Believe me, I see Dak's faults. His pocket presence needs improvement, but that video is a bad example. He also needs to get better at leading his receivers, so they don't have to stop or turn around as often. He hesitates to run, causing a lack of yardage at times. His soft touch passes are often under thrown.
Since there's nothing I can do about it, I just keep hoping he puts it all together, because he has the tools to be a very good QB.
We can only hope at this point and thank you for a reasonable response.
They always want Dak to be a pocket passer. The dude has all the physical tools he needs, but he doesn't have a brain that processes information like Brady.
Brady is such a good example of a 10 cent body but million dollar brain.
Dak is like the exact opposite... 10 cent brain, million dollar body.
The actual times you see Dak do good is when he doesn't second guess himself. But those are far and few between.
He 85% of the time second guesses himself and makes late throws behind a receiver, or has waited to long and a defender is there now.
He probably could be a descent QB if he didn't second guess himself.
The times on tape that he didn't see Amari open last year was astounding.
So O.k... then take your first two reads and you don't like'em run the damn ball. You made enough last year alone to buy 5 new legs if you break another.
Maybe I am wrong and he can read the defense better than I think... if that is the case, he doesn't trust himself.
Maybe he needs to take a couple shots before he hits the field lol.
Ever play pool and notice that if you just drank enough to take the edge off, and not care so much... you make more shots?
I feel like Dak is sitting there adjusting his shot angle 50 times... I don't know if you can ever break him from that.
I feel like he reached his ceiling, and what you have now is what you have.