Dak’s dog could receive death penalty

Its just funny how people will just read and believe and more importantly RISK what they feel is acceptable to them.

With all the diatribe here in this topic this is the crux of the issue for me. Is it really Dak's right to risk himself and his neighbourhood with his decision to have a pitbull?

Direwolf's articles above shows what the stats are. Of 433 deaths in the US up to 2017 pits and rottweilers are responsible for 76% of them.

No one is talking about savage Bichon Frise dogs here. Common sense should prevail, but in this world it seems like this trait is more uncommon.

Lethality should not be made available for anyone who chooses it. If you want a safer society....
Hopefully they let Dak's dog live. I don't own any animals but I hate to see them hurt or killed.

The woman is at fault here. Trying to break apart two fighting animals is as smart as trying to pull a rock out of a running lawn mower. You're gonna get hurt.

She should have called the local police and they would have sent animal control over to deal with the situation.

You are nuts. After all of this you can only blame the woman. That is sad. Just sad.

The next time it is going to be a young person walking their pet, but you will always side with the dog and its owner. NUTS.

Dogs are not humans. No matter what we think they are not. They are a vessel for us to share our humanity, and everyone and everything deserves to be cared for, but lethality in genetics is lethality no matter what.

Common sense needs to prevail here. No one wants the dog to be put down, but who is to blame for the decision by humans and society? The woman???

So you think that Dak is in the clear a guiltless in this whole mess. Two prior warnings and his dogs loose, tearing at a fence and attacking another dog and the best you could do is the woman is to blame?

Yeah common sense at its finest.
Sea plane to Bermuda. Maybe Peru or Columbia. Canada is too cold for me these days. Except maybe Vancouver. She would love living in Whistler. That would be a long drive but worth it.
No, I meant how are you breaking her out of "jail". They lock these dogs up at the pound once they bite.
Does that mindset apply if the dog's ripping a child to shreds???
Sometimes people on this board are just stupid. They try to pick a fight and make it like you said one thing when you obviously said 2 dogs fighting. When you break up two dogs fighting, which I have, I have gotten bit, but they were my dogs and I did not want them hurting each other so I took the chance. "fighting through a fence" or breaking up somebody else dogs fighting is not worth it.

And then putting a dog down because some person tried to break up their fight is insane. Animals fight and they should not be put down because they were fighting and some person got in the way. That is why they are called animals!
Can you point me to a link that proves me and others wrong?
Here's one (for your side) that shows pit bulls and mixed ones with pit in them are responsible for the vast majority of dog bite deaths. All dogs can bite, but pits have a lock jaw ability and are extremely powerful. They also tend to go for the throat of children and women due to their height. Included in this list in 2013 is a 4 year old that sat in front of me in church the Sunday before his death.
You are nuts. After all of this you can only blame the woman. That is sad. Just sad.

The next time it is going to be a young person walking their pet, but you will always side with the dog and its owner. NUTS.

Dogs are not humans. No matter what we think they are not. They are a vessel for us to share our humanity, and everyone and everything deserves to be cared for, but lethality in genetics is lethality no matter what.

Common sense needs to prevail here. No one wants the dog to be put down, but who is to blame for the decision by humans and society? The woman???

So you think that Dak is in the clear a guiltless in this whole mess. Two prior warnings and his dogs loose, tearing at a fence and attacking another dog and the best you could do is the woman is to blame?

Yeah common sense at its finest.
I haven’t read the whole thread, so Dak had two prior warnings about his dog getting loose and then this happened? What a friggin moron, I like Dak but this is moronic (assuming I assumed correctly o_O)
DALLAS (105.3 The Fan) - 911 audio has been released by Frisco police in the case involving Dak Prescott's dog.
In the audio obtained by CBS 11, the victim can be heard saying the dogs involved in the fight had bitten off her finger.

*Warning* This audio may be disturbing.

The dog, an American Staffordshire Terrier, was supposed to be released on Thursday after it injured the woman nearly two weeks ago. However, it is being held in quarantine longer to determine whether it should be classified as “dangerous”.

Frisco police told 1080 KRLD on Thursday the dog bit the woman after she tried to intervene in a fight between it and another dog. The dog will remain at the Collin County Animal Shelter until a judge can determine whether to classify it as dangerous.

Just a few assumptions.


I assume the dogs were housed in the dog enclosure that rests beside the house when Prescott was not home.


I assume one of the two fences running perpendicular to Prescott's home was where the dogs broke into his neighbor's backyard.


And I assume that white gate fence was installed to keep the dogs inside their enclosure.

More assumptions if the previous three are true:

A. That is a pretty small area to house any pet, much less pit bulls. They were likely developing stir crazy traits. Animals are not inanimate objects. They think and have emotions. No animal enjoys being enclosed in a small area all the time--just ask Sam Hurd.

B. That appears to be a strong looking gate fence. For chihuahuas. Maybe the manufacturer recommends it is sturdy enough for powerful dogs but the country boy in me laughs at that gate fence keeping pit bulls in check.

