Video: Dak had most drops in league


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Dak is a very good quarterback. Is he elite, not yet, but I hope McCarthy and staff refine him further including tweaking better throwing or running decisions under pressure. This is contingent on Dak sticking around more than a year or two.


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One doesn't have anything to do with the other. Dak is the next one up to get a new deal. Next year it will be another QB, next year another.

This isn't new news.

That only works with the top 5 or 6 guys that they keep topping each other. Dak is the outlier trying to fit in.


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I have Dak barely in top 12 QB and he is asking for #1 money. In other words, Houston we have a problem.
You have him in the top 12? Is he asking you for that money? If your opinion mattered in Dak's money decisions than you'd have a point. There are lots of players I don't think earn their money either but I know I don't have a say in it so I don't bring it up. Maybe you should do the same.


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On the heels of the thread where he was 2nd in the league in 3rd down completion % comes the lead the league in drops. If one of them is held onto...he is the cowboys all time single season passing leader. If they catch half of those drops...we are in the playoffs and win the division.


That puts things in perspective. I'm not a fan of the idea of paying Dak 36 mil just because there are so many other needs on this team but I am a fan of his and hope he continues to improve BUT those drops have got to stop. Wow!


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You can use that same argument for every position...

"Getting paid millions to throw a football, they should hit em in the chest every time!"

"Getting paid millions and all you do is kick....should make it every time!"

"Professional athlete getting paid millions...just make a tackle!"

These guys should be able to make tough catches, I agree, but they are human beings no matter how much they are getting paid and will never be 100% successful. They are also playing against equal competition that is looking to defend those same passes, so naturally ones that require a player to leave his feet, change direction, or brace for impact at the same time as catching the ball is going to be a lower completion %. We are not talking about every pass, just a select 51.
The argument though is that they have the most drops in the league by far. You can't see that and then knock on Dak about his inaccuracy (I'm not saying you specifically). Every stat brought up in this thread shows he is top 6 or better in accuracy and many of those drops were game changers. Before you think I'm a Dak apologist, I'm not. I like Dak, just like I liked Romo and many others before him. I've been a fan for over 42 years. When I think a player is good, I will say so. When they do poorly, I say so. This video from the OP should go a long ways to raise some eyebrows about Dak's accuracy. I thought that he wasn't elite but the stats brought up here say that he is pretty close. I'm just saying you can't knock on his inaccuracy when you see the numbers and watch the drops but then say the receivers are human too.


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The argument though is that they have the most drops in the league by far. You can't see that and then knock on Dak about his inaccuracy (I'm not saying you specifically). Every stat brought up in this thread shows he is top 6 or better in accuracy and many of those drops were game changers. Before you think I'm a Dak apologist, I'm not. I like Dak, just like I liked Romo and many others before him. I've been a fan for over 42 years. When I think a player is good, I will say so. When they do poorly, I say so. This video from the OP should go a long ways to raise some eyebrows about Dak's accuracy. I thought that he wasn't elite but the stats brought up here say that he is pretty close. I'm just saying you can't knock on his inaccuracy when you see the numbers and watch the drops but then say the receivers are human too.

This web site says the cowboys had 24 drops

This one suggests 36

The original post says 51. That's where my original argument was. Of the 51 drops from the original tweet how many would be truly considered drops by most? It can be a very misleading stat without context.

I'm not here to bash dak at all, I'm actually similar to yourself in terms of I will praise him for the good, amd call him out for the bad. Threads like this I like to play devils advocate because typically a lot more goes into it than just stat X = success or failure.


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On the heels of the thread where he was 2nd in the league in 3rd down completion % comes the lead the league in drops. If one of them is held onto...he is the cowboys all time single season passing leader. If they catch half of those drops...we are in the playoffs and win the division.


I just want to know which game we lost because of drops.


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Everyone of those balls were catchable. Now I'm not saying they should've caught 100% of the balls, but how about 3/4 of them, that puts us in the play offs. Now watch a MM coached team, you will NOT see that many drops.
I agree that 3/4 of the passes should have been caught, no argument from me there. My thought process is that every team could go back look at drops and play what if on this subject.

I'm just not sure in the end that the cowboys were significantly hindered by drops more than the average team, and I dont think this is what kept them out of the postseason.


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Whether you leave your feet or not...if you have two hands on the have to consider that a drop.
Dak Hater's will completely erase the No.1 Rule for WO/WR/Pass Catcher "Catch the Ball" in order to downgrade Prescott's accuracy.

Every pass can't be in stride or can't throw a Receiver open. Defenses get paid too. If Dak hits some of these Receivers in stride they get smoked!! by the Off DB from opposite hash.


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When the throws are so inconsistent guys will be second guessing themselves if they need to implement their, go go gadget arms to catch the ball!

Prescott did well to dump (All Pro wide receiver) Dez out of the league after asking him to play defensive back in 2017.


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Anything to argue against Dak being an average quarterback. Sigh.


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6 drops by our receivers at Philly alone. You know, the game Dak’s detractors keep pointing out as his greatest failure?

Philly’s receivers had 0 drops in that game.

Prescott's performance in that game.

25/44 0 TDs

Cowboys offense produced three field goals.


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Anything to argue against Dak being an average quarterback. Sigh.

There is footage on youtube of every single throw from Prescott to Dez Bryant in 2017.

Anyone who is objective and actually understands football would see that Prescott often struggled to place the ball where it needed to go. There are countless clips where he threw balls that just could not be caught. I only posted to paint the full picture because the hate that Dez Bryant received was disgusting as he was not solely to blame but people just refuse to watch film.


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It'd be interesting to see a conparison of the % of drops that were bad passes. But, that's subjective and we'd need 30 more videos like this one.

Wouldn't seem that bad passes that were dropped were included in the stats, that would mean the receiver would be blamed for not making a fantastic catch, I think drops are only counted if the pass could have been caught with a reasonable effort...