You sir, are a real piece of work.
I made it clear that an assignment of "fault" was not even in my mind. I made it crystal clear numerous times with bolded and italics to make it crystal clear what I was saying. Yet you open your latest diatribe with "well you just hell bent on proving that the current state of the team is dak's fault.". LOL... I guess I should try using colors to reach you.
You are literally arguing with yourself here. Most of this gibberish has nothing to do with anything I have said. I get it though. When you get owned so thoroughly,,, ya got to do what ya got to do, amirite??
Let's review.
You said Dak could have been signed in 2018 for 24ish proving that you don't what you are talking about since that is by rule, not even possible. Big hit to your credibility right there.
Now you provide your latest gem. That it was 4 vs 6. Wrong and easily verifiable. Another direct hit on your credibility. Apparently you couldn't answer my challenge and produce one example of a franchise QB contract being only four years overall.
The best one yet though.... You actually said "and subsequently they agreed to a much higher contract value with longer length." Credibility gone. Do yourself a favor and take a second to refresh yourself on the facts. Specifically the length. There was nothing "longer" about it.
I realize that this is a waste of my time as you are going to do what you always do and twist my words into something I didn't say and then argue against arguments I never made in order to serve your seemingly massive ego.
There are two types of people in the world. Those that want to BE right and those that want to get it right.
I'll finish by doing something I do after a difficult training session with a dog. No matter how difficult it was I always make sure to end on a positive note by asking for something we've already gotten down so we can end on a successful note, with treats and praise, in order give us the best chance for success the next time we go to work.
So in that vein.... I ask you.... can we agree that today is Wednesday?
(SIts back and waits for an explanation about time zones and the Earths rotation and that it might not be Wednesday on the other side of the planet.....)