Dak has ruined this team


Taco Engineer
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Romo's last drive is not in Daks arsenal. The playbook is well published for Dak now. Make him beat you with consistent accurate throws. Makes me sick there is no way out of this contract. We could have been in discussion for Brady, Wilson, Ryan, Rogers, Watson. But we were hung with Dakota's dead weight.
Lol, yeah right. Clowns be clowning.


Safety third
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Encore! Encore! yells the crowd.....

I responded to your comment that Dak is responsible for the contract, when clearly 100% of it lies on Jerry since he is ultimately responsible and in control of everything. you wanted to dance and started signing (its called diversion)

Well, right there is the evidence of your problem, which I have pointed out numerous times. Show me where I said Dak is singularly responsible for the contract. Dak is responsible for his decisions and Jerry is responsible for his. I never said, or implied anything different. That would be one of the imaginary monsters under your bed. Geesh, I would think the expert on negotiations you claim to be would understand that most basic and fundamental element. Explain to me how Jerry is in control of everything? How on earth is Jerry in control of Dak's decisions regarding the contract offers he declined.... my goodness.

second, Dak's demand were less in previous years than when it ended up at 40M average value. there is no arguing that point. anything else is a revisionists history.
What were Dak's monetary demands? You have no idea. Unless you're Tad. Are you Tad? But more importantly. What does this even have to do with the point? You don't even seem to understand the point. Another monster under your bed.

now, you are attempting comedy which tells me you feel as if you have lost the argument and you have no other recourse than try to divert.

Roars another of the imaginary monsters under your bed. Tell me more about the "diversion" you babbled about earlier in your response. LOL

tell me again How dak is responsible for the state of this team today.

Man.... you must have a big bed for all these monsters to hide under. You tell me when and where I said Dak was entirely responsible for the state of this team. While you're at it, tell me what this even has to do with the one simple point I did make.

you clearly failed at everything you tried. the more you wiggle, the deeper you sink in the quick sand you jumped into. quit while you are behind. this is nto your first time failing so badly

Clearly your feelings are hurt. I honestly didn't intend to hurt your feelings. Based on what I've seen from you here, I honestly thought you were tougher and smarter. My bad.....


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Which employee? Stephen? Dak? Zeke? McCarthy? Jaylon? Garrett? Wade? Williams? Galloway? The list goes on. :rolleyes:

One person has ruined this team, and his name starts with J.

Sure. But it's good to know how he ruined the team and pointing out his personnel failures is one way of doing that.


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We have all this cap space now. What are we doing with it? Signing nobody of import. Same thing when Dak was on an ultra cheap contract. We had a HUGE window there. One season we signed like 8 or 9 guys and maybe Aldon Smith was the only one that stayed on the team and did something? And I think that was before we resigned Cooper to that huge contract. We wasted our hugest window of opportunity being cheap and we're still doing it.


Safety third
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There's been a lot of doing the twist from people that feel compelled to just argue. These guys have an M.O. And I think they are protecting a position that might be in reality crumbling. This causes some illogical and irrational behavior, such as "doin the twist"...changing the narrative just enough to be able to argue about it. Or incessantly bringing up a player from more than seven years ago as an insult.
It's crazy. I'd like to think they were just trolling but I think the psychoses is real.


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Encore! Encore! yells the crowd.....

Well, right there is the evidence of your problem, which I have pointed out numerous times. Show me where I said Dak is singularly responsible for the contract. Dak is responsible for his decisions and Jerry is responsible for his. I never said, or implied anything different. That would be one of the imaginary monsters under your bed. Geesh, I would think the expert on negotiations you claim to be would understand that most basic and fundamental element. Explain to me how Jerry is in control of everything? How on earth is Jerry in control of Dak's decisions regarding the contract offers he declined.... my goodness.
there is the difference. I hold jerry responsible for all contracts handed out to any player on the team. I don't hold Dak responsible for having recieved the contract he got. he could ask for the moon for all I am concerned. they all have inflated idea of themselves anyway, but 100% of responsibility is on Jerry for agreeing to all the contracts he handed out (or didn't).

