Dak has ruined this team

They are the minority now and this has driven them to new levels of Dak crazy.
Unfortunately for them, Dak has made their mission here literally impossible to sell as he falls flat on his face against playoff-caliber teams!
They have my laughter and my sympathies!!!:muttley::facepalm:
Yeah the silent majority has started to voice their displeasure. Dak the prevent Defense killer is dying a slow death along with the fan base.
If it takes 144 that's good news. People are waking up. Dak sucks. The team sucks for giving him a contract that's deserving of only elite players.
what are some of our realistic other options. and this thread startred as its all Dak's fault, but its Jerry's responsibility to put a team together. Jerry failed. Jerry failed to properly assess Dak. Jerry failed to walk away when price went up. Jerry failed to put the right team together (that includes Dak). Now Dak sucks. OK. but he is not sucking on purpose. he is what he is. what we saw is his best, and its not good enough. its all Jerry's fault for giving him such a contract to handicap this team and everything it does where he had clear choice to walk away.

I thought this was a Dallas cowboys forum, not a Dak Prescott cult

I don’t need to show off my fandom to you. I don’t care if we have flacco, sanchez, baker, Dak as long as we are winning

Dak isn’t holding his end of that ridiculous bargain

One player doesn't ruin a team. Jerry has done that. Heaping all the blame on one player is hardly being a fan, but if that's the way you view fandom, fine, but I don't agree, and don't care if you agree with me or not, either....
Yeah the silent majority has started to voice their displeasure. Dak the prevent Defense killer is dying a slow death along with the fan base.
The fans were throwing bottles after the Niner game frustrated with what they had witnessed.
That contract put a massive target on Dak and look for more bottle tossing and him becoming public enemy #1 at home games!
The gig is up Prescott......
so what Person B asked for what his peers didn't because he, person B saw himself as better than them. He is entitled to that opinion. you premise that he should know himself and as a result align himself with his peers. that's not how negotiations work. Person A still went ahead and gave the deal. if Person A didn't feel like Person B is as good as he thinks, then why go along with it? at the point that Person A saw the contract demands, its all on Person A to decide what to do. 100% of it.

you want to blame Person B (Dak) for asking for too much. I said it before, Dak could have asked for 80M/year. doesn't mean Jerry should have caved in and hand the contract. He had the option to walk way. at that point its all on Jerry and jerry didn't assess Dak's capabilities properly and as the GM that's his main responsibility to know his players or players he is trying to sign. at the end of the day, Jerry had a very clear option. play with him under franchise tag a second year and then walk away and that would give him a year to figure out what to do.

yes, it takes two to tango and Jerry did the tango. at the end of the day, its on him to reject and walk away. Dak walk up and asked to tango with certain stipulation and if Jerry didn't agree to those stipulations, then Jerry should have said no. if Jerry doesn't pay, there is no money, there is no contract.
It takes two to tango and it also takes two to do the twist, Chubby.

You have completely twisted the one and only point I made to start this from "they tried to sign Dak earlier and cheaper" to "it's Jerry's fault for signing him" or something along those lines.

My one and only point here is: (I'll type it real slow so you can more easily read it)

It is a myth that the Cowboys did not try to sign Dak earlier and cheaper.

All this gibberish about what happened down the road is completely irrelevant to that point.

"Come on baby, lets do the twist.
Come on baby, lets do the twist.
We're gonna twist twisty twisty
Till we tear the house down."
You have completely twisted the one and only point I made to start this from "they tried to sign Dak earlier and cheaper" to "it's Jerry's fault for signing him" or something along those lines.

My one and only point here is: (I'll type it real slow so you can more easily read it)

It is a myth that the Cowboys did not try to sign Dak earlier and cheaper.

When they couldn't sign Dak to a reasonable contract.......

They should have non-exclusive or transition tagged his behind and let both sides see what the rest of the league felt his worth was.
That was the biggest mistake in the Dak saga.
If that didnt work they should have traded him.
As bad as he is, there are teams in worse shape at QB.
I still want to know the answer to this, how did Fat Mike feel about Dak?
I have a feeling, he was not a fan and wanted to draft his won guy.
I wish I had a line to Jerry. Please take a look at Cole Kelley. Draft this kid!
When they couldn't sign Dak to a reasonable contract.......

They should have non-exclusive or transition tagged his behind and let both sides see what the rest of the league felt his worth was.
That was the biggest mistake in the Dak saga.
If that didnt work they should have traded him.
As bad as he is, there are teams in worse shape at QB.
I still want to know the answer to this, how did Fat Mike feel about Dak?
I have a feeling, he was not a fan and wanted to draft his won guy.
I wish I had a line to Jerry. Please take a look at Cole Kelley. Draft this kid!
but what would we have done if we lost him? we wouldn't have all those super bowl trophies since we signed him.
It takes two to tango and it also takes two to do the twist, Chubby.

You have completely twisted the one and only point I made to start this from "they tried to sign Dak earlier and cheaper" to "it's Jerry's fault for signing him" or something along those lines.

