Dak-Deniers/Fact Haters, What Will Dak Have to Do for You to Eat Crow?


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So dak can't prove his worth unless Zeke gets hurt? That seems a bit dumb

It’s the easiest way. There’s 100 different ways but this is the most transparent. Absolutism is for the simple-minded


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Only a Super Bowl win will satisfy Cowboys fans, fairly or not. Romo had all the passing numbers you could want, and there are Cowboys fans who still DESPISE him, to the point where they trash talk-him in discussions about his broadcasting career or golf game or whatever. There are no numbers Dak can put up that will win over those Cowboys fans.

People saying Dak needs to lead the league in yards or touchdowns are another kind of crazy, since they're saying he needs to do what Staubach and Aikman never did. And if I have to explain why that's nuts I don't know what to tell you.


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I've only been here for a short time. But it didn't take long to find out people's tendencies. And I totally agree with you. I've noticed you tried to be as fair as possible. I am an individual I and I alone choose what I like and what I don't like. And at the times when I choose to do it. I never follow the crowd. I believe yourself in a few others can give the same speech

This is a joke post right?

You think Rockport is fair? Hahaha.

You clearly don't know his history. He's a blatant homer who spends much of his time running from thread to thread complaining that people are too critical of the Cowboys. He insults people all the time and then cries when he thinks someone has insulted him. He actually admitted months ago in a thread that his entire existence here is run around and complain about people who say something negative about the team. He quickly deleted his post after realizing he basically admitted to being nothing more than a troll. He often offers little actual team insight or thoughts. He just spends his time calling people haters and trolls and the like.

His first post in this thread he basically said anyone who is critical of Dak lacks character. Really? So if one offers up a criticism of Dak, that is well found and reasonable, it's because that person lacks character?


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Dak Prescott faults are glaring? You mean his positives are shining through. You mean like Mahomes if he gets pressured up the middle he gets flustered. That doesn't sound like Prescott. You mean like mr. Hail Mary Aaron Rodgers. No Prescott goes on a game-winning drive not just one lollipop throw. I could go on but you won't get it

Please tell me you aren't trying to argue Dak is as good as Mahomes.


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"D-did you not see the laughing emoji, guy? I-I'm not mad. Y-you are!"

Haha okay that’s pretty funny. Stealing that pic for sure.


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I don't get the reference. Maybe you're confused.
That was your claim. The coaches told Dak where to go with the ball and he wasn't allowed to read the defense. No confusion. I believe in was last off season. Or maybe when before the Cooper trade when everyone was noticing Dak's flaws.


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It’s not the great accomplishment you wanted to convey.

The “trolls” comment is hilarious.

Dak has an entire resume of accomplishments. Some better than others. As a whole, its amazing.


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-stop leading the league in sacks and fumbles
-complete passes in coverage
-stop looking for the receiver to be open and make the throw so he is.
-I swear if you spin one more time with a clean pocket into a defender I'm going to...idk

I really don't get why people don't understand where the criticism comes from. It's like they think all is perfect then use arguments about other qbs for why everything is fine.

All I'll say is this team should've competed for a ring the last 3 years and we haven't been close. And QB play was a big reason for us not being in position to stop the eagles from getting their first ring.

Not blaming just him (sad I have to state this) btw.

For who said people can't change their mind let's just say I am capable in that regard. Barry church and jeff heath did so in one way, and many still hate one of them to this day lol. Byron jones is another and I can't think of anyone else trending up after thinking so little about them initially. Maybe Gallup can persuade me to be the next one up, but It's hard to tell right now.
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Dak has an entire resume of accomplishments. Some better than others. As a whole, its amazing.

For a 4th round pick, he's had a good ride. He still has flaws in his game and personally, I think unlike some of the really top level QBs, he needs to be surrounded by pretty good to great talent in order to play well. In other words, he's not a put a team on the shoulders and carry them type of QB. I won't say "game manager" because that infuriates people but he's a QB that can play well if the circumstances around him are ideal. We saw in early 2018 and in 2017 what kind of QB he can be - very inconsistent - when he doesn't have his full compliment of weapons, OL play, etc.

Your post specifically cited Pro Bowls as some large accomplishment, as if being a Pro Bowl QB made him one of the handful of really great QBs in this league. But when you realize he was the 6th or 7th QB in the NFC, alone, it kind of takes the shine off of saying he was a Pro Bowl QB.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
That was your claim. The coaches told Dak where to go with the ball and he wasn't allowed to read the defense. No confusion. I believe in was last off season. Or maybe when before the Cooper trade when everyone was noticing Dak's flaws.
Now I know specifically what facts you are trying to distort to meet your trolling objectives.

I said the 1st read after the snap was part of the play call. I did NOT say they were forcing Dak to throw it to a specific player which is what not allowing him to read the defense would mean.

Many plays are designed with a primary target.

QBs generally "read" the coverage on their primary target as the play is in progress and then move to their next read (target) if the first one is covered.

One difference in young QBs vs veterans is that veterans often change their primary read (target) pre-snap.

The QB does need to be certain when he changes his primary target because routes are designed based on the timing of where that receiver is in the sequence. If the primary target in the play call is on the right side then receivers on the left don't need to get open immediately.

