Daily reminder that this league is rigged!

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Nope, that's on the people that say Micah should have holding called. Nevermind actually presenting evidence beyond still photos. Prove that Micah went against bums who hold all the time. And again, you assume that All-Pro level is even required to stymie Parsons. People have talked about his late season fading the past 2 seasons but yet it takes a vacation this season at the end and in the midst of a 2-game losing streak? How about being consistent first?
And he likes to eat cheeseburguers on sundays, are you taking things that way now?

You ran out of stuff to blame our players instead of putting the blame where it belongs when the Refs don't do their job. Ok.

Good talking to You.


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Speaking of the pre snap penalties in your analysis, I wasn't aware that the only pre snap penalty is a false start


According to this table the cowboys have committed 39 pre snap penalties so far this season. Only 8 NFL teams have committed more.

I'd love to believe you didn't intentionally focus *only* on one type of pre snap penalty that seemed to support your argument, while ignoring all other pre snap penalties to shade the truth your way.....

But knowing you and your post history, it's pretty easy to reach that conclusion
1) I didn't know they had a category available for all presnap penalties, so thank you for that.

2) Being tied for 22nd in presnap penalties while being 31st in overall penalties is still a somewhat sizable gap.

3) His theory was "if you're sloppy presnap, you'll be sloppy post-snap."

That's why I brought up false starts vs offensive holding.

Our OL does very well with false starts, yet somehow can't stop committing holding penalties... so his presnap/post-snap theory simply doesn't hold up.


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And he likes to eat cheeseburguers on sundays, are you taking things that way now?

You ran out of stuff to blame our players instead of putting the blame where it belongs when the Refs don't do their job. Ok.

Good talking to You.
LMAAAAAOOOO the DPOY favorite and the guy who literally leads the NFL in win % on his pass rushes...... isn't winning on his pass rushes often enough now.

@MarcusRock might have just become the funniest dude here.
:lmao2: :lmao2: :lmao2: :lmao2: :lmao2:


Confused about stuff
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
There doesn't need to be any conspiracy dude. Most referees are from the East Coast.. meaning they grew up in Cowboys hating towns and families. Most NFL office folk are the same. They don't need to conspire if they're already on the same page from day one. The Cowboys literally have the fastest defensive end in the history of the NFL who is being held constantly and blatantly down after down without drawing a flag and people like you have the gall to come back with "just play better." "Just overcome the fact that the opponent is awarded a 25 yard head start in a 50 yard race and still win." Puhlease.
As someone who lives smack in the middle of Giants territory and Patriots territory, I can tell you that I probably see more Cowboys gear and decals than any other team's, including the aforementioned. This theory that "most referees are from the East Coast", therefore they hate the Cowboys is absolute rhetoric. Even if most actually are from the East Coast, which may or may not be true, it doesn't at all mean they hate the Cowboys, and if those first 2 hurdles are jumped, it still doesn't mean they're incapable of impartiality. Regarding a previously stated theory that the league allows Micah and other greats to have their playing field leveled by a lack of calls, maybe, to a small degree, because they want offenses to score. But even that seems highly suspect.


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"Made up"?

You're the one making crap up, like 1) THE CULTURE!!! and 2) your false start claim that I proved to be FAKE.

I love the "culture" theory. Too funny.

So the "culture" is pure POISON when it comes to penalties....... but somehow the coaches and players can overcome this POISON CULTURE to still win 10+ games 3 years in a row while being among the NFL's leaders in points and takeaways!!!

You ALSO said something to the effect of "if you're undisciplined presnap, you'll be undisciplined post-snap!"

So the Cowboys OL (with multiple HOFers, mind you) is NOT undisciplined presnap like YOU CLAIMED they were.

And yet.... they're tied for the 2nd-most offensive holding calls in the NFL.

Oops!!! That means your theory was just sent straight to hell.
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Again: I never said it's a planned-out conspiracy.

You keep jumping back to that as a way to dismiss my stance. Putting words in my mouth is not going to work.

Oh, and as for the "they hated the Cowboys" theory being made up?

There is literally proof that the Cowboys are the most hated NFL team by a mile.

So no, that theory is not "made up." I don't make things up like YOU try to do.

Nice try though!!!

Take another L, Ref Boy.

Kiss your Hochuli poster extra tonight for having failed him.


"Dallas, “America’s Team,” is identified as the team that most fans both love and hate.

It identified the Cowboys as the most popular team in the South at 15% but the “most hated” in every geographic region except for the Midwest. The Green Bay Packers hold that distinction.

“America’s Team” is also its most divisive. When asked which NFL team they most like or hate, Americans most often named the Dallas Cowboys for both.
Wow, I sure hope you realize what a sad display this is to essentially make all sorts of leaps and suppositions to say, "See? We really ARE victims." This is what KC fans have ahead of them I guess. Truly sad. Hey, the overcompensating emojis have returned, lol.


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1) I didn't know they had a category available for all presnap penalties, so thank you for that.
I literally mentioned it in my post but you cherry-picked one type so you could feign a "win" of some sort. Glad you eventually got educated. 1 down, 34985734874 more topics to go. Lol.


