is nothing "Wow" about it. A "potential friend" isn't a friend at all. I don't have to cuss to offend or put off a "potential friend". I could say I'm a Dallas Cowboys friend and a "potential friend" could decide not to pursue a friendship because of that. I am better off in that situation as well.
Yes, I do believe that. I've been offered a job before and my only interaction with the person making the offer was at a bar where we had a few drinks and lots of different types of words were used. We spoke freely and openly. The cussing in that situation didn't hurt my chances at all. In fact, they probably helped. Now I didn't take the job offer because I was happy with my current occupation, but it was a good connection.

No, you just changed the hypothetical situation. You were talking about the use of cuss words, not poorly chosen words or insults. That is different. You can insult someone without cussing. And for my actual friends I am mindful of whether I insult them or not whether it be through cussing or any other words. Of course I won't just say I am better off if I lose a friend I've insulted because I know them and they know me. Losing a "potential friend" due to a single cuss word is not even close to the same situation. To that I do say and stand by "I am better off". There is nothing "Wow" about it. A "potential friend" isn't a friend at all. I don't have to cuss to offend or put off a "potential friend". I could say I'm a Dallas Cowboys friend and a "potential friend" could decide not to pursue a friendship because of that. I am better off in that situation as well.

I'm doubting that rarely if ever would an F-bomb be the deciding factor in someone getting a job that they might not have gotten otherwise. Where one could hurt your chances. That was my point.

And by "poorly chosen word" I did mean a cuss word, so I wasn't changing the hypothetical.
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