Twitter: Dak has taken a step back in his return


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A little hypocritical also today aren’t you. You kind of did the same thing you just complained that he did. Where is the integrity
Most of that stupid stuff he says is really how he feels about himself lol. It just fits too well.


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If you notice the only people that like his stuff are the resident knuckle draggers. Its the same people over and over again. I'm torn between if they're all burner accounts or if we really have that many people on this site that are foolish.....
You're just big mad because you're like to post ratio is abysmal because you don't post quality content. You just piggy back off others.


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You will be shocked when it turns into a nuthin burger which anyone with a lick of intelligence knows that's exactly what this is. Negative people will ALWAYS take the negative slant and run with it. It's mentally easy for them. It's much harder to look around, check all the facts and then come up with an opinion. Much too hard for the mouth breathers. It's much easier for them just to read the false title of a thread and swallow the hook and just go with it.[/QU

I actually dgaf about most people's opinion on certain things because at the end of the day its THEIR opinion and have a right to have it. what i AM sayin is that this organization and others will lie or mislead or downplay injuries. have seen this **** before. if its nothing of an injury then thats great but i damn sure wont be shocked if its something more.


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perhaps indirectly....he could have stayed back, continued rehab and watch film.....its only a 17 week season..... so yeah, optics was bad....and indirectly contributed....I was a Romo fan, but I didn't like what he did.
optics bad, perhaps, but going to Vegas like many player do and did isn't even considered a problem on their week off, the same 3 hour flight doesn't amount to a hill of beans. So many forget that WP told everyone to get away and relax. I think a dropped pass and a very tough giants D had a lot more to do with it than enjoying your down time with a good looking gal.


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You have 10,000 more posts than likes.

My 3 people are apparently WAY MORE than any you have. Post some better content and work on that horrible ratio.
I have nobody that likes me...I don't have you sound like a genz person looking to be approved by the masses...

ask me if I care? sounds like you do...

I wonder if they had a "hate" button. I probably lead that category.

ask me if I care....