My one and only point here is: (I'll type it real slow so you can more easily read it)

It is a myth that the Cowboys did not try to sign Dak earlier and cheaper.

All this gibberish about what happened down the road is completely irrelevant to that point.

"Come on baby, lets do the twist.
Come on baby, lets do the twist.
We're gonna twist twisty twisty
Till we tear the house down."
I agreed with you. it takes two to tango. Dak wanted to tango, but Jerry didn't have to after Dak asked what he asked for. so I use the analogy you seem to be married to that line of thinking. if Dak asked Jerry to dance, which is within his right to do so. jerry could have said, sorry, I don't want to dance with you because you are asking me to do something I am not comfortable with. at that point it was all up to jerry to decide if he wants to dance or not. get it?

you are so utterly confused about how negotiations work. maybe you should study that first.

Dak and Jerry wanted to do a deal together. Dak expressed his demand. Jerry at that point holds all the cards and bears full responsibility. he accepted those terms and gave Dak what he wanted.

let me try another analogy, perhaps that may make it easier for your to follow a negotiation process.

its like you trying to sell your house. I make an offer. I low ball you. I do it on purpose. if you accept the offer, its not my fault, its you who accepted it since you could have rejected and walked away. I am trying to get the best deal for me. I am not worried about you. there is a point in the process where one party bears all the responsibility. I bear the responsibility to make an offer. I don't have to make a reasonable offer. its up to you to accept an offer if you feel its reasonable. you can't complain later that you got low balled. I wasn't fair. or price was too low. if you didn't know what your house is worth, then that's not my fault or my issues. educate yourself.

Jerry wasn't educated properly in this situation. at that point of the negotiation jerry could have just walked away. HE DIDN'T. that' 100% on him. If jerry had a 33M average in mind, then why did he cave into Dak's demand for 40M. like I have said over and over and over and over again, Dak could have asked for 80M. doesn't mean Jerry should have bent over and accepted it. its that simple. then Dak would have to go seek another team to negotiate with. its like the house example above. you could have said no. I could have either changed my offer or go look for another house.

see, its not that difficult.

Jerry as the GM is bears 100% of responsibility to put this team together. 100% responsible for all contracts on this team. 100% responsible for all the players who he has signed.

a great example is Gregory. Gregory walked away when he saw the counter offer (see you can walk away when its not to your liking, you are not forced to sign). Cowboys weren't willing to make an offer he wanted (because of contract terms that are part of the negotiation, its not all about the money). same with other players they didn't sign. they weren't willing to pay the money Miller wanted. he demanded high dollars. Cowboys walked away. they didn't feel forced to sign him. obviously he had a high demand and Bills were willing to pay.

the cowboys did try to sign Dak earlier and it was going to be cheaper. that's a fact. that's gibberish and revisionist history you are putting fort because all your attempts have been in winning an argument, you lost at the get go.

now, your next response is going to have Brady in it and you are going to use Brady as an example of someone taking lower that their market value....I will wait until you do and respond then
what are some of our realistic other options. and this thread startred as its all Dak's fault, but its Jerry's responsibility to put a team together. Jerry failed. Jerry failed to properly assess Dak. Jerry failed to walk away when price went up. Jerry failed to put the right team together (that includes Dak). Now Dak sucks. OK. but he is not sucking on purpose. he is what he is. what we saw is his best, and its not good enough. its all Jerry's fault for giving him such a contract to handicap this team and everything it does where he had clear choice to walk away.
but what would we have done if we lost him? we wouldn't have all those super bowl trophies since we signed him.
The only way things will get better is if people stop buying the tickets.Personally, they would have to pay me to go to one of their games. These people don't care because the fans keep supporting them. Dallas fans should know when enough is enough. They don't get it.
The only way things will get better is if people stop buying the tickets.Personally, they would have to pay me to go to one of their games. These people don't care because the fans keep supporting them. Dallas fans should know when enough is enough. They don't get it.
it was enough for me when they hired that idiot jason garrett and then extended the poc.
The only way things will get better is if people stop buying the tickets.Personally, they would have to pay me to go to one of their games. These people don't care because the fans keep supporting them. Dallas fans should know when enough is enough. They don't get it.
exactly. when you hit jerry in the pocket he reacts. when he sees sales go down he reacts. he is a master manipulator and he will in that case make a big signing to show he is willing and he generates hope and that's what brings fans back. but this time I am done. I am done until Jerry is not GM anymore and he hands duties to somebody else. I used to go to one game a year with my boys, and I am not doing that any more. I will not buy merchandise. I am disinterested in cowboys game and instead plan to watch other games if they opponents are better quality teams than cowboys. however, given Cowboys fandom, I doubt if there is enough people who would do that to send a message. perhaps we can start a website, have people sign petition, sign a letter. and get on airwaves and become loud about it.
I agreed with you. it takes two to tango. Dak wanted to tango, but Jerry didn't have to after Dak asked what he asked for. so I use the analogy you seem to be married to that line of thinking. if Dak asked Jerry to dance, which is within his right to do so. jerry could have said, sorry, I don't want to dance with you because you are asking me to do something I am not comfortable with. at that point it was all up to jerry to decide if he wants to dance or not. get it?

you are so utterly confused about how negotiations work. maybe you should study that first.