I said Dak should be encouraged to change his primary target pre-snap more often.

Amari Cooper made statements last season that confirmed my statements about this subject.
He wanted Dak to change the timing of when Dak targeted him on some plays based on the pre-snap coverage (Targeting Cooper earlier or later than the play design means changing the primary target). Dak initially said he had to stick with the play call but on some specific plays Dak gave in to Cooper's request and the results were very good.

I'm certain that this explanation is way over your head but I post it for people that do have the ability to comprehend it.


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For a 4th round pick, he's had a good ride. He still has flaws in his game and personally, I think unlike some of the really top level QBs, he needs to be surrounded by pretty good to great talent in order to play well. In other words, he's not a put a team on the shoulders and carry them type of QB. I won't say "game manager" because that infuriates people but he's a QB that can play well if the circumstances around him are ideal. We saw in early 2018 and in 2017 what kind of QB he can be - very inconsistent - when he doesn't have his full compliment of weapons, OL play, etc.

Your post specifically cited Pro Bowls as some large accomplishment, as if being a Pro Bowl QB made him one of the handful of really great QBs in this league. But when you realize he was the 6th or 7th QB in the NFC, alone, it kind of takes the shine off of saying he was a Pro Bowl QB.

Flaws indicate he has things that will never get better at that ruin his ability to play QB.

What he has, like most young QB's, are things he has to get better at. NONE of which have ruined his game.


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Flaws indicate he has things that will never get better at that ruin his ability to play QB.

What he has, like most young QB's, are things he has to get better at. NONE of which have ruined his game.

Some QBs are never able to overcome flaws and kind of flat line as a QB. Maybe Dak is that guy, what you see is what you get. Or maybe he's not, and he gets better.

Which is why I am willing to wait and make him play out his rookie deal. If he plays well and the team plays really well, then I will gladly pay the premium he would get after this year in his new contract. But I've also insulated myself in case he goes out and plays kind of like 2018......... inconsistent at times, good at times. Then I have a better understanding if this guy is really worth $34MM or whatever he thinks he deserves.


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I had to take the offseason off of this place because I'm a pragmatist: I go with what works.

Dak Prescott as the Dallas Cowboys quarterback works.

And the numbers prove it.

Numbers are facts, to me at least. Most stats can tell you something in the context of the team... Dak has the stats of a winner. He wins. He's proven that.

So, I get tired of arguing with people who think Dak's a loser — for whatever reason.

That facts are, almost every single statistic you point at proves he's not.

So, what would Dake have to do in 2019 for all of the Dak-hating, fact-denying quarterback know-it-alls to eat crow on Dak being a legit quarterback for the Dallas Cowboys?

I was Romo's first fan. I loved watching him play. But I'm happy to be moving forward with Dak.

What would he have to do to make you happy?

Here are some 2018 stat facts for you

DYAR (Defense-adjusted Yards Above Replacement ) Dak is rated 25th in the NFL

ALEX yards (Air Less Expected Yards- key 3rd and medium or long stat) Dak is rated LAST in the NFL

DVOA (Defense-adjusted Value Over Average) calculates a team's success based on the down-and-distance of each play during the season, then calculates how much more or less successful each team is compared to the league average. Dak is rated 26th in the NFL

Total QBR - Dak ranks 19th in the NFL

EFFECTIVE YARDS ( players with more Effective Yards than standard yards played better than standard stats would otherwise indicate) - Dak ranks 18th


I have always said Dak is a strange QB. When you just look at his numbers they do not look bad. But when you watch him in the games it tells a different story. Until you start looking deep into the QB stats, you then start to see why the eye test is much worst then the normal stats you look at.

I dont care if Dallas resigns Dak but they should not make him a top paid QB. He is not one.


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Here are some 2018 stat facts for you

DYAR (Defense-adjusted Yards Above Replacement ) Dak is rated 25th in the NFL

ALEX yards (Air Less Expected Yards- key 3rd and medium or long stat) Dak is rated LAST in the NFL

DVOA (Defense-adjusted Value Over Average) calculates a team's success based on the down-and-distance of each play during the season, then calculates how much more or less successful each team is compared to the league average. Dak is rated 26th in the NFL

Total QBR - Dak ranks 19th in the NFL

EFFECTIVE YARDS ( players with more Effective Yards than standard yards played better than standard stats would otherwise indicate) - Dak ranks 18th


I have always said Dak is a strange QB. When you just look at his numbers they do not look bad. But when you watch him in the games it tells a different story. Until you start looking deep into the QB stats, you then start to see why the eye test is much worst then the normal stats you look at.

I dont care if Dallas resigns Dak but they should not make him a top paid QB. He is not one.

Good post and thanks a lot for the stats you assembled.


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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
which means he has put the team behind and in trouble in the first three quarters more than any other QB in the past 3 years. why is it that he just can't put teams away so he doesn't have to have a come back!!!
Know which means we are a Smash Mouth football team. Control the clock put it in the quarterbacks hands at the end and win. It baffles me how ignorant some people can be. Not understand the scheme of this franchise