Well-Known Member
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Wow, I sure hope you realize what a sad display this is to essentially make all sorts of leaps and suppositions to say, "See? We really ARE victims." This is what KC fans have ahead of them I guess. Truly sad. Hey, the overcompensating emojis have returned, lol.
Zero rebuttal whatsoever. Nice!

"I'm sorry, Mr. Hochuli! I have failed to do your bidding!!!"
:lmao2: :lmao2: :lmao2: :lmao2: :lmao2:


Well-Known Member
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And he likes to eat cheeseburguers on sundays, are you taking things that way now?

You ran out of stuff to blame our players instead of putting the blame where it belongs when the Refs don't do their job. Ok.

Good talking to You.
I would exit too if I were you. You debated actually getting in with your peripheral comments to yourself and now probably regret you didn't just keep doing that.


Well-Known Member
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Just ran these numbers on Zack Martin.

Zack Martin has had consecutive stretches of no holding calls for this many quarters during his career:

181 quarters (45 games!)
118 quarters (29 games)
120 quarters (30 games)

That's a stretch of 2 holds in 104 games, or almost 6 and a half seasons for those of you keeping score at home. How is that humanly possible? He's currently on a 37 quarter streak. 1 less than Parsons. If the above is not odd, yet Parsons is, how do you reconcile that? Martin has pics of all the ref crews doing naughty things I guess, right? Lol.
i dont agree with op that the league is rigged, but this really is not a good example at all as the two are not equal. An all pro guard playing against mostly subpar run stopping DTs vs an all pro fast off the line DE who is constantly in backfield no matter who he plays against. yeah not the same


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If you haven't learned that not all "opinions" are vaild, equal, or factual, then it's a hallmark of someone that sucks at learning and navigating life day-to-day.

Sorry for your feelings tenderheart.
Not the point chiclet about opinions being valid or not. The point (since I have to spell it out for you . . . *sigh*) is calling on the big bad mods to "fix" those that don't agree with your opinion or have differing opinions (in the USSR those that didn't agree got sent to re-education camps and in Germany those that were not in agreement got sent to the gas chambers). Seems to be you attitude. Kinda like when my kids were toddlers and went running to us parents to fix what they didn't like or just sat on the floor and threw a tantrum. Like to you, I'd just say "Grow up buttercup". Coping is a learned skill but you seem to have missed that life lesson though by calling on the "mods" to fix your problem.


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Okay, again for those who aren't getting this, if Parsons going 38 quarters without drawing a holding penalty is an "odd occurrence," what does going 181 quarters without getting called or only getting 2 called in 6 and a half seasons say about odd? If y'all want to throw numbers out, well I got odd numbers too. Lol.
More apples and oranges, I see. tsk tsk !!!!!!


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They think we’re crazy and call us names and will go even so far to ask the mods to silence us despite being the ones breaking the rules!!
The name calling and condescension is off the charts. I'm 70 and out grew that type know it all attitude about 55-56 years ago. Life lessons came hard and fast when I was in my teens and early 20's.


Well-Known Member
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i dont agree with op that the league is rigged, but this really is not a good example at all as the two are not equal. An all pro guard playing against mostly subpar run stopping DTs vs an all pro fast off the line DE who is constantly in backfield no matter who he plays against. yeah not the same
Apples and oranges


Well-Known Member
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I would exit too if I were you. You debated actually getting in with your peripheral comments to yourself and now probably regret you didn't just keep doing that.
I just have stuff to do man, You are funny I give you that.


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Everyone is looking at the wrong numbers.

If you want to evaluate fairness or equality in the number of penalties and penalty yardage then you have to look at the difference between the team's penalties and those of their opponents.

The Cowboys have 108 total penalties for 910 yards. Their opponents have 94 penalties for 860 yards.

That is an average of less than 1 more penalty a game for an average of 3.3 yards.

And for this, some claim the NFL is rigged?

if you want to look for something that is rigged, examine our education system and average math level of those who graduate.


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Not the point chiclet about opinions being valid or not. The point (since I have to spell it out for you . . . *sigh*) is calling on the big bad mods to "fix" those that don't agree with your opinion or have differing opinions (in the USSR those that didn't agree got sent to re-education camps and in Germany those that were not in agreement got sent to the gas chambers). Seems to be you attitude. Kinda like when my kids were toddlers and went running to us parents to fix what they didn't like or just sat on the floor and threw a tantrum. Like to you, I'd just say "Grow up buttercup". Coping is a learned skill but you seem to have missed that life lesson though by calling on the "mods" to fix your problem.
Ah, got it.

You want a safe space for everyone to share their “truth.”

Thank for courageously sharing your feelings tenderheart.
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And another thing....if the Earff really WAS round (which only idiots believe) why wouldn't all the water run down to Australia?


One more thing that the gub'ment AND the REFS don't want you to consider.


Well-Known Member
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Ah, got it.

You want a safe space for everyone to share their “truth.”

Thank for courageously sharing your feelings tenderheart.
Well, I have a safe space right here on CZ unless you get your way and get the mods to erase the post and ban those that make those posts that you don't like or agree with.


Cowboy Fan
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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
I am not shocked that the OP actually believes this nonsense ......... I am just shocked this silly thread has not been placed in the silly thread zone.
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