C. The property fencing looks pretty sturdy. Dang. Pit bulls are strong critters.
:) ya, I had a black nosed yellow lab ( with all issued equipment still swinging) that just loved to fight other dogs at the horse stable when I'd bring him along,,, one time that looney-tune twerp , while me& him were out quail shooting out in the desert ,took out after a "loner" boar javilina ,,,( those things WILL slice& dice any thing they can lay their Ivory's into,,,er,,,Too),,,I'm yelling at him& thru the whirl wind cloud of dust,squalls,yelps& snarls,,,I saw " happy jack handle " break contact while yelping and hauling his hind end straight back to me with this bristled up &completely pissed off boar javalina snapping about a foot away from his afore mentioned swinging issued equipment,,,, and gaining ground rapidly/ fixing to start munching on ol' high tailin' happy jack's A** end,,,well, with the oblique angle he was heading back to me (obviously to hide behind me,no doubt),,, I really couldn't risk triggering a blast outta' the rem 1100 for fear of peppering my "buddy" as well, so,I just unshucked my ever present A** pocket .38 snubby s&w and dropped that onery varmint on the fly with a single trigger squeeze at around 20yds out , (gospel truth bro, as I'd applied that all important & utmost of critical casing-liners in allowing that extra half a second of zen like focusing in on that front sight) as it was a finely placed spine impact,right above it's shoulder blades which induced instantaneous paralysis from the neck on backo_O

* that javalina was fish& game ear tagged (a nuisance to some populated neighborhood,I'd imagine),,,, they just hauled it 40 miles out to hell& gone and dumped it ,,,no wonder he was all pissed off:lmao:

Now that is one hell of a shot!

I wonder if that javalina spent its last milliseconds wondering if all dogs had the ability to fart lead projectiles or just the yellow ones.:laugh:
I was attacked by my neighbors “trained” and “would never hurt a fly” pit bull two years ago while shoveling my sidewalk. I had a few layers on and was not injured other than a few scratches. The dog was eventually euthanized since it was the dogs second incident. He replaced the dog with another PB and we have never spoken since. He blamed me for the death of his dog. IMHO, these dogs should not exist. I have seen his new dog run past the invisible fence several times, so it’s only a matter of time before something happens again.

Here's one (for your side) that shows pit bulls and mixed ones with pit in them are responsible for the vast majority of dog bite deaths. All dogs can bite, but pits have a lock jaw ability and are extremely powerful.

So much wrong in your post , that I only have time to correct you on these .....

Stop watching the news .... Pits and Bully bread, in General, get mislabeled all the time. If the news can pass it off as a Pit they will , sometimes they dont even care. If you knew about dogs are breeds of them , you can clearly see the BS in most stories. LockJaw? .....

Oh boy , I bet you are popular with Salesman and the Infomercials direct sales team . Because if your buying into the LockJaw, I got some great deals for you. Pssst, its a lie, Its called the dogs determination , which is a common trait in Bully breads .... hence why they are not a good breed of dog for newbies. BTW Ive seen a French Bulldog almost kill itself out of determination and stubbornness
Any properly trained dogs can be dangerous, not just pit bulls.

The reason there are a lot of pit attacks is because they are the most abused dogs in the world, and insanely overpopulated. I would not be surprised if Prescott's dog is a shelter dog that was abused like many other pit bulls.

Statistically, Chihuahuas, Dachshunds, Chow Chows, Doberman Pinschers, Dalmatians, Rottweilers, Jack Russell Terriers, and German Shepherds are more likely to carry "aggressive" traits than pit bulls, on an individual basis. But when a Chihuahua bites someone, it obviously isn't going to do the damage of a giant, strong-jawed pitbull.

My sister has a Rottweiler and I knew the name and reputation some of them have but as someone who grew up with dogs my whole life, after ten years her dog is still the most well behaved, chill, friendly dog I have ever been around. She's huge but her disposition is incredible. She's always had a good upbringing and although I may be naive, I could never, ever imagine her ever becoming aggressive without a reason and yes, I know ultimately she's part of the animal kingdom and nothing is 100%. I know it's in their nature, I just don't think it's in her nature..

I absolutely love that dog and if I was going to get one it would be either a golden retriever or Rottweiler.
And in other news, more people drown in Florida than in North Dakota.
Is that because there are more people in Florida? Or is that because North Dakota isn't surrounded by water. And wouldn't you think a state surrounded by water would have better swimmers? I can understand North Dakotans not being good swimmers. Are the pit bulls owned by Floridians better swimmers that those owned by North Dakotans? And I want to see a link on the proof of that.
Sometimes people on this board are just stupid. They try to pick a fight and make it like you said one thing when you obviously said 2 dogs fighting. When you break up two dogs fighting, which I have, I have gotten bit, but they were my dogs and I did not want them hurting each other so I took the chance. "fighting through a fence" or breaking up somebody else dogs fighting is not worth it.

And then putting a dog down because some person tried to break up their fight is insane. Animals fight and they should not be put down because they were fighting and some person got in the way. That is why they are called animals!

Dak had the money and resources to get his dogs well trained OR to get them contained so this didn't happen. It happened 3 times, yes? Two warnings, third time it ended up harming another dog and a human.

Dak is not only a mediocre QB, he's a stupid person. It's all on him and whoever he left the dogs to care for while he was away. Don't blame the person trying to protect her dog.

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