How is jerry in control. Assume Dak asked for 500M contract. What can jerry do? he can walk away. Assume Dak asked for 160M, what can jerry do? he can walk away. the fact is that he didn't. Jerry can make an offer and if Dak refused, then Dak refused. what can jerry do? he can walk away. its simple son, In any negotiation there is a point where you won't cross and you go into that negotiation knowing what that point is. if you don't get the deal you want, then you walk away and look for the next deal. its basic negotiation 101. learn it. the fact that Jerry crossed the line, is his and only his responsibility. he had the choice to walk away from any ridiculous demands. he didn't.

What were Dak's monetary demands? You have no idea. Unless you're Tad. Are you Tad? But more importantly. What does this even have to do with the point? You don't even seem to understand the point. Another monster under your bed.
does it matter? he got a contract averaging 40M a year. is he worth it? was he worth it? should he have gotten that contract? what could jerry have done?

Roars another of the imaginary monsters under your bed. Tell me more about the "diversion" you babbled about earlier in your response. LOL
again, with the comedy routine. why do you feel the need for diversion? why are you so insecure?

Man.... you must have a big bed for all these monsters to hide under. You tell me when and where I said Dak was entirely responsible for the state of this team. While you're at it, tell me what this even has to do with the one simple point I did make.

Clearly your feelings are hurt. I honestly didn't intend to hurt your feelings. Based on what I've seen from you here, I honestly thought you were tougher and smarter. My bad.....
grow up son. you got a lot to learn and best is for you to listen and heed the lessons that's bestowed upon you, by not just me but many on this board. when you refuse to learn, then you remain as ignorant as your past. that's on you. I can take the horse to water, but I can't make it drink. so now drink! as I have given you the water


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The only reason for any player to stay here is to milk the franchise for as much money as possible because it's clear that there is no real mission to win. No player with an iota of smarts is taking a discount to stay here... why? So Stephen Jones can pocket the difference? Dak would have been an idiot to 'take a discount' to stay here because they literally did nothing when he was on a 39 million dollar discount, making under a mill a year. Suggesting Dak's contract is barring this team from doing anything is laughable simple because we JUST freed up Amari and La'els contract and have Gregory's money freed up. Have we signed any difference maker? No. The only reason to remain a cowboys is for money and visibility, which can hopefully transfer into a career outside of the NFL ala Romo.


Safety third
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there is the difference. I hold jerry responsible for all contracts handed out to any player on the team. I don't hold Dak responsible for having recieved the contract he got. he could ask for the moon for all I am concerned. they all have inflated idea of themselves anyway, but 100% of responsibility is on Jerry for agreeing to all the contracts he handed out (or didn't).

How is jerry in control. Assume Dak asked for 500M contract. What can jerry do? he can walk away. Assume Dak asked for 160M, what can jerry do? he can walk away. the fact is that he didn't. Jerry can make an offer and if Dak refused, then Dak refused. what can jerry do? he can walk away. its simple son, In any negotiation there is a point where you won't cross and you go into that negotiation knowing what that point is. if you don't get the deal you want, then you walk away and look for the next deal. its basic negotiation 101. learn it. the fact that Jerry crossed the line, is his and only his responsibility. he had the choice to walk away from any ridiculous demands. he didn't.

does it matter? he got a contract averaging 40M a year. is he worth it? was he worth it? should he have gotten that contract? what could jerry have done?

again, with the comedy routine. why do you feel the need for diversion? why are you so insecure?

grow up son. you got a lot to learn and best is for you to listen and heed the lessons that's bestowed upon you, by not just me but many on this board. when you refuse to learn, then you remain as ignorant as your past. that's on you. I can take the horse to water, but I can't make it drink. so now drink! as I have given you the water
Dude, I apologized for hurting your feelings and overestimating your abilities. There is no need to get so emotional.

ps.... The monsters aren't real. Good night and sleep tight.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
grow up son. you got a lot to learn and best is for you to listen and heed the lessons that's bestowed upon you, by not just me but many on this board. when you refuse to learn, then you remain as ignorant as your past. that's on you. I can take the horse to water, but I can't make it drink. so now drink! as I have given you the water

WOW! Congrats! That is probably the most egomaniac, conceited, condescending comment i have ever seen here. Quite an accomplishment.
Lets feed a giant crowd with a few fish and turn that water into wine, shall we?


