Receivers were getting open. Maybe not on every single play but there were plenty of opportunities for big plays that got missed. The most obvious and glaring was when Cooks ran 2 yards by his coverage and a late, off target throw led him out of bounds instead of to an easy walk in TD. And I don't want to hear about how Dak had to roll out and reset on that throw. You're not going to have a crystal clean pocket on every single play. A lot of guys considered mid tier NFL QB's could make that throw in their sleep. Dak's wasn't even close to being a quality throw. Not even close.
He missed plenty of other open guys and before you ask, I'm not going to go back and post every single play showing open receivers. Borrowing from your opening words, I know what I saw and so do the rest of us.
I'm not going to defend the team as a whole--you are right SF outplayed us top to bottom last night.
but that's why you pay a "franchise" QB $40 million per.
To elevate the team and give you a chance, give you some belief, when things aren't going your way.
Instead, he not only *didn't* elevate the team last night. Additionally, you could make a very persuasive argument that he was the worst player on teh field for Dallas last night, just when his team needed a "franchise" QB the most.
That's unacceptable and indefensible. I understand you don't agree, but you're basically the last man standing on this one.
I repeat--it's over. Time to move on bro. You can't legitimately defend this anymore.