And this I'd be all for. I know I come across as a complete Dak hater at time, but I truly dislike the contract more than the player. If Dak wants to resign a more team-friendly deal this time around I'll be the first one to jump on the bandwagon. I'm just skeptical it happens that way as Dak and his agent took Jerry to the cleaners on the first deal, and given the current situation it feels like Dak once again holds all the leverage in contract negotiations. A restructure only creates more problems in future years, and moving on from Dak at this point is difficult to do because of the money in his voidable years. Even if a QB you love falls to you in the first round of the draft this year the Cowboys are still paying over $30 Million to the position in 2025, and about $50MM in 2024 once you factor in a rookie contract and Daks existing cap hits.