Dak and Jerry wanted to do a deal together. Dak expressed his demand. Jerry at that point holds all the cards and bears full responsibility. he accepted those terms and gave Dak what he wanted.

let me try another analogy, perhaps that may make it easier for your to follow a negotiation process.

its like you trying to sell your house. I make an offer. I low ball you. I do it on purpose. if you accept the offer, its not my fault, its you who accepted it since you could have rejected and walked away. I am trying to get the best deal for me. I am not worried about you. there is a point in the process where one party bears all the responsibility. I bear the responsibility to make an offer. I don't have to make a reasonable offer. its up to you to accept an offer if you feel its reasonable. you can't complain later that you got low balled. I wasn't fair. or price was too low. if you didn't know what your house is worth, then that's not my fault or my issues. educate yourself.

Jerry wasn't educated properly in this situation. at that point of the negotiation jerry could have just walked away. HE DIDN'T. that' 100% on him. If jerry had a 33M average in mind, then why did he cave into Dak's demand for 40M. like I have said over and over and over and over again, Dak could have asked for 80M. doesn't mean Jerry should have bent over and accepted it. its that simple. then Dak would have to go seek another team to negotiate with. its like the house example above. you could have said no. I could have either changed my offer or go look for another house.

see, its not that difficult.

Jerry as the GM is bears 100% of responsibility to put this team together. 100% responsible for all contracts on this team. 100% responsible for all the players who he has signed.

a great example is Gregory. Gregory walked away when he saw the counter offer (see you can walk away when its not to your liking, you are not forced to sign). Cowboys weren't willing to make an offer he wanted (because of contract terms that are part of the negotiation, its not all about the money). same with other players they didn't sign. they weren't willing to pay the money Miller wanted. he demanded high dollars. Cowboys walked away. they didn't feel forced to sign him. obviously he had a high demand and Bills were willing to pay.

the cowboys did try to sign Dak earlier and it was going to be cheaper. that's a fact. that's gibberish and revisionist history you are putting fort because all your attempts have been in winning an argument, you lost at the get go.

now, your next response is going to have Brady in it and you are going to use Brady as an example of someone taking lower that their market value....I will wait until you do and respond then

What does the vast majority of this verbal flatulence have to do with the one and only point I made?

You are literally creating your own argument, and arguing against yourself. Like a child afraid of the imaginary monster under the bed. The only argument I lost is the imaginary one under your bed.

Your next response is going to be yet again about something completely unrelated to the point being made.

I'll wait until you do and respond then, or not.

That's all right
Yeah, twist all night
('Round and 'round and 'round)"

As the sax fades.......
What does the vast majority of this verbal flatulence have to do with the one and only point I made?

You are literally creating your own argument, and arguing against yourself. Like a child afraid of the imaginary monster under the bed. The only argument I lost is the imaginary one under your bed.

Your next response is going to be yet again about something completely unrelated to the point being made.

I'll wait until you do and respond then, or not.

That's all right
Yeah, twist all night
('Round and 'round and 'round)"

As the sax fades.......
I responded to your comment that Dak is responsible for the contract, when clearly 100% of it lies on Jerry since he is ultimately responsible and in control of everything. you wanted to dance and started signing (its called diversion)

second, Dak's demand were less in previous years than when it ended up at 40M average value. there is no arguing that point. anything else is a revisionists history.

now, you are attempting comedy which tells me you feel as if you have lost the argument and you have no other recourse than try to divert.

tell me again How dak is responsible for the state of this team today.

you clearly failed at everything you tried. the more you wiggle, the deeper you sink in the quick sand you jumped into. quit while you are behind. this is nto your first time failing so badly
It takes two to tango and it also takes two to do the twist, Chubby.

You have completely twisted the one and only point I made to start this from "they tried to sign Dak earlier and cheaper" to "it's Jerry's fault for signing him" or something along those lines.

My one and only point here is: (I'll type it real slow so you can more easily read it)

It is a myth that the Cowboys did not try to sign Dak earlier and cheaper.

All this gibberish about what happened down the road is completely irrelevant to that point.

"Come on baby, lets do the twist.
Come on baby, lets do the twist.
We're gonna twist twisty twisty
Till we tear the house down."
There's been a lot of doing the twist from people that feel compelled to just argue. These guys have an M.O. And I think they are protecting a position that might be in reality crumbling. This causes some illogical and irrational behavior, such as "doin the twist"...changing the narrative just enough to be able to argue about it. Or incessantly bringing up a player from more than seven years ago as an insult.
There's been a lot of doing the twist from people that feel compelled to just argue. These guys have an M.O. And I think they are protecting a position that might be in reality crumbling. This causes some illogical and irrational behavior, such as "doin the twist"...changing the narrative just enough to be able to argue about it. Or incessantly bringing up a player from more than seven years ago as an insult.
but romo, romo.....
them poor old jans, "marsha, marsha, marsha!"

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