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Dak made all of those decisions, including signing himself to an extension? :huh:

Seems to me that's the handiwork of two men who have produced 3 playoff wins in the last 25 years.
Your right on with Your remarks. It’s the clowns that keep this team from improving. The Jones had their chance to sign Dak at a lower salary; instead they waited hoping Dak would take a team discount, only to have the QBs market rise. The Cowboys are just a marketing entertainment franchise for the Jones’s, trying to sell everyone fools gold. Frustrating!


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Dude, I apologized for hurting your feelings and overestimating your abilities. There is no need to get so emotional.

ps.... The monsters aren't real. Good night and sleep tight.
wow, you learned from your teacher MC very well. I am sure to report your progress to him. when all else fails go with the emotional angle. I guess you have nothing else. a clear demonstration of your emotional frustration.

why are you so upset?

ps...I am scared of monsters. I leave all the lights on. double, triple check everything. leave closet doors open. you know monsters are real.
ps2...you are obviously an amateur on insults. talk to your teacher


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WOW! Congrats! That is probably the most egomaniac, conceited, condescending comment i have ever seen here. Quite an accomplishment.
Lets feed a giant crowd with a few fish and turn that water into wine, shall we?
hey, I am game if you are.....how much wine do you want?

ps....I walk on water too....what an amateur


Captain Catfish
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I will never figure out where Dak got the feeling he deserves elite $$$$$, that's crazy. He is a middle of packer so ya pay him middle of the pack. Dak should have never asked for the $$$$ he did that was simply greedy.

I'll say it again, a single dude needs 40 mill a year, hell no that's ridiculous. All that endorsement $$$ AND 40 mill.......yep, greedy~~~

Dead serious.....I would have "so what do ya think is fair Jerry".....and gone with his amount.
Why shouldn't he demand the world, he did and got paid and Jerry the fool got played again.


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They are the minority now and this has driven them to new levels of Dak crazy.
Unfortunately for them, Dak has made their mission here literally impossible to sell as he falls flat on his face against playoff-caliber teams!
They have my laughter and my sympathies!!!:muttley::facepalm:
Some Dak fans here are so delusional , and used to subpar QB play , they think a 7 point win against Washington or the giants is a big deal these days !!! LOL . Their expectations are so low and are happy with a an average QB like Dak who has won 1 playoff game in 6 freaking years !!!


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Why shouldn't he demand the world, he did and got paid and Jerry the fool got played again.

Like I said where did he ever get this idea he deserved elite $$$$$$ when he has never shown elite talent or accomplishments? He got lucky that Jerry is well....Jerry. Dak needs 40 mill a season, really???


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Think about all that we’ve given up for this teams buy in with him

-cap hell for the next decade

-losing out on good players and free agents

-he’s about to get his second coach fired next year

-the 2016 decision to go with him over Romo leading to a first round exit

-squandering the best cowboys team in 20 years with another first round exit due to poor qb play

-cutting or trading players who don’t get along with Dak or we just can’t simply afford them anymore

Think about the following qb option we had the last 2 years

1. Tom Brady
2. Aaron Rodgers
3. Russell Wilson
4. Dashaun Watson
5. Matt Stafford

And Dak makes more money than all of them. I know this isn’t all predicated on Dak but it’s kind of hard not to feel that we’ve been cheated out of something since we signed him to this ridiculous deal

What a stupid thread.

We had Dak for 4 years on his rookie contract and the front office couldn't put together a Super Bowl team.

2016 and 2018 playoff losses had nothing to do with Dak's performance and had everything to do with the defense, particularly the run defense.

This year's playoff loss was either on the coaches or the 14 penalties.

Dak's high cap hit doesn't take effect until next year.

The front office has had plenty of cap space to work with.

Saying Dak has ruined this franchise is pure stupidity.

Take a look at who the gm is.


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I'd give Dak this season under McCarthy and one with Payton. McCarthy comes back next season I probably go to plan "B". Replace Dak. I'm at this point now....


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I'd give Dak this season under McCarthy and one with Payton. McCarthy comes back next season I probably go to plan "B". Replace Dak. I'm at this point now....
I have seen enough of him with 1 playoff win in 6 years given the roster in 2016 and last season was good enough to reach the Superbowl with a proper quarterback. He hasn't played on a bad team yet he still gets a pass. Strange really.


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It’s still fun to carry on the Prescotta debate but I’ve made my peace that he’s here for the foreseeable future

Blow up the salary cap and get the 85 Bears defense incarnate……then we can stop the Rayne debates.